My middle-aged parents that currently live in Shanghai are moving to Mumbai, and I am worried. Is Mumbai a good place to live?
Rachit Shah, ADAS engineer.
Mumbai is a great place to live. Do not worry. Yes, there are some people who cause problems, but that happens almost in any city in the world.
Survival you ask? Unless, they roam out with gold jewelry all over themselves and throw out money from their pockets every now and then.. It should be fine. It is definitely not like the cities in Singapore or Japan, where there are honest people everywhere.
But, Mumbai does have its own share of nice people.
If they get lost anywhere in Mumbai, all they need to do is ask any damn guy around them and they will show you the where to head to.
The police department is very helpful and vigilant. They work around the clock to make sure the city sleeps well. At nights one will surely see cop cars and blocks here and there spread throughout the city.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
Living in Mumbai is a struggle to many, so there are some downsides to it. Please ask your parents to talk to neighbors to get some idea about the tax/cab/rickshaw fares before they start to travel around the city. If not, the public transport in the city is pretty safe.
Avoid using the trains at the start as your parents may not be well acquainted with the rush-hour crowd and the tips and tricks to board the train safely. Survival should not be an issue unless they really indulge in anything problematic. Please select a good location for them to live. All the suburbs and the towns on the western line are nice places to live.
Sudhanshoo Maroo, Investor
If we consider various aspects of living viz healthcare, public transport, utilities, safety (esp for women), security, education, people, culture, cost of living, etc, I would imagine that Mumbai is the best city to live in, in India. However, when you benchmark Mumbai on those parameters with cities elsewhere in the world, it is in the bottom quartile. That probably speaks a lot about the poor quality of life in Indian cities.
I have never been to Shanghai so a relative comparison is not possible. A recent survey of 140 world cities places Shanghai (Rank 79) much above Mumbai (Rank 116)
Arya Patnaik, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mumbai is the Shanghai of India, the financial capital of India. Here are my personal ratings out of 10 for both the cities:
Security: Shanghai 8, Mumbai 5
I would have rated Mumbai much higher, but for the terror attacks. Otherwise Mumbai is as safe as Shanghai, mostly even better
Public Transport: Shanghai 7, Mumbai 7
Mumbai does not have a metro (yet), but its local trains, BEST buses/A/C buses, rickshaws & taxs are an epitome of convenience. Dadar station in Mumbai is the People Square station of Shanghai, although a tad bit more crowded!
Infrastructure: Shanghai 8, Mumbai 6
Dont expect the huge specialty malls with hundreds of brands in each, mom & pop stores open 24 by7, flyovers that go round & round, buildings as tall as the TV tower or roads as wide. Mumbai still gets a 6 because the traffic jams are not as bad, restaurants that remain open almost till midnight & no power cuts in the main city (no sir, not even in summers!)
Environment: Shanghai 4, Mumbai 6
People: Shanghai 8, Mumbai 9
Expect the same level of super helpful people, rarely experienced in any other part of the world. The only reason I awarded 9 to Mumbai is because most people can converse in English. I told you, these are my personal ratings.
Let me know if there are any other areas to be compared.
Prakash Thorat, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Living life in Mumbai can be understood from the following figures.
- Most populous city in India.
- Contributes to India’ s 33% tax collection.
- Ranks top 50 in Global Financial centre Index
- Bombay stock exchange is 3rd largest in the world.
- Capital of India’ Pharmaceutical and film production industries.
- South Asian Regional Head office of many multinational corporations
- Average rainfall 2400 mm. Almost 60% rain falls in two months.
- Often 30 to 40% Rains will fall in 2-3 events creating massive temporary flooding.
- At least 20 times the high tide will be more than 4.5 meters preventing rain water to drain in sea.
- 印度人口最多的城市。
- 贡献了印度全国33%的税收。
- 全球金融中心指数排名前50。
- 孟买证券交易所是世界第三大交易所。
- 印度制药行业和电影制作行业之都。
- 许多跨国公司南亚地区总部所在地。
- 平均降雨量2400毫米。近60%的降雨集中在两个月内。
- 2-3次降雨通常会带来30-40%的降雨,造成大规模的短期洪涝。
- 一年中至少有20次潮水高度超过4.5米,雨水无法流入大海。
- Extreme population density 27000 persons in one square km.
