

Why sex on first date is a good idea


We’re often told the narrative that having sex on a first date could squander your chances of it turning into a serious relationship. But according to a new study, getting intimate at an early stage could actually help to jump-start a relationship between prospective partners.



A team of psychologists from the Israeli-based Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and the University of Rochester’s Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology conclude that sexual desire may play a major role in attracting potential partners to each other.


But crucially, sexual desire also plays an important part in encouraging the formation of an attachment between people.


“Sex may set the stage for deepening the emotional connection between strangers,” lead author Gurit Birnbaum, a social psychologist and associate professor of psychology at the IDC Herzliya, said.

该研究的主要作者、以色列赫兹利亚跨学科研究中心的社会心理学家、心理学副教授Gurit Birnbaum称:“性或能为加深陌生人之间的情感联系奠定基础”。

“This holds true for both men and women.” The study was of heterosexual relationships, and found men and women both trying to connect with partners when sexually aroused.


Groups of men and women were put in four different interrelated studies where their behaviour towards each other was analysed. Scientists found that sexual desire triggers “emotional bonding” between people.


In the first study, 36 women and 22 men lip-synched to music with an attractive, opposite-sex study insider and then rated their desire for their partner. In the second study, 38 women and 42 men were asked to slow dance with an attractive, opposite-sex insider.


In both studies, scientists found a correlation between “synchronisation” and desire for the other person. Studies three and four tested behaviours of groups subliminally flashed an erotic, non-pornographic image, and those who weren’t. Those whose sexual systems were “activated” displayed more “caring” and “helpful” behaviours in tasks.


According to the researchers, on a subconscious level it could be down to evolution - to ensure reproduction. “Throughout human history, parents’ bonding greatly increased the children’s survival chances,” one expert said.


Prior research has shown that similar brain regions are activated when a person experiences either sexual desire or romantic love.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46871.html  译者:Jessica.Wu


Logical - 3 hours ago -Follow

This Is under-section science ?? In first date how much one will know about each other? what happens if the partner is HIV positive,or psychological rapist in good outlook....No doubt this M@_### fuc£



Logical - 3 hours ago -Follow

In name of fake research they write anything.



Ashni - New Delhi - 2 hours ago -Follow

Please don't spoil the current generation!!



Gautham - Hyderabad - 2 hours ago -Follow

Irresponsible article.



vivek mahajan - 3 hours ago -Follow

Degradation of media



R - 2 hours ago -Follow

Whoever is writer, first try from your home & set a trend....best of luck...



Redskull - 1 hour ago -Follow

socially irresponsible article



Sudarsan - 1 hour ago -Follow

Sex on first date is a good idea, and that is why we recommend arranged marriage.



Nasir Khan - 2 hours ago -Follow

Such topics lead to adultary and would damage sociaty more effecting young girlls.



Sudip - 2 hours ago -Follow

indian cultural ethos and values are being challenged by these findings done abroad



A Joshi - 42 mins ago -Follow

what a rubbish article.



Arifmdmsg - 1 hour ago -Follow

very rubbish idea...people will spoil their own dignity and respect for each other...if they indulge in sex on first date...



Mukesh - 2 hours ago -Follow

This news paper was funded by Indira Gandhi. All of its owners are Congress sycophants, so we can expect such news from it.. They try to corrupt young minds by lus t.



Prem - 16 mins ago -Follow

You teaching Indians how to rape girls on first date? why not rename the title to fit the motive"How to Rape on First Date" by Time Online India.



Guru - India - 1 hour ago -Follow

Who is the wastrel who researches these things



Anil B - Gurgaon - 1 hour ago -Follow

A new way to corrupt society.



Inder - 1 hour ago -Follow

sexual desires have resulted into population explosion and extinctions of other species.



Piyush - 2 hours ago -Follow

So if they do not like each other, they get seperated and find another date with new sex partner and so on untill they find one where chemistry match!!!!

What a fun to have sex with everytime new partner.



Mahesh Krishnamurthy - 16 mins ago -Follow

We’re Indians. We’re sensitive to touch and feel. Sex on first date is not good because you then get to use and be used. It goes no further in most cases.



Sukanya Puttane - 17 mins ago -Follow

I definitely don''t agree with this statement, we are Indians and all other countries are following us with regard to culture,custom, traditional institutions such as marriage



Ranjan Prakash - 43 mins ago -Follow

T01 is heavily influenced and deliberately wants to imbibe foreign ideas in the country in respect with man-woman relationship and spoil native culture.



Goutam Hiranandani - 1 hour ago -Follow

Are the editors crazy to put this as news. On first date?? How foolish

小编们疯了吗,竟然把这当成新闻。在第一次约会就那啥? ?了。


Anonymous - 1 hour ago

It all depends in the circumstances and individuals. If on the first day your wife is in periods then ?



Balbhadra Dhagat - Bhopal - 31 mins ago -Follow

If it were for sex, one wouldn’t marry just one person. One would just keep finding new partners. This results in break-ups.



Hari Krishnan - Jakarta - 45 mins ago

Is this the priority for India today? Being a responsible daily, you should have better topics to hit the top line news. Shame on you Times.



Samrat - 46 mins ago -Follow



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