

Love UK, Bangor, 8 hours ago

Maybe they'll find Pink Floyd.



Steve0001, Bristol, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

It's only there for peaceful and scientific purposes and to stamp made in Ch1na on the surface.



wgh999, London, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

They say there are monsters on the dark side. Hope whatever they land there won't come back to Earth.



FlyOverStateGOP, MidWest, United States, 8 hours ago

How exactly is it going to communicate if it not only lands on the side of the moon that never faces the earth, but 8 miles deep inside a crater?



Captain Winky, Trap Two, North Korea, 8 hours ago

Whilst rummaging in the fridge for a beer, I have found a portal to the dark side of the moon behind the butter. I'm watching it live now!! Yes you've guessed it, I'm making stuff up as well.



Noh Nayme, Holly Ridge, United States, 8 hours ago

The Dark Side of the Moon is not necessarily the Far Side of the Moon. After all, isn't the dark side of the Moon facing us during a New Moon? Your headline is misleading and uneducated.



FatherChristmass, Wales, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

Who is this clown Mark Prigg? Are we sure this crater is only 15,000 miles wide?



Brian9, Belfast, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

We are giving China aid money



Route74, Southend-on-sea, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

They'll be having a good laugh next and saying there's no evidence the Americans ever got there.



Better then Ever, Wilmslow, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

There is no dark side of the moon really. As a matter of fact, it's all dark!



Nugget, London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

Let's hope it's not getting to the surface using a Chinese made escalator!



WreckitRalph, Earth, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago




Quinsman, London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

We're about to witness the birth of the first intergalactic takeaway.



Mr H Lecter, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

It has probably touched down already at an uncontrolled decent!!



John Smith Esquire, Alice Springs, Australia, 9 hours ago

Why the secrecy??



Pcoventry, Bristol, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

Megatron is waiting



dundiving, Darkest Cornwall, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

So Why are we Still giving them (and India) £Millions in 'Overseas-Aid' ?



eMPress, London, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

In less than 100 years the first war in space will be fought. Mark my words



Matt08567, Calgary, Canada, 10 hours ago

they are after that 1.5 billion year old space craft that crashed there......huge by all accounts, full of high tech gadgetry...



Highforce, Garden Grove, United States, 10 hours ago

The moon's diameter is 2159 miles, how can a crater be 15000 miles across.



Barry Soetoro, Bohemian Grove, United States, 10 hours ago

as fake as nasa. check china first spacwalk video, you see bubbles going up , because it was faked in swimming pool




Highforce, Garden Grove, United States, 10 hours ago

I thought anything that went to the back side of the moon lost all contact with Earth.



Archimedes Plutonium, Holby, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

They should say when, the Yanks will arrange for a greeter to be on standby.



TheTruthSaidEasy, London, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

UFOs will kill it!



Rapunzel67, Hamilton, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

OMG! Its the first moon landing!

天啊 !这是次登月!


Shootthemoon, Falmouth, United Kingdom, 11 hours ago

Hope we get to see some u doctored images.


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