- Large floating population.
- 52% live in slums and another 18% old buildings constructed hundred years back..
- High structural density with 3 million structures.
- 57 slums locations with 2.5 million are located in high tide line.
- City coast line 170 km
- 266 places can’t be stopped from getting flooded in high rains.
- Extremely conested roads and 3 million vehicles.
- Water supplying lakes located 140 km away (except two in city area catering to just 10%).
- 人口密度极高:每平方公里2.7万人。
- 流动人口规模很大。
- 52%的人居住在贫民窟,另外18%的人居住在100年前建造的老旧建筑中。
- 建筑密度高,有300万栋建筑。
- 高潮线上有57个贫民窟,人口达250万。
- 城市海岸线达170公里。
- 暴雨时,266个地方注定被淹。
- 道路极其狭窄,车辆达300万辆。
- 供水湖泊位于140公里以外(城市地区的两个供水湖泊只能供应10%)。
- 3 million people live around area prone to landslide.
- Ask citizens what their problems are .20% say Housing, 15% education, 15% health,10% water and sanitation. Only 7% complain about employment.
- 609 heritage buildings and 33 heritage precincts.
- 70% activities are in service sector
- The per capita income of mumbai is double the national income.
- Everyday 4.5 million people enter mumbai and 4.46 millions leave out.
- The central and western local trains carry 7 million people everyday while 5.5 are carried by transports.
- BEST operates on 500 routes 4500 buses including 400 air-conditioned.
- 79% of city roads below width of 30 mtrs.
- 300万人居住在易发生山体滑坡的地区。
- 询问市民他们有什么烦恼,20%的人说住房,15%的人说教育,15%的人说健康,10%的人说水和卫生。只有7%的人抱怨就业。
- 拥有609栋文物建筑和33个文物区。
- 70%的商业活动都集中在服务行业。
- 孟买的人均收入是全国国民收入的两倍。
- 每天有450万人进入孟买,446万人离开。
- 中西部地区的火车每天载客量为700万人次,其中550万人次由交通工具运送。
- BEST拥有500条线路、4500辆公交车,其中400辆安装了空调。
- 79%的城市道路宽度在30米以下。
- Passenger traffic in suburban railway increased since its inception but capacity of infrastructure increased only by 2.3 times.
- In peak hour, one local train carry 4500 passengers against capacity of 1750.
- Mumbai airport handles 31 million foreign tourists and 54 million domestic tourist a year.
- The mumbai airport handles 685 flight a day that is one landing or take off every after 2 mins
- Water daily requirement is 4000 mld but supply is 3350 mld. But per capita supply is higher than national standard.
- Only 62% water is billed rest is free to poor people.
- City generates 2680 mld sewerage water but only 1700 mld is collected.
- There are 176 outlets from where city water gets into sea.
- City generates everyday 800 trucks of garbage and 4700 tons construction debris.
- 郊区铁路自建成以来客流量增加,但基础设施容量仅增加2.3倍。
- 在高峰时段,一列本地列车载客量为4500人,但荷载量仅1750人。
- 孟买机场每年接待3100万外国游客和5400万国内游客。
- 孟买机场每天起降685次航班,每2分钟降落或起飞一次
- 日需水量4000 mld,供水3350 mld。但人均供应量仍高于国家标准。
- 只有62%的供水是收费的,余下的都是免费供应给穷人的。
- 城市污水排放量为2680 mld,但回收量仅为1700 mld。
- 有176个城市用水入海排水口。
- 城市每天产生800辆卡车的垃圾和4700吨建筑垃圾。
- Only 10 % garbage is recycled. Despite these odds, Mumbai declared as cleanest mega city of India.
- 590 mld water per day can be generated if citizens harvest rain.
- Only 65% city is developed.15 lakh crores are required to fully develop it.
- 1.1 million houses are required. 1.3 lakhs flat unsold as developers refusing to cut down prices.
