

The world's first set of twin pandas born to a captive mother and a wild father are named 'Harmony' and 'Beautiful' during special ceremony in China


The world's first set of twin pandas with a captive mother and a wild father received their names in a special ceremony yesterday in China.


Elder brother He He, or Harmony, and younger sister Mei Mei, or Beautiful, are named after two panda characters in popular Chinese cartoons.


The five-month-old baby pandas are the cubs of 16-year-old Cao Cao, which mated with wild male pandas after being released from captivity in February.


He He and Mei Mei were born at the Hetao Panda Base in Wolong, south-west China's Sichuan Province, on July 25.

At birth, the big brother weighed 215 grams (7.6 ounces) while the little sister weighed 84 grams (3 ounces).

“和和” “美美”于7月25日出生于西南部四川省卧龙核桃坪大熊猫基地。 出生时,哥哥重215克(7.6盎司),妹妹重84克(3盎司)。

Their naming ceremony was held today at the Shenshu Panda Base which is a part of the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Panda, reported China News citing Huax Urban Newspaper.


He He's name means 'harmony' in Chinese, and it comes from a popular cartoon called 'Krtek a Panda'. The cartoon tells the story of how a mole from Czech Republic travels to China to find its best friend, a stuffed toy panda called He He.

While Mei Mei's name, meaning 'beautiful' in Chiness, is inspired by another cartoon, 'Animal Chorus'. In the cartoon, an outgoing and clever female panda guitarist is called Mei Mei.



The birth of He He and Mei Mei marked the success of China's back-to-wild panda breeding programme, which started in 2003 and aims to increase the genetic diversity of its captive bear population.

“和和” “美美”的出生标志着大熊猫野外引种繁育计划的成功。该计划于2003年启动,旨在提高圈养大熊猫的遗传多样性。

Female pandas are only in heat for up to 48 hours a year, which makes their pregnancy particularly difficult and rare. But Cao Cao has managed to conceive without human intervention two years in a row.


An experienced mother, Cao Cao was released from captivity on February 12 this year - ahead of panda's mating season in spring. She was given a GPS in her collar to help keep a record of her activities.


Records showed that Cao Cao had two mating sessions which lasted 16 minutes and 18 seconds in total during her time in the wild, according to China Conservation and Research Center for The Giant Panda.


Last year, Cao Cao gave birth to a male cub after spending the mating season in the forest for the first time.


The cub was the world's first baby panda to be born to both captive and wild parents.


Cao Cao's three youngest cubs are considered a breakthrough achievement in the breeding and protection of the iconic Chinese animal species.




译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46755.html   译者:Jessica.Wu


Erin, shrewsbury, United Kingdom, 11 hours ago

Another two to have a life of captivity loaned out to zoo's around the world for big bucks like the two at Edinburgh Zoo



JustAnotherVoice, Camp Geiger, United States, 13 hours ago

I love dogs but pandas are so cute and baby ones are cuter still.



walkthetalk, Brooklyn, United States, 14 hours ago

The only thing better than a baby panda is twins!


fifithepoodle, altona, United States, 15 hours ago




mak 1, somewhere in the uk, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

so beautiful.....



Krispykritter, Palatial Estate, United States Minor Outlying Islands, 16 hours ago

How sweet! The panda getting the medical exam before being released, is looking straight at the camera saying "Get me out of here!". Eventually he did get out in the wild where he belongs. Great story.



gbn, Jefferson, United States, 18 hours ago

In my next life, I would like to be a panda-carrier.



OctoberNovember, Somerset, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago

Awww, twin panda bear babies!



klyonskalmenson, da boibs of nyc, United States, 18 hours ago

Precious panda monium



Lin2014, melbourne, Australia, 18 hours ago

aww so cute, I love pandas!



Meindisguise, London, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago

Thank you China for looking ater all the wonderful Pandas xx



Livvy, Gloucester, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

Shame they don't treat the rest of their animals with the same respect.



gofaster, Norfolk, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago

Pandas are soo adorable!



Hippychick, London, United Kingdom, 20 hours ago

O I love pandas and giggle at all their funny, mischievous exploits.


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