Swamini Tatkare, studied at University of Mumbai
In numbers, trade deficit with China in early 2017 stood around $51 billion. Our bilateral trade is $71 billion. India already has initiated 140+ anti dum concerns against China. Still we can't boycott Chinese goods. Reasons being:
- both India and China are WTO member and such arbitrary boycott may result in sanctions. Protectionist policies will do more harm to India.
- Much of india’s exports to China are dispensable. Indian export to its neighbor comprises mostly raw materials viz cotton,iron, refined copper etc. China's needs can be contained by importing from any other country.
- But in reverse China's exports to India are indispensable. We import electronic equipment,machinery,organic chemicals, plastics, fertilisers, medical equipments. (It's not just Chinese phones and cheap Diwali lightings!) Which are mostly cheaper. Hence our merchandiser, industrialist prefer Chinese goods. India being a develo (meaning we're not rich) nation her industries need cheap imports from China.
- We should remember that China is manufacturing hub belongs to supply chain. Indian economy bypassed manufacturing phase and leaped directly to become leading service economy. We don't have the infrastructure required to have our own manufacturing base. Make in India, Start Ups may help in long run. But it's a long road. We can be optimistic. But boycotting Chinese goods isn't an option.
Karunendra Mishra, love to follow Indian Economy
Trade between China and India is about USD 70 billion. Trade deficit about USD 44 billion in favour of China. Both countries targeted to increase the trade to USD 100 billion by 2020.
Now, why India can not stop import of Chinese products?
First reason is that India and China are WTO members. They are bound by WTO rules. Each member have to grant MFN status to other member country. Due to this, India can not discriminate against China.
Second, India too exports about USD 16 billion products- iron ore, textile, auto components, fruits, vegetables etc. Move to close imports will attract the same treatment from China. This will also hurt the Indian economy.
Third, Large trade is one of prominent factor which normalised the relations between the two countries. Thus, this may also have negative implications on peace and security at Indo-China border.
Fourth, China is capital surplus nation and India is capital deficit nation with heavy need of investment. In this China can play a complementary role. It has already establised Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB) and New Development Bank(NDB) to finance the infrastructure projects in Asia.
Most importantly, we are living in time of globalisation. Every country is interdependent on economies of other countries. We can not risk to deteriorate the trade relations with second largest economy of the world. Rather we should use this platform to resolve the border disputes with China.
Rishi Parashar, PUTIN'er' MODI'fied' MERKEL'ed'.
There is no point in doing that because by doing this
India will DIG IT’s OWN GRAVE .
Ved Prakash Vats, A persistent observer of India's foreign policy
I think India and China are like Tom and Jerry ,they may fight over various issues but when it comes to the real deal they do it in a matured way.
If we put a halt to trade with China ,the economy will be severely hit by the quality and price of goods in the market.
Chinese investment in roads, railways and ship-building are a major boost for the Indian economy and infrastructure which will be taken back in case of a strained relationship.
So on all the fronts a healthy neighbour like China is a must and we have the privilege of having one so better not strain it rather we should look at it’s positive side.
However it’s not that the losses are unilateral, the Chinese too will loose an emerging market like India where cost of manufacturing is less and demand is soaring like anything. Perhaps it’s the decade of India when every country in the world has it’s eyes transfixed to the Indian economy in hope that they will get a chance to trade with this diverse demographically young country.
China has already recognised this fact and is evident in their trade policy towards India. Giant Chinese mobile manufacturers have moved their units across the length of India to benefit from the highly demanding market.
So it’s rather beneficial for both the giants to maintain a healthy trade relations kee apart their border tensions so that Asia may prove that it’s her century.
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度人看中国 » 如果印度不跟中国做生意,会对中国和印度的经济造成什么影响