

Santosh Mohan Rajkumar, Officer at Indian Oil Corporation Limited | NIT Silchar'17

Hello Dear Chinese friend, thanks for the A2A.

Let me share you a fact. People of India should thank China, this is because after 1962 war only Indian military’s proper organization and strengthening was made nations priority.

Well China is not the same as it used to be in 1962. The economy of China is now hammer strong and so is the defence. Same in case India as well.

I am not going to discuss about the military power that India has and nor do I want to prove India superior.






Dinesh Garg, works at ST Microelectronics

It is funny how the rhetoric has shifted. You mocked us by referring to war of 1962 first. Even in 1962, China back-stabbed India. We trusted you while you were chanting ‘Indi Chini Bhai Bhai’ i.e. ‘Indians & Chinese are brothers in arms’. Once we allowed passage, you started war and won.

By referencing this win, you wanted to threaten your way to grab Indian and Bhutanese territory. When we responded by saying that India of 2017 is not same as India of 1962, you are now saying China is also not same. Funny indeed!

China is second biggest country by land size (ignoring Antarctica). Why is it still eyeing to take more and more? Where does this greed end? Why do you want more land, more resources, more everything?

As of today, China has issues with all its neighbors for territorial disputes. World basically understands it as follows: Now that China has gained some economic and military might, it is trying to arm-twist, bully and grab land from all its neighbors.





You need to understand that World has moved ahead! ahead of territorial things. Japan is 1/25 to your size but its economy is more than 1/2 of yours. So land area means nothing. What matter more is trade, relationships, peace & harmony.

War will give you more losses than to India. We are prepared for it if it comes to that. What will we loose? But you will loose a great market. Your great economy which is backbone for your military might and which gives you strength to look America in the eye; will collapse.

You will be well advised to make peace with all neighbors. Put all territories disputes to rest.

But if you still want WAR, bring it on!






Dhanraj Jayachandren, works at Central Institute Plastics Engineering and Technology

My dear Chinese,

I will tell you the different between the India & china of 1962 & 2017 , In 1962 India had the fear to lose but in 2017 India don’t have the fear to lose.

What will you do with your technology and Numbers , when we are not feared to lose whatever we have.

To put in a nutshell, We are like a wild elephant even our tusk is broken will make sure that the dragon is dead for ever.

But still we love Chinese noodles and soup.







Bikash Das, former Space System Engineer

No we dont think China is same as they were in 1962.They have grown tremendously and become more powerful. And we are happy with your progress because when neighbors gets developed it has positive effect on us too. You asked this question after the remark of our defense minister. What he meant by that comment was that during 1962 war India was totally unprepared.Lots of posts where China attacked we barely had enough defense personnel and weapons for defending. Infact nobody predicted China will attack and hence no preparation. But in 2017,indian army is not leaving anything by chance against surprise attack. Infact according to neutral observer China had 60k armyman when they attacked whereas india were fighting with 10k soldiers. So this time the situation might be different because defending a territory is much easier then attacking a foreign land where you have issues with logistics.

Make no mistake we all admire China for their growth.




Manajeet Patil

no…not at all

We know that China is three times more powerful than India.


In 1962 , India was not militarily powerful because our priority was to deepen de ocracy and its principles in people of India. (many still think it is miracle that de ocracy survives in India) that led to negligiance to military strengthening.

also, chinese attack was big surprised to whole nation and especially to our then and first prime minister Jawaharlal Neharu. That was first war and only war between two countries throughout history .

but this time we have learned a lesson, we are prepared, we are alert thats why as soonal as PLA started claiming trination border as their territory Indian forces resist. No matter how much china gets powerful , India will be very difficult force to defeat.







China has disputes with Japan , Vietnam, phillipines and many other countries over south china sea. Not directly but Indirectly they will help India . We have only one enemy that is pakistan. Who do you think US will help ?(again directly or indirectly) . Russia will remain neutral . why?????? because both countries purchased weapon from Russia.

This is also our asset. We dont have much enemies but China is almost encircled with enemies.( I am fully aware that our friendly nation will not actively help us in war but Indirectly ,yes they will.)

If war happens (I am very sure it will never happen and even if happen it will be short and limited to that territory only) china has much more to lose than India.

China wants to become superpower. Its already become major player in international politics. All chinese should thank Donald trump because of his bad policies( e.g.paris climate deal) USA is losing its status in international politics , This is China’s opportunity . Now China really want war at this point? Do china really want to fight war with India and go back 10 years and lose opportunity to become superpower






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