Samved Iyer
I'm not kidding.
India's growth booms at the fastest rate in the world. And foreign direct investment continues to increase in India as we grow.
India already leads South Asia. All small countries look up to us for taking a hard stand against the bully called China.
China is not a leader, please. Foreign countries must have respect for your country if you are a leader. People may be importing goods worth billions from China, but does that make China a leader?
PM Narendra Modi is among the top 5 most-followed or most-respected leaders in the world.
It is said that Asia will lead the world, and India will lead Asia. The world’s largest continent has a large burst of GDP growth and although China has a higher GDP than India, it is India which grows more due to more investment and efforts of our own.
China is already losing money in Pakistan. And this means Pakistan will become more dependent on China for development, in turn meaning that China needs to plant more money. And China will keep doing so, as it is too stupid to believe it can use Pakistan to cripple India. China is plainly jealous of India’s growth and fears that India will overtake it. China's apprehensions are crystal-clear.
More countries are interested in maintaining healthy trade relations with India. You never know how we may shock the world. India has a large population and a lot of talent. When it is brought to the helm, it does wonders and it is already happening.
India will lead because India is good. Because India has allies. Because India is respected. India manages both the US and Russia together; which other country can do this?
China? If it becomes a world leader, it will cause big problems. It is already greedy for land, bullying smaller countries. There are going to be big rebellions and quite possibly, conflicts and wars.
China's economy is facing problems, presently. They may recover, but for now, they cannot. Probably they want to assert that they are powerful and they lead, so out of desperation they bully their neighbours.
India plays smart. It is taking responsibility for itself and also hel South Asia to grow, steadily step up its dominance.
As the time progresses, you will see yet more countries attracted to India. This would automatically make us a leader, because our word would have weight.
I would say we still lead Asia, not maybe economically but by making our country a more attractive place for other countries. And we'll soon be leading economically.
By 2050, India's economy is speculated to be around $90 trillion, number one, even larger than China’s. By then, India will truly be a global superpower and a global leader.
Both these two countries have great cultural background, however India is the one that’s over confident. Both of them are progressing in techonology and living conditions however China is way better than India. The comparable nations in Asia should be Japan and China. Japanese are intellegent and humble while Indias are featured with their ignorance and savagery.
Zhang Mengxng, Psychology Teacher at Henan Vocational College of Water Conservancy and Environment (2018-present)
If China doesn’t change, it’s development may slow down, more trouble will arise, but nothing so serious to trigger some crisis. So China probably will keep leading.
If India is able to tackle it’s own problems, it can also gain a significant increase on its development speed. But if the situation remains the same, India will have a hard time surpass China.
Anyway, no reason we can’t have more than one country to lead the economic development of a region.
Pankaj Negi, Blogger (2016-present)
China will remain world biggest economy (Nominal) in 21 century follow by India, USA.
Quora User
One thing is for sure, India.
India has been leading the world in poverty, slum, illiteracy and Caste system for the past thousands of years.
Surely, India will lead not just Asia, but also the world in poverty, slum, illiteracy and Caste system for another thousands of years
Kevin Sun, Get a bachelor degree of economics in China, and lived there for 20 years.
It depends on your standard.
In your opinion, which country is leading Asia presently?
And which country has leaded Asia in the history?
William Tang, Author; CEO at Tang Long Enterprise (2010-present)
Probably China in cooperation with the US and Russia.
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