

 US seeks information on potential misuse of F-16 by Pakistan


WASHINGTON: The US is seeking more information on the potential misuse of American-made F-16 fighter jets by Pakistan against India in violation of the end-user agreement, the State Department has said.

华盛顿: 美国国务院表示,美国正在获取更多有关巴基斯坦违反最终用户协议、并可能违规使用美国F-16战斗机对付印度的信息。

The Indian Air Force on Thursday displayed parts of an AMRAAM beyond visual range air-to-air missile as evidence to "conclusively" prove that Pakistan deployed US-manufactured F-16 fighter jets during an aerial raid targeting Indian military installations in Kashmir after India's anti-terror operation in Balakot .


Pakistan on Wednesday categorically said that no F-16 fighter jets were used and denied that one of its planes had been downed by the Indian Air Force.


"We are aware of these reports and are seeking more information," a State Department spokesperson told PTI when asked about report that Pakistan has violated end-user agreement with the United States in this week's border clash with India.



"Due to non-disclosure agreements in Foreign Military Sales contracts, we cannot discuss the specifics of end user-agreements contained within," Lt Col Kone Faulkner, a Defense Department spokesperson told PTI.


The United States, which is the largest seller of high-tech defence equipment globally, and has a strong end-user monitoring agreement, as a matter of practice takes all allegations of misuse of defense articles very seriously.


But before making any judgement or arriving at any conclusion, it needs to establish some facts on the ground, if there has been any violation by Pakistan to the F-16 end-user agreement it signed by the United States.


According to Pentagon's Defense Security and Cooperation Agency (DSCA) F-16 jets were meant to be used to "enhance Pakistan's ability to conduct counter-insurgency and counterterrorism operations".


Publicly available documents reveal that US has imposed nearly a dozen restriction on Pakistan related to its use of F-16.


During a Congressional hearing on July 20, 2006, John Miller the then assistant secretary of state for political military affairs, had told lawmakers that the United States has "very carefully considered" the potential risks of the diversion of US technology and equipment."



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/47139.html


sidzrocks - Hyderabad - 13 mins ago -Follow

the worst thing about pakis is there can never be any better liars and cheaters than them.....afterall they seek heaven so lets send them heaven and let them leave the earth to us



Hiten Indie - Delhi - 13 mins ago -Follow

One thing is clear, AMRAAM was used. The debris of crashed PAF aircraft clearly shows GE (US Made) engine cover. Is pak trying to say that BVR missile was fired using JF fighter? If yes, that is another violence and has more serious consequences. Reason, JF has been retrofitted to adapt AMRAAM.

有一件事是肯定的,使用了先进中程空对空导弹。坠毁的巴基斯坦空军战机的残骸清楚地显示出用的是通用电气(美国制造)的发动机罩。巴基斯坦是想说BVR导弹是用的枭龙战斗机发射的吗? 如果是的话,那将造成更严重的后果。


Aaaa - 15 mins ago -Follow

Let us hope US becomes sincere in anti terror actions and not support terrorists through Pak.



Mishra OM Prakash - Calcutta, India - 17 mins ago -Follow

Pakistan should be annihilated bu USA ! Destroy them !



Pistol Smith - kuiper belt outer space - 30 mins ago -Follow

US will always support pak because they need them for launching attacks on their next target which may be iran and later on other countries in central ,west asia and middle east. Even in 1971 they supported pak openly by sending their big guy USS Enterprise to the bay of Bengal to thwart indian naval presence .



Sarthak - 1 hour ago -Follow

Pakistanis are habitual liars



Bina Gupta - 1 hour ago -Follow

Is US so naive do they really expected Pakistan to honour agreement ?!!! Which world is US living in?!!! They seriously don’t deserve to be a super power. A piddly little bankrupt country can so easily fool these guys, it is indeed hilarious!!!!



Vidyanand Shetty - pune - 59 mins ago -Follow

unfortunately f16 fallen on pakistani side..



Common - 1 hour ago -Follow

US must understand that pak is unreliable. US must revoke all military tie ups with pak as pak is a threat to world peace.



Srinivasan Rangamannar - Location - 47 mins ago -Follow

It is disturbing to read articles by ex air force officers that Indian air force planes are dated and nowhere near Pak planes. The corrupt Congress guys have been slee over this issue for 4 decades



Aditya - 1 hour ago -Follow

why dont USA ask detail of every single f-16 it give to piggieess.actually its more shocking to american that an ancient mig can destroy mighty f-16.



Zapakia - Bengaluru - 11 mins ago -Follow

Send it to Obama's house, that moron wanted to give more F16s to Pakistan in 2015

在2015年, 奥巴马想卖更多F16战机给巴基斯坦


Vijay - India - 55 mins ago -Follow

US should take back those F16’s!



Kartik - 56 mins ago -Follow

Soon there will be Congressional enquiry on this and more trouble for Pak



Bhushan - 1 hour ago -Follow

USA should take it back all F16 then we will go for surgical strike 4.0,5.0......So no



Vicky T - 45 mins ago -Follow

US should stop supplying Spares for F-16 to Pakistan.. Their Airforce will cripple in no time..



ashish kumar - LOCATION - 45 mins ago -Follow

pakistan will have some way or other fake statement to defend themselves



Pradip Kumar Shome - Chennai - 46 mins ago -Follow

US so far was not looking that Pakistan allowed to copy F-16.



Hindustan Ki - Hindustan - 54 mins ago -Follow

USA should stop supplying spares !



AROP - 1 hour ago -Follow

Pak is a hypocrite and liar. US must act.


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