Michael Feely, Avid rider on the rails
Places where there’s enough population density, close enough together, it’s too insanely expensive to acquire the rights of way and build the thing.
Places where the cost per track mile are tolerable don’t have enough people to pay the project off.
Connecting two sets of the former places? Too far - air travel will still be faster.
Connecting two sets of the latter places? Why would you do this?
The closest you get in the US to the kind of European style population density that makes high speed rail attractive is the Northeast Corridor. Which, coincidentally, is the part of the Amtrak system that has the Acela - the thing closest to high speed rail.
But say, Boston to Chicago? 980 miles. I can fly in 2.5 hours. The fastest HSR routes in Europe and China average +/- 180 mph, so the same trip would be 5.5 hours, and that only if we don’t stop in Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Cleveland and Toledo. And the train will be more expensive, because we have to pay for almost a thousand miles of all-new track, whereas the airports are legacy infrastructure already.
Rita Loy, I have my knowledge from my experience in transportation.
The reason why it is so hard to implement high speed rail in the US is due to the size of the United States and the population density of the United States. Places where there is enough population density in the United States the land is to expensive to build a true high speed rail system. This is why subways are built underground in major cities is due to the fact that it is less expensive to build tunnels and tracks underground that it is to build an elevated or surface system. The true cost of building a true high speed rail system completely underground would be in the trillions of dollars. There must be the political will to build a high speed rail system on the national level. There presently no political will on the national level to build a true high speed rail system.
Adam J M Richards, Train "nut"
Because those places that have built major large-scale infrastructures for markets that aren’t immediately highly profitable have always done so with government dollars and mandates that allowed building to overcome individual property rights.
The US is not prepared to do this for new rail - although it did/does so for interstate highways and airports and so on.
The argument that high-speed rail is uneconomic and/or slower than air would (and did) apply to high-speed in China or many of the longer European routes - but those governments decided that investing in this infrastructure was a national priority and built it anyway.
Joan McKniff, worked at U.S. Department of State
Lack of political will. No effective high speed rail lobby in USA. Strong lobbying by trucking, auto and airline industries. Most people in USA have no experience with trains, let alone high speed rail. Conservation/environmental ovements have totally failed.
Follow the money. Our lack of passenger rail infrastructure is a national disgrace.
ZsaZsa Salle, J.D. Law & Accounting, The John Marshall Law School (2011)
A high-speed rail requires a track that is continuously welded, the land to put it on and the trains to run on it. To obtain those resources you need money or the potential to make money.
The US has several trans that would have been considered high speed when built. The northeast corridor has the Amtrak line that runs from Philadelphia to Boston. In the Midwest, there is the Milwaukee Chicago Amtrak that goes up to 100 mph. There is talk of making high-speed rail, but only after the current projects have been funded.
Construction has already commenced in the central valley on the California high-speed rail that will connect LA to San Francisco. Also being planned or discussed are projects in Florida, Texas, and Washington state.
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