- 80% citizens go to private doctors for treatment .7% babies are born at home
- 仅10%的垃圾得以回收。尽管比例不高,孟买依然被评为印度最干净的大城市。
- 如果市民收集雨水,每天可产生590mld的水。
- 该城只有65%的地区得到开发。完全开发需要15万亿卢比的费用。
- 该城有110万套住房的缺口。由于开发商拒绝降价,13万套公寓尚未售出。
- 80%的市民找私人医生看诊治病,7%的婴儿在家出生。
Salil Deshpande
'Worried about their survival'? Don't know what you have been reading, but there's really no cause for alarm. Sure, it's a bustling city. Sure, the traffic sucks, as do the rentals. But by any standards, Mumbai is livable. Eminently.
It only gets better if you have a fatter wallet, which will give you flexbility when choosing your locality. This is the single most important decision you make in Mumbai. Your experience will depend largely on where (and how) you live.
That apart, Mumbai pretty much has it all. Plenty of comforts, the best medical facilities, all kinds of eat-outs, vartiety in entertainment and recreation, excellent connectivity to the world, 24x7x365 power supply (not so for rest of the country) and a cosmopolitan, expat-friendly culture.
It's unclear what your parents are going to be here for. The only other place which might be (marginally) better is Pune. Senior-citizen friendly, good weather, increasingly multi-cultural and definitely more affordable than Mumbai.
Hope this helps.
Vikrama Dhiman,
For the elderly and I am assuming retired people, Mumbai is definitely not the place to be at. Its not elderly friendly by any stretch of imagination. The life is hectic, public transport crowded and health care bustling at seams. Only plus point is that people are generally helpful and its generally more secure. As they would live in an apartment complex, they would have security but constant haggle of other dwellers. If they have relatives living close by, it would be great help.
Bangalore is another city which comes to mind. The weather is good, generally less pollution, lots of open stretches. If you live around where you need to be, no problem of traffic either - although the public transport sucks.
However, the pick of the lot would be Chandigarh, Dehradoon or other hill stations - other than an extreme winter climate, everything going for it.
Anil Bahuman, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Arguably, the best city in India. Cosmopolitan, meritocratic and chic. If your idea of paradise is a land of only rich people - Mumbai is not for you. But in Mumbai's coastal waterfront when you see the rich and poor alike enjoying the waters, sand and skyline, you can't help admit that this is as close - as egalitarian - as paradise can get. There is no doubt that life is a struggle in this city for something like 99% and this needs to be improved. In spite of its glaring faults, Mumbai is a good place to call home
Mumbai is not a healthy place to live for children and old people. Life expectancy in India is 69 years but for those living in Mumbai, it is 59 years. I returned home to Mumbai after over 25 years and find it difficult to get around, take a walk, cross the road and there is a constant haze of smog.
Unless your parents were living in Mumbai earlier, have been away for less than 5 years, have a place to live in south Mumbai or on the island city till Mahim off main roads, they should consider other options.
Subrahmanyam Kvj, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
I would strongly second what Anon user wrote. Mumbai is indeed a good place to live, but it all depends on what kind of area that you are willing to accept and the associated cost, commute-time challenges. The city is quite safe and has a public transport system that, well, works. But you can expect a crowd practically anywhere you go, given Mumbai's huge population. Healthcare facilities, particularly from the private sector are top-notch. Traffic snarls are common and that is all the more reason why they should consider staying as close to place of work as possible (assuming they are).
You might also want to consider your parents living in the satellite cities of Thane or Navi Mumbai which have, IMO, a better quality of life
Harsh Mehta, studied at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
It is a Good Place to Live …… But there are some big Advantages & Problem with Mumbai …. So First Lets start with Advantages as follows:-
1- Limitless Opportunities , there is reason it is Considered City of Dreams
2- Metropolitian Society , we have All kind of People in Mumbai regardless of Caste , ethnicity etc
3 - Relatively Quite Safe than Other Indian Cities, mumbai Police is one of the Best in the Country
4 - Good Restaurants and A great Night Life
5 - Good Education System
6 - Amazing Coast Line , If the coast Line is Maintained and Kept Clean it is really Beautiful
1 -有无限的机会,被称作梦想之城是有理由的
2 -大都市社会,孟买有各色人群,不分种姓、种族等
3 -相对于印度其他城市孟买更安全,孟买的警方是印度最好的警方之一
4 -拥有优质餐厅和美好的夜生活
5 -良好的教育体系
6 -令人惊叹的海岸线,如果海岸线得以保养、维持整洁,它真的非常漂亮
Now Lets Talk abt Disadvantages as Follows :-
1- It is very Expensive , both in terms of cost of living and Real Estate also and we have Octroi tax which makes every Item Expensive .
