Which country will lead Asia’s future, China or India?
Vikas R, Knowledge Seeker
As of this moment, China is better equipped and advantageous position from where China can start building and influence asia’s future.
Unlike other continents, Asia could not have been more different.
One part - china, korean peninsula, japan, taiwan, mangolia - in this part China cannot influence strong players like SK-japan-taiwan due historical conflicts and lack of trust-commitment for each other.
Second part- SG,PH, malaysia, Indonasia,thailand, combodia, myanmar, laos etc. China has strong economic-cultural and political ties with most of them. Historically Chinese spread their culture in these countries and left long lasting impact. China does not have to make efforts to maintain stronger ties in this part.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46691.html 译者:Joyceliu
Third part - west asia. India has historically better relationship with these countries. India had an interest and dependency ot cheaper oil from some of the major oil producers. In return india has provided cheap agriculture and technology-man power. Building of Gwadar economic coridore via pakistan , will provide faster and cheaper route for chinese goods to reach this part of world, and i think that china has plans to fill the market with its goods. India has already built gas pipeline from Iran via Pak, for the cheapest crude in the market being exported. This is going to be crucial battle ground for these two asian powers.
Forth - Central asia - this area being a part of old time Silk Route from China to Europe, China have been deeply connected to local economy of these countries. CHINESE companies have several large medium size deals and investments in these countries to exploit natural and human resources. India has been trying at political level to be close to these countries but it will take considerably more than that to be influencing policies and daily life in this part of world.
I didnt count Russia above but Russia has had closeness to both China and India. Russia had been one of the largest defense and technology provider/partner to India since pre-cold war era. But Russia never confronted China when it comes to bi-lateral conflict being happening india-china.
Summarizing, with the current status, China will continue dominating and influencing Asian Economies in coming 10–15 years. India has just started getting a push to increase its industrial output and exports with Narendra Modi govt being at helm. India has started selling defense equipements to Vietnam, infrastructure building projects in Afganistan, and various trade and technology deals with Japan and other neighbouring countries. If India continue growing with its current frowth rate of 7+% year to year, it may dominate in 10 years of time.
Jacques Văn Khải, Fond of Foreign Affairs, relations buff
China and India are two perspective giants in Asia. Their roles here can’t be ignored and will never be ignored.
China and India take over many GDP economic developments of Asia as the international market is shifting from Europe to Asia sooner or later. As for this, they shall compete in the battle of influence between India and China.
China has big industry, India has technology - China has science, India has brilliant. Each needs perspective water and fire. China is fire, India is water.
The dragon and the Sikh are ready to take part on the clash now.
So let’s wait for it, Asia!
Ramji Vinodh
It depends on many factors; both are large economies and will show great significance in global stage. One has to understand how tough it is develop infrastructure in a de ocratic economy and hence the reason why it’s taking such a long time to develop infrastructure in India.
My opinion as an Indian is to develop rural growth in India, education standards to everyone and of course access to natural resources.
In the past both has very strong civilisations and it’s very difficult to measure what the GDP was for these two countries.
In India, people say we had ancient ways of material science (Kuthubinar) and there is ancient medicine like Ayurveda. Both the question now is where the research for these areas is and is it happening in India?
In the past both these economies had lots of natural resources, as an example Diamond mines were plethora in India and that now everything is consumed or being looted by the British.
Another main issue is that most of the Indians engage in R&D for foreign companies and the patent as such goes to the foreign companies. This shows high level of brain drain. As an Indian, I am able to see the growth that my country is undergoing and will eventually in the future. We are free now and people was crossed seven seas and people carry skills from India to other countries and vice versa. It definitely takes time for India because it’s de ocratic and bureaucratic. I used to wonder how that China Media says about grand infrastructure project more frequently in the news, that they are so fast in completing infrastructure projects. Though it’s good from a project management perspective but over capacity is something not good. My conclusion is that China and India would be like US and UK. China doesn’t realise that economic growth should be sustainable, because sustainability is word for many corporates today.
Thomas Musselman
It is like asking if Sweden or the US would do better in the 1900s. Correct answer: both.
Any given 10 year period can vary since economic policies take a while to work, and the effect of demographics can be hard to project. China’s one child policy may come back to bite it when it needs a young labor force to pay old age pensions (its labor costs are already going up and business is fleeing to cheaper countries).
India may continue to suffer from the rot of corruption, religious violence, over bureaucratization.
Or not.
Neither is likely to “lead” the world. Both may have improved living conditions and growth rates in excess of 3%, which is quite enough to be happy about.
Haiyan Chen, Native Chinese have the most real experience of China
In fact, the future of Asia is really the United States, although it is not in asia. No Asian country should ignore the great influence of the United States in asia. I am not talking nonsense, but from a series of recent events in Asia can be seen, the United States has influence on the Asian that no countries can match.
Taiwan, the South China Sea issue, the North Korean nuclear crisis, the Middle East, behind these issues, in fact, the United States is a key role.
I think the United States will continue to lead Asia if there is no big geopolitical change in Asia.China may change some of Asia at the economic level, but still can not compete with the United states.
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