

Akhilraj Grandhi, knows Mandarin Chinese

“Laowai” It is the usual term for calling a foreigner

Most people will take you for granted and even look down unless you are a white foreigner !

Dont be surprised if a Chinese calls you a brown looking Indian as “Hei Ren” (Black man)

All the answers here are pretty accurate to some extent and they mostly focused on the positive part so there's no point to drop that "beautiful place beautiful people" cr@p again

I'll get to the part which you'll understand only If u stayed as long as I did(five years and counting )






1.Chinese people in the cities are the most fake people you'll ever see,all they care about is Apple, European Luxury Brands and everything that's American (you wouldn't believe how much they care about being "American" ).

2.Basketball is a really huge thing here.

Almost all the school kids and middle aged guys watch the NBA while the American basketball players are superstars in china.

3.They love to smoke drink eat REPEAT,they don't care if its a public place as it is completely normal and got imbedded into their culture.

4.If you are a good for nothing illiterate WHITE person you could still be making thousands of yuans per week (Chinese are the most blatant proud racists you'll ever come across).

5.Yes china used to be one of the healthiest cultures but now they're the unhealthiest around here with their westernized food,poor safety standards,alcohol,nicotine plus with crazy air pollution levels.







6、Chinese love their tea,the affluent will drop thousands of yuans for few grams of tea leaves (it is their status symbol).

7.Technology and infrastructure is so big here that is not lesser than any of the first world countries (Indians just stay out of any sort of comparisons)

8.Every rich person's ultimate aim is to earn enough money and leave china to some European country .

  1. An average chinese is very rich compared to an average indian.
  2. People would love to learn English (as every Chinese must clear some nation wide English exam to graduate) but they just fail to improve as they can't practice their oral English anywhere so brace yourselves for Chinese teens trying to speak with you in English.

11.They love Indians in general but the thing is you need to look like the Indians in Bollywood

And there are hundreds of other BAD and GOOD things about china.

If you do have money lying around don't hesitate to come to china,You'll experience a new world and you'll love it !!










Rahul Ramgopal, An eternally curious Capricornian, software consultant by profession

I had visited the city of Shanghai, China in January 2014 for a period of 3 months, working for an onsite software implementation project.

When I landed in the Pudong International Airport and was travelling to my hotel, the first thing that struck my mind was how fabulous the infrastructure was and how it would take many more years for any Indian city to reach such levels of sophistication. We may be doing well in terms of GDP and maybe we are one of the fastest growing economies of the world, but to have a metropolis like a Shanghai or a Beiing , it is going to take us a few more years.

The city is the largest city in the world in terms of population and for me, the overall 3 months stay there was pretty enjoyable. The modes of public transport available there are pretty awesome and all you need to know are numbers (for bus transport), Chinese pronunciation of locations (for cabs) and metro line color (red, green etc for subway rides). At my work location, most of them knew English, and I got pretty close to one Program Manager who explained loads about the Chinese people and culture.




Chinese people are friendly, never too far away from a smile. Although, in the outdoors, if you go shop, people might try to fleece you, but still they do so with a smile. English signboards and placards are placed in busy streets and shop malls in Shanghai, which was very helpful. Learning certain Chinese salutations and greetings could go a long way in gaining trust or getting around. Even though some people stare at you at times (as you stand out distinctly from the crowd) I did not experience any racism there. If you are a tall person (6 feet or above as in my case) you can see the tip of the scalp of 99% of the crowd in a metro train. If you are a single traveler, and you are planning to go shop, beware of the scams that are rampant at the major shop streets (ex East Naning Road). Some of the scammers speak impeccable English which is the first sign that shows that they could be a potential threat and could easily fleece you of what you have.

When it comes to food, it is a nightmare for vegans/vegetarians. There is meat and poultry everywhere and almost the entire population is non vegetarian. Even in a seemingly harmless vegetarian dish, there could be traces of pig fat or egg white in the gravy. If you are a non vegetarian, you will not face much difficulty but then again some of the dishes are bland and might not appeal to your palate. The overall culinary experience for me over the three months was quite pleasant.




Dharmesh Shah, studied at India

Your Question is, ‘What is it like to be an Indian living in China’ so lets only talk about the chinese attitude to us, Indians and not judge anyone.

I have been living in a small china, Zhuji in Zhejiang province from 13 years and have a business here. when we settled here, the city was yet not too well expanded and hardly had few foreigners living here. Though yet today, we don't find foreigners faces around here in the city, except those who are here for business, the attitude of locals earlier or now, is still the same. Kind, caring and always with goodness. well, in our city, there are only 2 Indian families as of now.

All countries have good and bad, but with my experience being here & moving around in China, within too many cities, it is positively good by more than 80%. We in India are more involved with political issues so our thoughts and ideas change as per the news, but here, people are not so well indulged in political matters thus those effects are less. when there were some difficulties between China and India related to the border or sometimes also in earlier times, we never faced any issues. though we would be discussing the matter, the result would always be, ‘its political and after few days its got to settle down.’

As an Indian, its no big deal in China, its a good life. welcome if you plan to come and visit or settle here in China for your business too






Vivek Dahiya, I am a proud Indian

China is beautiful and so are the people there.

I have lived in Shanghai and travelled to a lot of places in Mainland China like Shanghai, Beiing, Wux, Hangzhou, Suzhou and more that I can't recall now.

Shanghai is a beautifully planned city and it is divided in New Shanghai(financial hub) and the regular Shanghai by the Yangtze River. For an Indian national to live in Shanghai is very convenient. You get all the kinds of facilities that you get in India like affordable housing (it depends in which part), groceries(Tesco and Carrefour) and Indian restaurants. Shanghai is home to almost 4 million expats from all the parts of the world out of its population of around 22 million. There is a huge Indian community that lives here for work, business and leisure.




As an Indian, you are only about 5 hour distant from Shanghai and it is also quite convenient to travel back and forth from your native place in India. There are plenty of Air India and other flights connection available between the major cities of India like Mumbai and Delhi.

There is good amount of Indian student community that studies in Shanghai and in the major parts of China. Also, the Indian expat community is so well connected and well-knitted that they celebrate all the major festivities together.

Chinese public transportation systems are also more punctual than Indian systems.




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