2- Quality Of Infrastructure is Horrible , Roads are in a very Bad shape in most parts of the city due to high Corruption and substandard quality of construction , Railways are Packed above their Normal Capacity, Drainage systems always fail in monsoon which results in the City getting Water Logged during Monsoon
3-Air Pollution is Very High
4- It is very Cramped Up and there is always very High Traffic so takes a lot of time to travel from Point A to B
5 - Not very Easy to Find Domestic Help
6 - Quality Of Life not very High if we compare the amount of Money we spend on a Daily Basis ..
So these are some basic Things i could come up with , but regardless of all the shortcomings i just love my City as a Fanatic , i wud say
1 -孟买的物价高,生活成本和房地产价格都很高,我们有商品入市税,提高了所有商品的价格。
2 -基础设施的质量很可怕,由于腐败严重和不合格的建设质量,城市的大部分地区道路状况很糟糕,火车总是超载,雨季时城市排水系统总是出问题,导致城市积水。
3 -空气污染非常严重
4 -非常拥挤,交通总是非常拥堵,所以从A地到B地总要花费很长时间
5 -要想找家政,不太容易
6 -如果我们对比一下每天的日常花费,生活质量并不是很高
Mumbai is a great place to live if you own the place you are living in. The rent rates are one of the highest in the world.
As far as life goes, there are lots of people around (literally). So your parents won't feel lonely, thats for sure. There is absolutely nothing you can't do there, so if they have hobbies to get them through the day - things should be fine.
But on the other hand, if they plan to work when in Mumbai then God help them! Commuting is hell.
Eric DaCosta, lives in India
Mumbai is exceptionally survivable. Particularly if you're living in the suburbs. Places from Borivli to Malad do have areas with a comparatively lower level of traffic.
Commuting is problematic during rush hours (8-11 am and 4.30-8 pm) but otherwise quite comfortable.
It may not be the exact same standard of living as Shanghai, but it isn't uncomfortable at the least.
Like Salil I would also recommend Pune (Aundh in particular). It is fairly less crowded and has wide open spaces and lesser traffic in the interior areas
Stanford Sequeira, Dream Chaser & NYU Grad
Not to be very harsh, but this is the reality
Bombay was a good place, Mumbai - well is no more. If you are thinking of moving here with older parents, please drop the idea immediately, As for your parents - I’m sorry but this place is not senior citizen friendly, They will have a tough time. Think twice before you send them here. Mumbai doesn't have the capability to give senior citizens a trouble free life.
Navin p, studied at James Cook University
I lived in Mumbai for 2 years, I'm basically from calicut Kerala a small beach side city, currently residing at Singapore.
You will get fair quality of life style if you reside at worli/navi Mumbai/church gate area, transportation is quite cheap but its kind of rough, if you intend to use the suburban trains for daily transportation it will be hard struggle. You will feel very claustrophobic unless you are a crowd lover and can tolerate loud noises.
Finally my opinion/advice is to chose pune over Mumbai as they are elderly people.
Dhwani Bharma
Mumbai is the best place you can live in India. This city is actually the city that never sleeps .The people are amazing and helpful also very friendly. You get all facilities here and everything is so convenient. The best place to live in Mumbai would be either, any place in south mumbai or bandra carter road or linking road.
Shobhana Kapoor, teacher
I love Mumbai and inspite of all its short comings I can't think of living anywhere else. I feel Mumbai's transport system , cosmopolitan outlook , education system,health care are better than other cities in India.
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