Petter Brenna Rian, Aspiring Renaissance Man
Tokyo wins. No contest.
Tokyo is brimming with life. In some places, like Shibuya pictured above, it's very crowded. But it's not as tiresome and overwhelming as in other Asian cities.
Tokyo is filled with examples of stylish modern architecture.
Combined with traditional Japanese architecture, you get a potpourri of aesthetically pleasing buildings.
In addition, the many beautiful parks and gardens scattered around Tokyo just shows how aesthetics, beauty, and art are essential to the Japanese culture.
And the food is at another level compared to other Asian cities. I can't stop eating when I'm in Tokyo.
Nightlife is awesome! For instance, at Golden Gai you can huddle up next to Japanese businessmen and tourists alike in tiny bars that only fit 5-6 people at a time.
There are lots of weird and interesting subcultures and fashion trends. Lots of variety in people and looks. And no one seems to feel ashamed or self-conscious. My general observation is that people do care a lot of how they look. Nevertheless, people don't seem to judge if you look like those in the picture above.
Tokyo is very tourist friendly. For instance, at every ticket machine area in the many metro stations there are people whose single task is to help you. If you look lost, they will approach you and guide you to your destination. They speak good English too. In fact, Japanese people in general are incredibly friendly and helpful.
Tokyo feels like some kind of advanced society that moves at lightning speed. It never gets boring. There is always something to do, something to see, and somewhere to explore
Shanfa Chaiyadi
I’m only going to write about Tokyo, Taipei, Hong Kong and Singapore, as I’ve never been to four other cities.
- Tokyo - This one is my favourite. It’s the largest of all, that means, tons of things to see and do. Obviously, it’s also the cleanest. I can’t stand the mouth-watering food along the street. Well, I could at least enjoy fresher air than the one back home.
- Singapore - The 2nd cleanest in my opinion. It’s strict. You would have to pay a big amount of fine if you get caught littering on the street. Well, it’s also a shop paradise, especially for Indonesians. Only take an hour of flight to go there from my place. It’s all about shop basically.
- Hong Kong - The last time I went to this city was in 2007. That was 9 years ago. It’s strict as well, like Singapore. And people there were just as stern as Singaporeans. Seems like these two cities are somewhat similar to each other.
- Taipei - My least favourite, and the messiest and dirtiest of all. The good thing is that, like Tokyo, there were tons of mouth-watering food waiting for you along the street.
- 东京,是我最喜欢的城市。东京是这些城市中最大的,这意味着,有很多事情可以看、可以做。显然,它也是最干净的。我无法抗拒街上令人垂涎三尺的食物。嗯,我至少可以享受到比家里更新鲜的空气。
- 新加坡——我认为是第二干净的城市。这里很严格。如果你在街上乱扔垃圾,就必须支付巨额罚款。嗯,它也是购物天堂,尤其对印度尼西亚人来说。只需要飞行一个小时就可以到达。基本上都是去购物的。
- 香港-我最后一次去这个城市是在2007年。那是9年前的事了。这里也像新加坡一样严格。那里的人和新加坡人一样严厉。这两个城市似乎有些相似。
- 台北——我最不喜欢的城市,也是这些城市中最脏乱差的。好的一面是,像东京一样,沿街有很多令人垂涎欲滴的美食在等着你。
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