

China plans its own 'Silicon Valley' in mega urbanised region three times the size of the San Francisco Bay Area


China has revealed ambitious plans to build its own Greater Bay Area to rival Silicon Valley in the US.


The blueprint of the Greater Bay Area, published by inhua News Agency late Monday, aims to link 11 cities in the Pearl River Delta area and integrate them into a technology and economic powerhouse in southern China by 2035.



The region, with a population of more than 67 million people, covers 56,100 square kilometres (21,660 square miles) and is three times the area of California's famous technology centre.


Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen and Guangzhou will be the four key cities of the Bay Area driving the region's economic development, according to the blueprint.


The development plans will 'further enhance and support a leading role of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area in national economic development and opening up', the State Council said in the guidelines.


Authorities will expand and upgrade airports in the four key cities and accelerate construction of large-scale oil reserves bases in the Pearl River Delta area, inhua said.


The government will build a rapid transport network within the bay area, and work on reducing travel time among major cities to an hour or less to increase connectivity.


The plans pledged to enhance Hong Kong's status as an international finance, transportation and trade centre and Macau will focus on becoming an international tourism hub and platform for trade with Portuguese-speaking countries such as Brazil.


Guangzhou would take a leading administrative role as a provincial capital and Shenzhen would expand its role as a special economic zone and technology hub.


At the same time, Beiing eventually hopes to create a single market through the elimination of trade barriers and the encouragement of business and expertise exchange between cities.


Financial institutions in the Greater Bay Area will be allowed to conduct spot and forward yuan trading and yuan derivatives transactions as well as cross-border yuan lending.


The region has grown from an agricultural area in the 1980s to Asia's largest and most populous urban area, having leapfrogged the Tokyo Bay area's population in 2010.


Peter Wong, deputy chairman and chief executive of HSBC's Asia Pacific operations, said the latest plan will help leverage the strengths of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau in the technology, financial and tourism industries.

'With the direction given by this policy, cities and regions in the Greater Bay Area can develop plans to leverage those complementary strengths more effectively,' Wong said.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/47084.html   译者:Jessica.Wu


crazyisthis, Duluth, United States, 14 hours ago

When will China start copying the way America builds something? They have stolen every other thing they have ever came up with up, built etc. Why can't they build quality into the stuff they produce instead of being known as producing trash products that break soon after purchase? They can Copy Silicon Valley all they want but the real one will always be in the Western USA, California and everyone knows it.. Sounds more like a newer Spy center than a technological area but what do I know!

人什么都抄袭。为什么生产不来高档商品,老是生产一些用不了多久就坏掉的垃圾产品呢? 他们可以随心所欲地复制硅谷,但真正的硅谷将永远位于美国西部的加州,这是众所周知的。在我看来,这更像一个新的间谍中心,而不是一什么技术中心!


hildatok, Canadian, Canada, 16 hours ago

With all the stolen tech from the west.



stephenjjj2, Tampa, United States, 16 hours ago

With 1.4 billion people, it is probably inevitable that China will soon be the earth's dominant country.



Peter, London, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

@stephenjjj2. Well China and India are both at 1.4bn population, with the latter having a lower GDP than Germany, the UK or France. So not down to numbers of people. China faces two economic problems. Massive property debt and social problems following the one child rule. Resulting in an imbalance of males as females were aborted or 'put to sleep' as infants.

@stephenjjj2。和印度都有14亿人口,后者的GDP低于德国,也低于英国和法国。关键不在于人口。面临两个经济问题。 资产负债和社会问题,以及选择性堕胎导致的男女比例失衡。


Orange Green 781, Springfield, United States, 10 hours ago

India and China is on the way up. Germany, UK and France heading in the opposite direction....massive property debt and social problems...not a problem in the UK then?



derek2n, Exeter, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

They seem to be doing very well at the moment.



inannaishtar, Earth, United States, 17 hours ago

San Francisco is 7 Square miles; saying its 3 times the size of it is not really much of a feat.



Delta, Tijuana, Mexco, 12 hours ago

Idiot, read the article. China Greater Bay Area Coverage: 9 municipalities in Guangdong, plus Hong Kong, Macao Area: 56,100 sq km, or 21,660 sq m Population: 69 million San Francisco Bay Area Coverage: 9 counties bordering the San Francisco Bay Area: 17,900 sq km, or 6,911 sq m Population: 7.7 million

白痴,好好看看这篇文章。大湾区覆盖范围: 广东9个市,加上港澳地区,面积56100平方公里(合21660平方英里);人口为6900万。旧金山湾区覆盖范围:与旧金山湾区接壤的9个郡,面积17900平方公里(合6911平方英里),人口为770万。


Peter, London, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

Suspect the finest Chinese technological brains have already moved to Silicon Valley and have no interest in returning.


derek2n, Exeter, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

You don't know much then.



Peter, London, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

Whilst China has many brilliant minds, it is hard to imagine how the State will allow the radical free thinking to explore new technological ideas, such as in Silicon Valley or the UK fintech hubs of Cambridge and London's Shoreditch? You only have to look at the Nobel Prize winners over the last century to realise that whilst countries like the US and UK are in triple figures, China is still in low single figures, despite its massive population and admired education system.



Laowai, Guangzhou, China, 17 hours ago

Unfortunately the "admired education system" in China relies heavily on learning by "rote" not practical experience.



ten33, London, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

I think your keyword there was "last century" - today's investment in innovation is happening in Asia


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