Manas Mishra, Knows about world Geopolitics and History!
Straight answer is Nope! And same applies for India as well.
Remember Cuban missile crisis on cold war era of 1962, World is busy in saving their own ass by dibllitating chance of nuclear faceoff between USSR and China.Also, the attack was sudden on unprepared Indian Forces.Certianly ,these backdrop provide extra edge to Chinese.
But, yes both countries have progressed by manifold in these years.There is no such example in modern human history where both countries turned tide in their favoures and made fortune out of that by alleviating millions of people out of poverty.
My 2 cents to both of them to keep continuing the same and focus on human development index and refrain from using proxes to settle their own scores.This will certainly keep the military industrial complex off the bay, who will be the real beneficiary of this spat.
Ravi Mittal, lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
I am an Indian and lived in China for 5 years. I am from a tier 3 city of India, currently working in metro city and frequently travel to tier 1–4 city in India. My answer is based on interactions I had with people around me.
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: There is very little awareness in indians about life and development in China. Most of the information people receive is through newspaper and TV channels. Mainstream media has always neglected the developments within China.
Avinash K Jha, Btech In Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (2019)
Dear Chinese Friend,
Most of The Indian People are Fully aware of China Economical growth and progress.
Somewhere from here
To here
Above pictures explain all about Chinese growth story.
We Indian People Are very peace loving and never want war with anyone.
Lastly Keep in mind that we are not Vietnam, South korea or japan to remain quiet or get frightened by your acts and words . Any attempt to change the status quo will absolutely lead to a war.
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度人看中国 » 印度人是不是认为2017年中国还和1962年中国一样