hi Vidrohi - 1 day ago -Follow
17 out of 20 most polluted cities will be from India too.
Prakash - 1 day ago -Follow
fastest growing in population... forget other parameters.... Indian cities only can grow in population....
Inderjeet - 1 day ago -Follow
Latest Modi's election Jumla. 15 years planning.
Sanjoy Pandey - 1 day ago -Follow
If Modiji continues as our Prime Minister, the growth rate will be even faster.
king_maker69 - India - 1 day ago -Follow
Why don''t you highlight the fastest growing overpopulated cities are in India. The number of graduates coming out of the universities every year is ten times more than how much employment is created every year and on the other hand the world is not enough to employ the number of engineers we have in India.
Growing Overpopulation of India is a time bomb.
aaaa bbbb - 1 day ago -Follow
It''s a bad news that we still have growing cities and not grown cities. We should be by now a developed country and not a develo country. Reason is our political leaders are engaged in politics and not into serving of our nation or motherland. Unfortunate scenario
Gurumukh - 1 day ago -Follow
u must be joking about Agra. for last 30 years it has not changed. no maintenance and development of infrastructure, no change in habits of people, most chaotic noisy traffic. PL do the actual physical analysis and survey.
arvind bollam - 1 day ago -Follow
Yogi Adityanath will come and change Hyderabad to Bhagyanagar and it will top the world for ever in one day.
Jai - Mumbai - 1 day ago -Follow
LOL. GDP has continuously gone down in last 4 years yet Bhakts will credit Feku for growth and not brilliant economic policies implemented earlier by Dr Manmohan Singh.
thiru - Mumbai - 1 day ago -Follow
Writer haven''t visited outside India.. his knowledge is poor.. go out and see world first ..
Sar - 1 day ago -Follow
looks like most of the Indian cities in the list are from South and Central India , and north India is busy in Hindu Muslim, dalit Brahman and Mandir masjid issue
J Rey - 1 day ago -Follow
India needs MODIji as PM for atleast next 10 years ... He has the capability to put India at the top of the world .. AND IN AN INVINCIBLE POSITION !
... Let PAPPUs come in only after that ... if some of us so insist ... (and if such selfish incapable politicians politically survive after that at all) !
Utkarsh Jhala - Shelton, Connecticut - 1 day ago -Follow
It’s Modi Power !!!
James - 1 day ago -Follow
Not surprising! in 10 years cows will be wearing suits, dogs will be living in houses and monkeys will be dining in star hotels and people will be serving them....... This is the development I can see.....
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