

Value for money

The value for money is unbeatable in Bangkok. It's much more affordable compared to Singapore and Hong Kong, two of the most expensive cities in the world… and yet Bangkok is only within 3 hours by flights to these places.

In Bangkok nothing is overpriced and you really pay for what you get. You can stay in a budget hostel on Khao Sarn Road for less than $10 a night, five star hotels downtown for $100 a night or splurge upwards of $500 at top class hotels.





Bangkok is great for shop. There's the famous Chatuchak Weekend Market, then there are shop malls, discount hyper marts, department stores, lifestyle malls, luxury malls and mega malls like these:


A night out in Bangkok is never dull. Bangkok is infamous for its red light districts (there are only two main ones - Pat and Soi Cowboy), but I find it overrated. These and the massage parlours are some of the places you'd want to avoid as a tourist. However, take a pick from its many bars, pubs, clubs in different neighbourhoods and its rooftop bars. Top 20 Rooftop Bars in Bangkok 2016 - Bangkok Nightlife.







Food is a big part of life in Bangkok. You are spoilt for choices here. Thai food is best but you can find other popular cuisines like Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indian. You can choose from some of the best street food to some of the best restaurants in Asia.

Bangkok's top spots for casual dining

Top Tables 2016: Bangkok’s 116 best restaurants







Ervis Micukaj, lives in Shanghai (2013-present)


I am biased, because I am working / living here. Since 2013.

Why would I support Shanghai? So many reasons, but let me quote myself on some benefits and costs of living in Shanghai:

Before coming to China, I wanted to visit and I considered Tokyo as a place to live for a few years. Well, that was wishful thinking. Let me make draw some similarities and differences for you:





1.Both are fantastic places: making a list of the activities you can do is too long to even start.

2.Both are the economic centers of their countries.

3.Both have international companies located in the cities.

4.Both have a thriving international environment





5.Both have people working out every single morning

1.Shanghai has people working out (or dancing) in the evenings too

1.You can like it and see it as a cultural shock, or it can annoy you when the old ladies (95%) occupy the whole square for their dances

6.Both places are ridiculous in terms of buying apartments and rental costs (Tokyo holds the edge, but Shanghai is approaching it quickly)

7.Both are massive (Tokyo is around 30 mln people if you look at the metropolis, Shanghai is around 30 mln people unofficially - official numbers change according to the needs)



  1. 你可以喜欢它,也可以视其为一种文化冲击,当老太太(95%)占据整个广场跳舞时,它会让你恼火的。



8.Both are safe and secure: I go around at every time in Shanghai and I feel safer than most of the European countries I have visited, same for my holidays in Tokyo

1.Tokyo was ranked the safest city in the world according to the Economist Intelligence Unit research

9.Both have fantastic transportation systems

1.Shanghai’s transportation is way cheaper (take “way” and multiply it a couple of times)

10.Both are very organized and efficient

11.Both are top notch in terms of economic growth / opportunities / chances




  1. 上海的交通费用更便宜



Now time for some differences:

1.You need to speak the local language if you want to succeed: compulsory in Tokyo, way way way less in Shanghai!

2.Ayi: get someone to clean / wash / dry / do you chores for 30 RMB per hour. Can you find something similar in Tokyo? Do not even waste your time. With an ayi, you can focus on your job / friends / study / extra activities and the person will do all the chores for you.

1.I do not have an ayi as of now, but I find a great perk living in Shanghai if you want.




  1.  到目前为止,我还没有请阿姨,但如果你愿意,我觉得住在上海不错。

3.老外 or 外国人 in Shanghai vs GAI in Tokyo: both mean foreigner in the local languages, but the laowai (老外) in Shanghai has more chances to get in touch with locals, get local contacts / friends, build businesses than in Tokyo; in Tokyo it is very hard to get out of the gaiin bubble (my Japanese friends said it simply: you will ALWAYS be a gaiin no matter what you do!)

4.“Physical” Seclusion: Foreigners stay in few areas in Tokyo, while in Shanghai you can find foreigners almost everywhere in the Shanghai districts (from Minhang to WaiGaoQiao; so sorry for who has to live in this district). A lot of foreigners also live in other cities close by and commute to Shanghai for the weekend or live in Shanghai and commute to their workplaces outside of Shanghai during the working days. It is so easy to do. Not sure whether they count in the total foreigners living in Shanghai or do they get the visa in other cities (the process is less cumbersome).

5.Company HQs: international companies mostly choose Shanghai (or other Chinese cities) for their APAC or Asia HQs and Japan has their own HQ




6.Prices: Shanghai can be ridiculous in terms of prices (think Bitcoin prices and change the word with Shanghai apartments=same!), but it can get ridiculous cheap if you want. Tokyo: only expensive or ridiculous expensive.

7.Youth: in Shanghai there is such a variety of young people from all over the world and it is so easy to meet people from everywhere. Literally. In Tokyo the numbers are lower and lower (see points above)

8.Side gigs: most of my friends have a 40hrs job (plus OT), but have plenty of side gigs to grow professionally. Try doing that in Tokyo where OT is the norm and people commit suicides due to their work pressure.

9.Pollution: Shanghai is terrible compared to Tokyo. Nothing else to say here, unfortunately.

10.Beaches: Shanghai is on the seaside, as is Tokyo (more or less for both). One has people on the seaside (Tokyo), one has NO people (Shanghai).






Tokyo is a fantastic place, but you need to speak Japanese otherwise it can get very hard with locals. Companies will hardly hire you and you will always have a glass ceiling stop you from going ahead or upwards. The few that make it are mostly expats with handsome perks being sent there from their HQs.

In Shanghai you can do just fine without Chinese (not even discussing Shanghainese) because there are a lot of foreign companies that want / need / hire foreign employees. There is plenty of foreign companies launched by foreigners that can thrive, although some industries are impossible for foreigners (guanx and other limitations).




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