

Sarg Clan, Have read dozen books

While China is wisely investing tax payers money on infrastructure … America is busy burning and wasting money on wars after wars.

In last 20 years alone, America spent over 6 trillions $ on their failed goal to force“de ocracy” down people’s throat. In Afghanistan alone, the war cost over a trillion $ … 17+ years with no ending in sight. And how can you explain 800+ military bases around the globe ??? America cannot even feed it own citizen let alone but have unlimited money to feed the military overseas.

If only America has spent the money to benefit its own people - building infrastructure … building bridges rather than burning bridges … universal healthcare … free education … homelessness …

Trump is choosing to spend billions building impregnable WALLS on south border with Mexco. If only … if only America had built high-speed rail … hel Latin America instead of exporting coup … regime change … war … revolution … if only, American has the vision of a One-Belt-One Road like China does - develo the World rather than bringing War to the World ???

The great world conundrum: A trillion dollars in investment or a trillion dollars in bombs ??? The choices were clear.







Andy Duffell, Rolling stock engineer for a UK train operating company

It's strange to single China out as particularly good. Many other counties in Europe have also but extensive high-speed networks.

The question should really be asking why, amongst other wealthy developed nations, does the US neglect it's railways so badly? That's a fair question, the state of the railways is pretty poor in the US. Outside of a few spots in the northeast US railways are way behind what's seen overseas. Technology is old, there's little appetite for improvement and generally the whole thing looks like a mid-20th century railway.

Part of the problem is low population density in much of the country, but even on the west and east coast progress is slow. Incentivisation from federal or state government is weak or non-exstant, and as a result programmes are unambitious. Investing in rail infrastructure may not be sexy, but it does pay off. More centrally-planned economies seem to get that, the US, not so much.





Phillip Yallah, lived in North America (1976-2010)

USA (and Canada) have governments that would rather have each and every citizen spend tons of their own money buying private vehicles, repairing/maintaining/replacing them, paying for petrol, and paying for mandatory vehicle insurance and licensing than develop good public transportation systems that can transport people to places reliably, frequently, efficiently, and affordably, as is the case in Asian countries like Korea, Japan, and China.

This dependence on private transportation results in extra pollution, oil dependence, sprawl, traffic jams, increased rates of obesity, and prohibitively expensive barriers to entry for those who want to start working (but don’t yet have a personal vehicle or can’t afford all the associated costs of using one).

On the plus side, people don’t need to depend on the government if they can acford not to. If the government is doing a shitty job of giving people trans-city and trans-state/provincial means of transport (as most North American cities have been doing), driving is less expensive than it is in places where there is excellent public transit.



In Canada, I drove because it was a necessary evil. That’s because although each city has its own bus system, the buses are unreliable (most bus routes only see a bus come once every 45 minutes, and they are prone to arriving early and late), don’t go to where any jobs are, don’t operate early or late enough, and are too damned expensive.

In Asia, I save so much money because I don’t need a vehicle. Public transit is super reliable, frequent, affordable, and much safer than driving. I am subsidizing the networks with the taxes I pay, but unlike North American governments, the taxes are actually being put to good use instead of wasted on welfare programs and pointless make-work jobs.




Mike Smith

How would you know whether the US is “good at” building high-speed rail systems, when it hasn’t actually built any yet? I’m sure that, if we ever actually decided to build any true high-speed rail, we could do it as well as anyone else.



Unci Narynin, Designer of Model Railway Rolling Stock at Self-Employment (2001-present)

China has more available money, different priorities, lower ground prices and probably a better distribution of the population.

US politicians, no matter from what side, somehow rarely consider infrastructure improvements an important priority.




Caleb A Norris

It's too expensive to build high speed rail outside of the cities in the US. If you don't do something very often, there's no way you can magically be better at it then someone who does it often.

Why doesn't china build high speed rail connecting the north of the country to the south? Too expensive and just kinda pointless seeing how all the major cities are in the coast.




Yishai Barr

China has a much larger and denser population than the US, which makes it economically viable to build them. Also, Chinese labour is cheaper and CRRC and some other Chinese companies have illegally appropriated railway technology from other companies by reverse engineering them, so they don't have to spend as much money on that either.



Faux Ami

It's not that we can't, but more that we don't want to. America has a staunch anti government stance that tends to impede too many major interstate developments. Many Americans own automobiles, unlike in China. Couple that with the interests of the car manufacturing, petroleum industries, the airlines, and the constant financial drain of Amtrak.



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