Carl Hansen, Hervey Bay, Australia, 6 days ago
It's NOT the "dark side of the moon", it's the far side of the moon, big difference.
Northenmonkey, Newcastle, 6 days ago
What happened to the Indian Mars mission? We have a right to know after all we paid for it.
truthcomes, london, United Kingdom, 6 days ago
I believe they spent the millions on a statue instead.
udcbagnes, pathier, Switzerland, 6 days ago
at least they are making an effort. the EU has accomplished nothing over all these years since americans landed on the moon
Dadyourweird, Uranus, United States, 6 days ago
Am sure a lot if stolen American intelectual property has been used on this mission.
Yoshimura Maroko, Los Angeles, United States, 6 days ago
How do those solar panels work on the dark side of the moon?
Joe S. Kersey, Galena, United States, 6 days ago
The diameter of the Moon is 2159 miles, so there is no way that crater is 15,000 miles across.
Bart O Kavanaughty, Rockville Mall, United States, 6 days ago
THe moon has been US TERRITORY since 1969.
rileym, Pahrump, United States, 6 days ago
By treaty, the moon is nobody's territory.
@Bart O Kavanaughty根据条约,月球不是任何人的领土。
rumple9, leeds, United Kingdom, 5 days ago
The Americans have never been to the moon. It was a cold war hoax
Jfw1024, Over the seas and far away., 6 days ago
There's no such thing as a dark side to the moon, it's all dark really.
Mick Mucktaggart, Potting Shed, Isle Of Man, 6 days ago
Has it, has it really..... They should be releasing video footage soon then. Like the footage from their supposed lunar landing that resembled something knocked up on a Sinclair Spectrum.
sellbry, wolverhampton, United Kingdom, 6 days ago
Make sure it brings back samples for the alien lunatic conspiracies lol
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