

Is ancient India overrated?



Atul Bansal, History Buff | ISROite | IITian | CSE Aspirant

Let us take the example of Ajanta Caves to understand this.

Ajanta Caves are a group of 29 caves dedicated to Buddhism, cut from a single granite rock mass of Sahyadri Hills (Western Ghats). They were cut from 2nd century BC to around 5th century AD by Buddhist monks by carving a U-shaped Cliff.




The caves were cut in a manner to align with key cosmological events.

Cave No. 19 and Cave No. 26 align perfectly with winter solstice and summer solstice respectively

Winter solstice - When Sun reaches southern most position as seen in Northern Hemisphere . It is usually around 22 December. It marks the begng of northward movement or ascent of sun.

Summer solstice - When Sun reaches northermost position as seen from northern hemisphere. It is usually around 21 June. It marks the begng of southward movement or descent of sun

On Winter solstice, Sun shines perfectly into Cave No. 19 and lightens Buddha’s statue. Buddha is shown in standing posture which symbolically means that force of divine sun is descending into a spiritually prepared person.

译文来源:三泰虎  https://www.santaihu.com/47117.html  译者:Joyceliu







On Summer solstice, Sun shines perfectly into Cave No. 26 and lightens Buddha’s statue. Buddha is shown seated with his feet on pedestal. This shows ascendance of Buddha into heavens.

To put it differently, ancient Indians more than 1500 years ago, using simple tools like chisels and hammers, carved 29 caves from a single large hard rock mass in such a way that it perfectly aligns with sun’s rays on particular days.

This shows advanced knowledge of astronomy, civil engineering and architecture. Achievements in other fields were equally marvelling.

The achievements of Ancient India is not overrated but underrated.






Pak L. Huide, Undergrad at University of Toronto

Seriously? If anything, ancient India is sorely UNDERRATED.

I mean, I'm an ethnic living in Canada. But when I was growing up in Canada, I knew jackshit about India. Besides maybe curry.

I mean, people here have a vague understanding of history but they have NO idea about Indian history. For example, most people know that the Middle Kingdom is how referred to herself but how many people know about Bharat? How many know about even the Guptas? People know that was famous for ceramics and tea but how many people know about ancient India’s achievement in metallurgy? People know about the Great Wall, but how many know about the great temples of southern India?

This is partly due to the lackluster historical records that ancient Indians kept and also partly because modern Indians have a tendency to look down upon their ancient heritage and view western ideas and ideals as superior. also has this problem but not nearly to the same extent.

Ancient India was a hub of culture and technology and the absolute capital of world spirituality. I could talk about India for hours but it's hard to type on the phone. In short, India is many things but OVERRATED is definitely not one of them.







Satyarth Routroy, Indian by birth, Indian by soul, Indian by heart.

  1. Is ancient India overrated?

On the contrary, ancient India is highly underrated.

We are one of the longest living continuous ancient civilization. But how many people around the world know that? Ancient India had been the hub of art, architecture, literature and technology- but most people are totally unaware of that. Forget about non-Indians, many Indians of the 21st century are unaware of our ancient and past glory.

The discovery that the earth is spherical is credited to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was born in 384 BCE. However, very few people know that a man from ancient India established the idea of “spherical earth” during the 8th-9th century BCE. The man was called Yajnavalkya who first discovered that the earth is round. He was the first to propose the heliocentric system of the planets. In his work Shatapatha Brahmana, he proposed that the earth and the other planets move around the sun. He also calculated the period of one year as 365.24675 days. This is only 6 minutes longer than the current established time of 365.24220 days[1].




世人普遍认为地球是球形的这一发现归功于希腊哲学家亚里士多德,他生于公元前384年。然而,几乎没人知道一位古印度人曾在公元前8 -9世纪就提出了“球形地球”的概念。这个人叫雅杰那瓦基亚,他是第一个发现地球是个大圆球的人。他是第一个提出行星日心说的人。在他的著作《百道梵书》中,他提出地球和其他行星围绕太阳运转。他还计算出一年的周期为365.24675天。这只比目前测定的365.24220天[1]多了6分钟。


Take the example of Kung Fu. The whole world knows about the martial art called Kung Fu. The person who founded Kung Fu was none other than a prince of the Pallava dynasty from Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu who visited during the 5th century CE. He became the 28th patriarch of Buddhism and established the Shaolin temple and founded the martial art which became world famous today[2]. That prince was called Bodhidharma.

But how many people know about that Kung Fu and Shaolin was founded by an Indian? Precisely, if we Indians are unaware of our heritage, why should we expect that someone else will know about our history and achievement?

The achievements of ancient Indians are lost in obscurity. Our ancestors had invented many ways which eased the basic life of a common man. These inventions may seem primitive today, but we can’t ignore the fact that these were revolutionary achievements during their era.

