India has a 26,000-tonne plastic waste problem
NEW DELHI: India generates 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste every day, but 40% of it remains uncollected causing choking of drainage and river systems, littering of the marine ecosystem, soil and water pollution, ingestion by stray animals, and open air burning leading to adverse impact on human health and environment.
These facts are stated in the Centre’s latest missive to states and UTs on phasing out single-use plastic which is neither biodegradable nor recyclable.
It noted that nearly one-sixth of the total plastic waste is generated by 60 major cities, with Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai and Bengaluru together generating more than 50% of the total ‘contribution’ from these cities.
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) had conducted a study in these 60 major cities of India. It reported that these cities everyday generate in total 4,059 tonnes of plastic waste. Extrapolating this plastic waste generation data from the cities during 2010-12, the board had last year estimated the country-wide data on plastic waste and submitted it to the ministry. It found that that 10,376 tonnes (40%) out of 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste per day remain uncollected.
Noting the menace of uncollected plastic waste, India had last year voluntarily committed to eliminating, at least, single-use plastic by 2022.
Union environment secretary, C K Mishra, on Monday shared standard guidelines with states and UTs, asking them for taking up and step up prohibitive actions so that the country can meet its 2022 goal on phasing out single-use plastic. The guidelines suggest different set of actions, including legal ones, which the states may take to minimise production and use of single-use plastic.
Asked about the move on single-use plastic, Gopal Krishna of the Toxc Watch Alliance (TWA), said, “It’s certainly a step in the right direction, but more steps require to be taken. The campaign should not be limited to single-use plastic”.
在被问及对一次性塑料采取的举措时,Toxc Watch Alliance的戈帕尔·克里希纳(Gopal Krishna)表示,“这无疑是朝着正确方向迈出的一步,但还需要采取更多措施,不应局限于一次性使用塑料”
As a first major step, he said, the government should immediately ban “import of plastic waste”. “ and Malaysia did it. Why can’t India do it”? asked Krishna, who has been following the issue of hazardous and municipal solid waste (MSW), including plastic waste, for long.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Jessica.Wu
Shashi Patil - 7 hours ago -Follow
Bigger problem than 26000 tonne plastic is collection of shameless, corrupt and bhondu conggi''s & opposition...
MrBoobs - Right Here - 5 hours ago -Follow
This 26000 tonne plastic waste problem is still smaller than 1 Pappu problem.
PakisareHomosandSuck - Kalooooo Gandu Pakistan - 6 hours ago -Follow
Do it. Dont talk. is doing a lot of good things that are worth following.
gp Dutt - USA - 5 hours ago -Follow
Make it mandatory for the shopkeeper to charge the customer for Plastic bags. It will reduce the wastage and consumer will prefer to reuse the bags.
shilpy shilpy - onthescene - 10 hours ago -Follow
i am surprised no plastic plants in india has bothered to recycle plastic waste generated within india although they import a lot of american plastic waste.
Pradeep Rai - 3 hours ago -Follow
Recycling Program?
Stud Baker - 4 hours ago -Follow
Indian businesses and consumers use and discard plastic bags more casually than any other country on earth. Travelling by train one can see various colored plastic trash strewn all along the tracks. Sea, Rivers ponds drains are full of plastic trash. People are too ill mannered. Unless and until a strict law against use of plastic bags is enforrced this situation would not improve.
Bharath Reddy - 1 hour ago -Follow
The Indian attitude is to keep your own house clean and throw the garbage on your neighbours side.
Whadafa - Here - 5 hours ago -Follow
The real solution is education: educate people to reuse (as much as possible) and dispose of it correctly. Hard solution, but apart from total ban on it, the only solution.
Bharat Darshan - Delhi - 6 hours ago -Follow
Ban non recyclable plastics completely... go back to good old way of using paper bags, cloth bags etc. We really don''t require plastic but then Reliance, as a largest producer of PVC, will be out of business in no time
Bharath Reddy - 1 hour ago -Follow
Indians have freat family sense but no civic sense.
Om Prakash - Ludhiana, Punjab, India - 2 hours ago -Follow
production of single use plastic items should be stopped immediately.
Ravi - 1 hour ago -Follow
Make it compulsory to mix it with tar in construction of new roads. Easy way to dispose it off and better quality roads too
Kumar - Toronto - 1 hour ago -Follow
Many Indian people are lazy to carry a jute bag to buy vegetables. They don't care about environment. Also Govt. should ban all polythene companies.
Madan Mohan Siddhanthi - Mumbai - 1 hour ago -Follow
Concentrate how to dispose it judiciously - I have seen it is so much used in US/Canada and don''t they have problem
Ganguman Ganguman - 2 hours ago -Follow
Humans are more bad than AIDS virus
Nitin Chalke - 2 hours ago -Follow
Why do we care?? We have bigger problems about getting reservation for every community, religious issue, regionalism etc. Enviornmental care - What the hell is that???? :(
Sonny V - Bangalore, India - 3 hours ago -Follow
Please ban plastic in the country. Unless we take tough measures you can''t promise better living conditions
Shinto James - Location - 5 hours ago -Follow
Nobody cares this.....what a shame..we r going with cow bharath
Narendra - HINDUstan - 9 mins ago -Follow
I request all to use paper or cloth bags.
Always keep a cloth bag in your bag.
bullaraam - Bulla Nagar - 1 hour ago -Follow
Much bigger problem to the nation is the RSS PIIIGS trying to break the unity of INDIA, kick them out
Anthony - Bangalore - 1 hour ago -Follow
This is a serious problem one day we will not able to dispose the waste.
Anthony - Bangalore - 1 hour ago -Follow
Govt Executives are responsible to find the solution using the resorces like our scientific community , universities and involving private players.
K Gopalakrishna - 2 hours ago -Follow
Government and people should come up with a long term solution for this menace . Cooperation from all is needed .
Desmond Harris - Sydney Australia - 2 hours ago -Follow
Australia has a much smaller plastic waste problem but is banning plastic shop bags.
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