

One giant leaf for mankind! China has started growing COTTON on the far side of the moon (and potatoes are next!): Pioneering mission to the lunar surface successfully germinates seeds for the FIRST TIME


China's Chang'e-4 mission has successfully started growing plants on the moon.


Cotton seeds can be seen sprouting in a photo released by the China National Space Administration (CNSA).


The mission took a variety of seeds to the moon as part of its biosphere experiment and this marks the first time ever that biological material has been cultivated on the lunar surface.


Other biological matter on the Chang'e-4 mission includes cotton, oilseed rape, potato, Arabidopsis, yeast and fruit flies.



More plants are expected to sprout in the next 100 days, the Chinese space agency claims.


Develo the ability to grow plants in space is an important step towards successful long duration space flight to Mars and beyond.


The picture emerged after being released has come from Chongqing University and was published on the university's Weibo account.


It read: 'After experimenting under the moon's high vacuum, large temperature difference, strong radiation and harsh conditions, mankind has grown the first plant sprout, realising man's first moon-based biological growth experiment'.


Images sent back by the probe show the cotton sprout has grown well, but so far none of the other plants on-board have taken, the university said.


Fruit flies - also known as Drosophila - are a model organism widely used throughout science to understand how animals react in different environments.

Their short reproduction time is useful in allowing scientists to understand its genetic impact after several generations of reproduction.


Arabidopsis, a simple plant related to the mustard family, is the plant equivalent of Drosophila and also widely used by scientists.




译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46883.html   译者:Jessica.Wu


Mountain high, London, United Kingdom, 55 minutes ago

Wonder how much per kilo they are ?



Just Ju-Ju, London, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago

They must think we are totally gullible...anyone who gives this article a thumbs up needs waking up!




wchenchou, new york, 2 hours ago

100% fake. hard to find serious space exploration these days. Marvel does better jobs.



Maree Fisk, Green with Envy, Niger, 3 hours ago

Just wait for the alien fruit fly invas|on



justmepat, Aurora, United States, 3 hours ago

What good is it doing growing plants in a controlled environment ? Doesn't prove anything.



bob, The Great Lakes, United States, 5 hours ago

Don't plants need carbon dioxde and sunlight to grow? Not much of those on the dark side of the moon.



Militiades88, San Jose, United States, 6 hours ago

Good for China. We should all pool our resources and work together on space exploration.



stevefish, Melbourne, Australia, 7 hours ago

Well they do know how to build a great wall, unlike the US



WalkAway, WalkAway, United States, 8 hours ago

This is not an achievement. USA already did this in space. Those canister contained plants could care less where you stick them. There going to grow no matter what!



JB174, Somewhere Else, United States, 8 hours ago

Well as Matt says in the Martian once you grow food you officially colonize. So I guess China can claim the moon now?



ilovemydogs, timbuktooy, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

so are they claiming that area as theres?



SpikedDurian, Sunny Side Up, Singapore, 9 hours ago

First batch of "Made in Moon" t-shirts circumventing Trump's tariffs will be available soon.



ProudBlackRepublican, Little Rock, United States, 7 hours ago

We put men up there; I think that's a larger accomplishment. China has quite a bit of catching up to do.



dailyfluff, Gatwick, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

What right do they have to do that? Ruined another world with pollution etc



AlvaGrant, Los Angeles, United States, 10 hours ago

When it comes to the race to colonize the moon, it looks like the US is the rabbit and China is the tortoise.



AmishHipster, Pennsylvania, United States, 11 hours ago

They'll probably leave three tons of plastic waste on the moon when they are done, if their actions on Earth are any indication.



johncena, greenwich, United States, 5 hours ago




Krang, Bacellona, Spain, 8 hours ago

The Apollo astronauts left bags of bathroom waste on the surface. I guess that makes the US first to contaminate!



Mike986, Solihull , United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

Yes next, rice, bean sprouts, getting prepared for the first takeaway on the moon, but seriously a great achievement.



A3rdgen_malc, Barca, 12 hours ago

I thought rice would be the choice for Chinese......



Mr Horrocks, Warrington, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

Any volunteers to go up and water the plants once a week?


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