Rare footage shows China's first nuclear submarine being launched 48 years ago during Chairman Mao's era
Precious black-and-white footage showing China's first nuclear submarine being launched has been released by Chinese state media.
The landmark warship Changzheng-1 tested the water nearly 50 years ago witnessed by passionate crowds
The video was released by China's state broadcaster CCTV on its Twitter-like Weibo after U.S. media last week reported that Beiing had tested a new submarine nuclear missile that could reach North America.
The clip was a part of a programme to mark the memorable achievements in China's military and industry since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.
It was originally broadcast in April last year and was published on Wednesday again to celebrate the 48th anniversary of the launch of Changzheng-1, which was also known as the Type 091 submarine.
A conventional submarine is equipped with diesel engines which generate electricity. The electricity then propels and powers the vessel.
In a nuclear submarine, the heat of the nuclear reactor generates steam to drive the engines which provides the warship with power.
Compared to a diesel-powered submarine, a nuclear submarine can operate longer, faster, more secretively and more cheaply.
The construction of nuclear-powered submarines became possible after compact, safe, and reliable pressurised water reactors was developed for naval use in the early 1950s, according to National Museum of American History.
The plan of the Changzheng-1 was first proposed in early 1960s. Its construction began in 1966 and Chinese engineers reportedly constructed the warship while designing it at the same time.
It was launched on December 26, 1970, and officially commissioned to the Chinese Navy on August 1, 1974 after completing several test runs.
The submarine measured 98 metres (322 feet) long and 10 metres (33 feet) wide with a draught of 7.5 metres (24.6 feet), reported Sohu.com. It was said to be armed with six torpedo tubes, one anti-submarine torpedo and one anti-ship torpedo.
The vessel could sail at a top speed of 12 knots on the surface of the water and 25 knots underwater. With a displacement of 4,500 tonnes in surfaced condition or 5,500 tonnes submerged, it could reach a maxmum depth of 300 metres (984 feet) under the sea.
Speaking to CCTV, Changzheng-1's chief designer Huang Xuhua said: 'No component or material of the nuclear submarine was imported from a foreign country. [We] manufactured all of them independently.'
He added: 'Certainly, we paid a huge cost.'
The programme claimed that China spent 10 years develo and building a nuclear submarine while 'foreign countries had spent decades' doing the same thing.
Changzheng-1 was de-commissioned from the Chinese Navy in 2013 and it was turned into a museum, Qingdao Navy Museum, in April last year.
In April, China held its largest-ever naval parade on the South China Sea which involved 48 warships, 76 warplanes and more than 10,000 soldiers, according to inhua News Agency.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46778.html 译者:Jessica.Wu
Barryoh, Marina DR, United States, 3 days ago
As with EVERY advancement made by Leftist Socialist / Co unist countries, it's ALWAYS STOLEN from the WEST!!!
atjen66, brighton, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
Actually the de grasse kicked the British out of the 13 colonies, without the French navy you would have lost the war , the French provided troops, ships and arms .
事实上,De Grasse号防空巡洋舰把英国从13个殖民地赶了出去,如果没有法国海军,你们就会输掉这场战争,法国提供了军队、舰只和武器。
rambler241, High Wycombe, 3 days ago
SIX torpedo tubes but only TWO torpedoes to put in them??
Rarkar, Winchester, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
Looks suspiciously like a George Washington class submarine!
dbt3481, SmallTownWest.., United States, 3 days ago
Probably stole that technology too..
Mr.Firth, East York, Canada, 3 days ago
more likely handed over .
OFFSIDER1, New South, Australia, 3 days ago
Bit rich coming from UK mate. Without the US you would all be speaking German.
Alanwms, Minneapolis, 3 days ago
Sounds like the green envy.
Tim, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
Russian technology as their were incapable of develo their own.
靠的是俄罗斯的技术, 他们当时没能力自主研发。。
John Marshall, Galway, Ireland, 4 days ago
The future owners of Britain - funny when the worm turns.
Orsen Cart, under the stairs, United Kingdom, 4 days ago
So no Russian ideas or designes used in this sub?
Fusa, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, 3 days ago
On their own because of the Sino-Soviet split at the time.
@Orsen Cart对,他们自己研发的,当时中苏分裂了。
JustAnotherVoice, Camp Geiger, United States, 4 days ago
Just like most first trial submarines, a death trap. Still we all had to start somewhere.
bob, The Great Lakes, United States, 4 days ago
Dog eating co-s.
Completely Average, Somewhere, United States, 4 days ago
Maybe your half of the world. No country could ever invade the US. There's over 170 million armed US citizens. We outnumber every military on earth combined by a factor of nearly 10:1.
@Hungy Hungy Hippo任何国家都不能入侵美国。美国有1.7亿多持枪公民
Ex-Uncivil Servant, Toulouse - home of Airbus, France, 3 days ago
Why invade it when you can just buy it ?
@Hungy Hungy Hippo既然可以收买,为什么还要入侵呢?
Alanwms, Minneapolis, 3 days ago
Actually 350 million firearms owned by Mr general public.
@Completely Average实际上,普通民众拥有的枪支总数达到3.5亿支。
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