

Bullet train: Palghar farmers protest even as Japan team hears out issues



MUMBAI: For yet another time, locals of Saphale village in Palghar chased away land surveyors of Mumbai-Ahmedabad high-speed rail corridor on Friday even as a delegation of tribals and farmers from Maharashtra was visiting Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Gujarat on Friday. The JICA is soft-funding the bullet train project.


Two JICA officials are visiting Surat and Navsari in Gujarat to meet farmers who are going to get affected by the high-speed rail project. Farmers, especially those belonging to the Gujarat Khedut Samaj, have filed a series of writ petitions in the Gujarat high court, opposing the government’s move to take over their land for the high-speed train.

JICA的两名官员正在古吉拉特邦的苏拉特和纳夫萨利访问,会见将受高铁项目影响的农民。古吉拉特邦农民,尤其是古吉拉特邦Khedut Samaj的农民,已经向古吉拉特邦高等法院提交了一系列书面请愿书,反对政府征用他们的土地,修建高铁。


On Friday, when the Maharashtra delegation of farmers, under the banner of Adivasi Ekta Parishad, were meeting the officials in Navsari, news trickled in that a team of land surveyors had landed in Saphale. The villagers stood in protest and refused to allow the land survey.

上周五,当马哈拉施特拉邦农民代表团高举Adivasi Ekta Parishad的旗号在纳夫萨里会见官员时,一组土地测量员已经抵达Saphale。村民们站在那里抗议,拒绝进行土地测量。

Sameer Vartak, who is associated with the parishad, said that the delegation explained to the JICA officials how their land was being taken away without their consent.


JICA has provided a soft loan of Rs 1.10 lakh crore at an interest rate of 0.1% for the train. The Gujarat farmers have argued that the Land Acquisition Act, 2013, was diluted after a project contract was signed in September 2015. They pointed out that the mandatory social impact assessment and consent of a majority of farmers were done away with to forcibly acquire the land.


In Palghar district, tribals have so far managed to keep away land surveyors. Of the 1,434 hectares land needed for the 508km Mumbai-Ahmedabad high speed rail corridor, 353 hectares are in Maharashtra. The deadline for completing land acquisition is December this year.




译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46737.html  译者:Jessica.Wu

Cybe Tron - 15 days ago -Follow

Billet train project is just another project like statute of unity



Nitin Bhavsar - 15 days ago -Follow

Bullet train project cost is not benefitting people of Maharashtra.



Roushan S - 15 days ago -Follow

The project is to benefit the diamond merchants of Gujarat...



Rizzzzz - 15 days ago -Follow

Focus on Maintaining the Harmony of the Country .. PEACE, JOBS, Control Inflation, Corruption, Riots, ..etc..

Everything will follow . Win the Confidence of the People..

Changing Names and Advertise Projects which are not beneficial to Common Man is not the need of the time.





Nirulata singh - Trondheim, Norway - 15 days ago -Follow

feku is again looting common Indian together with his Japanese friends. The interest rate in the Japan is minus 0.1 percent and he has taken loan at the rate of 0.1% which means net gain of 200% for Japanese.

莫迪 又一次和他的日本朋友一起洗劫印度老百姓。日本贷款的利率只要-0.1%以0.1%的利率拿的贷款这意味着日本人的净收益是200%


Anthony Kalia - 15 days ago -Follow

Modi will take India 100 years back, it is bad luck for India that Indian people voting for this thief Modi, BJP and RSS, he is an illiterate person who dont have any knowledge of economics or politics , BJP is a Mafia Party and Amit Shah, jaiteley, Yogi and Modi are all big criminals and murderers who will loot the country and destroy India Politically, Economically and Financially

莫迪会让印度倒退100年,印度人投票给莫迪这个窃贼、人民党和民族志工组织,对印度来说是噩运。莫迪是个文盲,对经济和政治一窍不通。印度人民党是黑手党阿米特·沙阿(Amit Shah)、贾特里(jaiteley)、约吉(Yogi)和莫迪都是大罪犯和杀人犯,他们掠夺这个国家政治、经济和金融上摧毁印度


Javed Badshah - uae - 15 days ago -Follow

Instead of 1.1 lac crore BT, government should opt for 100cr train 18 which is good for Indian conditions. We can have 11 trains for cost of one BT and sone pe suhaga, made in India ones.

与其选择1.1万亿卢比的高铁,政府不如选择印度自主研发的train 18,造价只要10亿卢比,建一条高铁的成本够印度自己修11条铁路了。


V For - Bombay - 15 days ago -Follow

The bullet train will only help the gujjus to transport black money faster from mumbai. Bullet Train # Hawala# Corruption# Useless Project.



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