The Indus Valley civilization is known for the broad and the sanitized drainage system which was no less than a miracle during those ancient times. But how many people know that the ancient Indians from Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) were the first to invent a flush toilet[3]?






The people around the world use rulers to measure everything. How many people know that Indus Valley Civilization was the first to invent the rulers[4]? A ruler has been found at Lothal which is 4400 years old. Not only this, the people of IVC were the first to invent buttons[5]. The world knows that the discovered the art of weaving silk dresses. How many people know that IVC people were the first to weave dresses made of cottons[6].

The ancient Indians were first to invent the weighing scales. Archaeologists have discovered weighs and scales from the excavation sites of Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Lothal etc[7]. These scales were extensively used for trading.



古印度 砝码和秤

Ancient India has given Yoga to the world- which is widely practiced almost all over the world to keep people fit and fine. Models, supermodels, film stars, athletes, etc. regularly attends Yoga session to keep themselves fit.

Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya were the three eminent mathematicians from ancient India who established the concept of zero as a mathematical value in different eras. Brahmagupta was the first to invent a symbol for the value “shunya” (zero)[8]. Bhaskaracharya was the first to use it as algebra. The oldest inscription of zero can be found at the Chaturbhuj temple in Gwalior fort[9].




Ancient Indians were pioneers in the field of chemistry too. The person who first invented the “atomic theory” was none other than Acharya Kanad from ancient India[10]. He explained the atomic theory using terms like “Anu”(atom) and “Paramanu”(nucleus).

Ancient Indians were advanced in medical science too. The great physician of his time, Sage Shusrut was the first to carry out different surgeries which included plastic surgery and cataract surgery[11]. His works are composed in his book called Shusrut Samhita (The works of Shusrut). The world hardly knows about Charak, the great specialist in medicine from ancient India. He was the first physician to establish the problems and medicinal treaties in fields like physiology, embryology, digestion, sexual disease, immunity, etc. His works on Ayurveda is composed as a book called Charak Samhita (The works of Charak).

The Chera dynasty of Tamil Nadu invented the idea of producing finest steel by heating black magnetite ore along with carbon. The mixture was kept in a crucible and heated in charcoal furnace. The Wootz Steel[12] originated from India, but today, is popular as Damascus Steel.

Ancient Indians were pioneers in the field of chemistry too. The person who first invented the “atomic theory” was none other than Acharya Kanad from ancient India[10]. He explained the atomic theory using terms like “Anu”(atom) and “Paramanu”(nucleus).

Ancient Indians were advanced in medical science too. The great physician of his time, Sage Shusrut was the first to carry out different surgeries which included plastic surgery and cataract surgery[11]. His works are composed in his book called Shusrut Samhita (The works of Shusrut). The world hardly knows about Charak, the great specialist in medicine from ancient India. He was the first physician to establish the problems and medicinal treaties in fields like physiology, embryology, digestion, sexual disease, immunity, etc. His works on Ayurveda is composed as a book called Charak Samhita (The works of Charak).

The Chera dynasty of Tamil Nadu invented the idea of producing finest steel by heating black magnetite ore along with carbon. The mixture was kept in a crucible and heated in charcoal furnace. The Wootz Steel[12] originated from India, but today, is popular as Damascus Steel.


古印第安人在医学上也很先进。作为当时的伟大医生,Sage Shusrut是第一个进行多种手术的人,包括整形手术和白内障手术[11]。他的手术被写入他的书中,书名为《舒斯鲁特的手术记录》。世人几乎不知道查拉克这位古印度的医学专家。他是第一位在生理学、胚胎学、消化学、性疾病、免疫学等领域确定病症并进行医学治疗的医生。他对阿育吠陀上的研究被写成一本书,名为《查拉克的著作》。



Sayak Biswas, Indian and proud

Most of us will know this branch of mathematics, right?



One of the very first proponents of trigonometry was a man called Aryabhatta. He is also credited for invention of “zero”, the number without which any modern-day calculation is impossible.

His studies of trigonometry was roughly around the same period when other civilizations like Greeks, Egyptians were studying about this. But Aryabhatta’s methods were comparatively easier than the clumsier Greek versions. Later his works were adopted by Arabs, and his name was there in al-Kwarizmi’s book on algebra.




Dharm Sidhu, Director, Software Engg

Well in my personal opinion, The person might intended a punk as “Ancient India” is highly under rated and to support my opinion, I will try to relate them discoveries happened in past which are still very much applicable in modern world



1.The Idea of Zero


1. 零的概念


Little needs to be written about the mathematical digit ‘zero’, one of the most important inventions of all time. Mathematician Aryabhata was the first person to create a symbol for zero and it was through his efforts that mathematical operations like addition and subtraction started using the digit, zero.

The concept of zero and its integration into the place-value system also enabled one to write numbers, no matter how large, by using only ten symbols.



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