Jakub Handlíř, lives in Prague
Because GPD per capita does not matter
China has a population of 1,3 billion. Out of these around 10% of people live on a standard of the Western world. But the 90% are very poor. If you would count only the 10% their GDP per capita would be the same as e.g. in Germany, France or USA.
But as I have said GDP per capita does not matter in construction and infrastructure. Especially if China has things that those two sectors need:
- know-how
- large amounts of money
- large amounts of cheap workforce
- large amounts of construction materials
- political priority on building infrastructure
- economical pressures that require building new infrastructure
As long as China has these things it can - and even must - build as many high quality highways, railways and skyscrapers as it wants/needs.
- 技术
- 大量的资本
- 大量的廉价劳动力
- 大量的建筑材料
- 基础设施建设的优先权
- 新建基础设施的经济压力
Another factor is the localization of these construction projects. While I admit I never was in China I imagine that most of them are located on the east coast and especially in large population and economical centres. But I can very well imagine that many Chinese villages on the countryside don’t have even proper access roads.
Alisha Yadav
China GDP
We actually need to worry about the recent fall in GDP growth
Source: Trading Economics
One of the points of celebrations in India in the last couple of years has been that India is growing faster than China. With China just growing at 6.5% in Q3, India’s GDP growth is likely to beat that by a comfortable margin. Is that reason to celebrate? Not exactly!
Growth worries globally
With an annual GDP of close to $13 trillion, China is the second largest economy in size and the largest in terms of demand. It has an insatiable appetite for everything from metals, alloys, minerals, agri products, fashion items, cars and aircraft. Even a 50 basis points slowdown in China will have a major impact on the demand of all these products. We have seen JLR shutting its European plant for 2 weeks to offset the fall in demand from China. This applies to almost every single product today. That demand shrinkage in China will have a contagion impact on India too.
Edward Bashaw, A naval officer with 29yrs service, been there, done that, can't say, never was
It has mostly been overlooked by most of the authors here who extol the virtues of hard work and sacrifice by the Chinese population, which has some basis in fact but is over done a bit.
What needs to be brought out is that China today (or even in the 80s) exsts in a developed world. They do not have to deal with maintaining a legacy infrastructure. They can look across the world and choose to build roads like Germany, trains like Japan, and buildings like Paris or London. They do not have to evolve thru trial and error but take mature technologies and bring them to China. The bullet trains in Japan evolved over time, they did not just appear. China, on the other hand, can buy complete trainsets from Japanese manufacturers, license the technology and seemingly shortcut the development process. They have gone from steam engines to bullet trains in less than a generation which is unheard of-if you have to be the first to develop it. This is nothing uniquely Chinese, it has been happening all over the world.
Also the “vastly superior” infrastructure is unevenly distributed. Travel just about 50kms out of Shanghai or any other major city and you will see the infrastructure drop off precipitously. The real question is can they continue to roll this out across the country or is it going to be limited to city dwellers?
Randall Burns, BA Economics, University of Chicago (1981)
in looking at China’s GDP figures to you need to look at PPP not nominal GDP. China also never had the same kind of human capital problems many third would countries have. Their population was alway pretty literate and highly intelligent. You have third world countries with massive cognitive deficits in their population due to treatable issues like lack of iron and iodine in their food supply-which was not as much an issue in China.
150 years ago, China was one of the world’s largest economies. China had a series of Wars/revolutions that disrupted it. Reviving an economy is easier than making it from scratch
Daniel Cohort, Big Data Director in China
- The Chinese has a firm belief that investment in infrastructures has the highest ROI when it comes to GDP growth. Since GDP growth is the major evaluation metric for government officials’ performance, everybody spends their money building roads, ports and railways.
- China is the world factory. Good logistics is a natural outcome of the sophisticated supply chain systems in China.
- China is a newcomer in the global economic race. America built most of her infrastructures more than half a century ago while China only started massive investment in infrastructures in 1980’s. Most roads and city infrastructures are fresh new in China compared with developed world.
- 中国人坚信基础设施投资在GDP增长方面能带来最高的投资回报率。由于国内生产总值增长是衡量政绩的主要指标,所以每个人都把钱花在修建公路、港口和铁路上。
- 中国是世界工厂。良好的物流是中国复杂的供应链系统的自然产物。
- 中国是全球经济竞争中的一个新成员。美国在半个多世纪前建造了大部分基础设施,而中国在20世纪80年代才开始对基础设施进行大规模投资。与发达国家相比,中国的大部分道路和城市基础设施都是全新的。
Sashank Reddy, works at Neato Robotics
The low wages are a great help. Also the low commodity prices help with cheaper construction. The only thing china needs to import is oil.
Couple that with a few 100 million low paid workers, they can beat the hell put of anyone. If they paid american wages, they would run out of funds in no time.
Their third word GDP is not a curse, its a boon.
Chengliang Pan
Two words: We can!
What I said we can means Made-in-China provides everything we need to build the infrastructure. For example, you want to build a tunnel, TBMs are made-in-China; want to build a bridge across the river, the lifter ships are mad-in-China; want to build a high speed railway, the bridge machines and track-layer machine is made-in-China, don’t forget the bullet-trains are made-in-China too; want a 5G network, Huawei and ZTE make theequipments. So compared to other nations, made-in-China make those projects affordable, not to mention those money stays in China.
Joan Mulbrandon
China’s GDP per capita is 1/4 that of the US. It not a third world country anymore and since economic growth is not uniform in some religions it is much more
Bob MacKenzie, former Business Owner and Manager. at Private (1973-2017)
It is simply a matter of priority. They want to build a country for people to live in and they know they need good infrastructure for that. They also want to be able to trade easily with other countries and that takes infrastructure.
Building a huge army and military complex is not their main priority I suppose so they have money for infrastructure and education.
Alan Tam, lives in Singapore (1987-present)
In Chinese culture building bridges and other infrastructure for people will bring good karma. Destruction will bring bad karma. So building up something is good destroying something will bring you bad luck not only to you but to generations to come. So China will continue to build as long as financially available.
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