How did get so big in size and population?
Jonathan Wilson, I'll try to keep the answer short...
There are many reasons has become the most populated nation on the planet, and has dominated the #1 position in population for over 2,000 years! A vague summary of ’s history is that it has gone from dynasty to dynasty, different rulers, different monarchs, religion has taken over and subsided. Almost no other country has a more complex but beautiful history as , which shapes it into the highly militarized nation it is today.
By this knowledge of history, we know that in 221 BC, most of what is now was unified and made into one large empire. Since there are so many different geographical features (mountains, valleys, coastal), this makes easily a self reliable empire. Due to its geography and perfect location for growing crops in large pieces of land, the would have thought to have more children that they could support and could earn for them later in their lives.
Another possible reason is religion and diversity. was always a religiously diverse country, ranging from Ancestor worship to Buddhism as well as an ethnically diverse empire from its location.
Geography, abundance of natural resources, and diversity has all added up and has grown immensely, making ’s population #1 in the world
Ian Malkus, German lived in Malaysia before
In my opinions only
The main reason might be geographic.
Most of high populated countries are in Asia and in India.
Usually not in north or East Europe.
Previously human need foods to live on. In Asian Area, there are good farming or agriculture conditions. Good weather, good temperature and big river for rice etc..
However, compared to Asian area, in Europe, especially north part, the most conditions for farming is not proper. Too long winter and too cold.. even not enough sunshine… etc..
Well, since long years, in Asian area, people did agriculture to get foods. In Western parts, people did more hunting animals etc.. So their main food looked different. And they also improved in different way which fit for them.
For farming and working for this, more people is better. So they tried to have more and more sons.( male is better than female at that time, because male is stronger and better for agriculture which is very hard works.)
Compared to Europe, such Agriculture made people more stable. They did not need to move and move to get foods. They could settle down in an area. But people in Europe moved lots to search for foods.
This is all old history. But this can show why has big size country and many population. The environment caused this and people should adjust them under this big nature power.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
Matteo Lepore
has always had a huge population throughout its history.
farmland is a very suitable for agriculture thus a perfec habitat for humans.
If you look at the population of in 1900 it was as big as the US one today.
After WWII and the co unist takeover life expectancy rose and the fertility rate remained over 6 children per woman.
Europe doubled its population thanks to the industrial revolution, so did (it just took more time for it to modernize).
Afterwards the government introduced the one-child policy and the birth rate fell, but in ’80s thanks to huge economical and social improvements the population had a second boom.
Now the number of children is under the replacement rate, but if the standard of living continue to improve the population should grow to 1 billion and 400 million people before starting declining.
Pavel Astakhov, studied Computer Networking & Financial Management (2003)
When Rome broke up, never disintegrated for a long time. Therefore, the period of wars was short. And then prosperous Tang.
But that would not be enough.
In Europe, different nations fought among themselves, the Russians generally fought against all the steppe people. This reduced the number. The plague arose in and gradually acted, as a result, the did not have the Black Death, they had immunity. Most Europeans did not have it.
In addition, the unity of the nation and the purity of blood were achieved in .
Katie Pedro, APAC Regional HR Dirctor at Marvell Semiconductors (2018-present)
A2A. Because of civilization started with irrigated farming along side yellow river. The geographic and climate made amassing large population a necessity to survive.
1.Yellow river was not a easy water way to tame. It changes course all the time in ancient time, wi out entire crops farmers rely on to survive the next entire year. Farming was in itself a labor intensive work. Taming a large river requires every family unit to contribute manpower to construct massive dam or river bank. It also requires large population to save whatever savable in event of flood. When man was summoned to joined the force for construction, families need even more man at home to take care of the filed.
2.Farming requires long term planning. The time between seeding to harvesting takes seasons to complete. The next harvest will be seasons away. So protection of the crops in the fileds and food reserves from raiding are important. Therefore form army to defend the land is important. Again, army needs people, and more people to farm in order to supply the army.
3.To support large size of army, construction, administration body, other than tie people in farming, to maintain population growth was critical for the family, the clan and the society to survive. That's the reason developed the culture emphasizing on reproduction. Why is not having an heir is the biggest sin to commit to the family even the clan? Because it was indeed threatening the survive of the family/clan.
It is no longer the case for modern . Trading industry now is well regarded, unlike in ancient trading was the lowest ranked class. But the population base is already very very large.
Golightly Holly
First, i need to tell you, my view is of strong personal emotion. So, like it or not. Before that, the WWII cost 20 million life. Nearly a quarter of the whole population was off on the vast land. So the CPC regime was desperate, for OMG, they were shot of slaves. So Mao Zedong called up women to give birth and praise those who give many birth. Then there was a hit word “hero mother”, which means mother who gave birth to four, five or seven, or more. And time past, now , the population booms!
Mars Whay
Agriculture society. In southern , the crops which produces rice can harvest twice in a year. Manpower is a main factor of productivity. Head counts determine manpower.. Unlike society which gathers food by fishing, gathering, hunting …
So is India, Bangladesh.
Lai Cheok-Minh, Ordinary high school student in Hong Kong
Similar to India, land is simply just perfect for civilization. You have countless fertile plains and rivers everywhere which means easy production of food. The more food, the more people.
Kumar Lang, HungryLead Founder (2011-present)
Agricultural society tend to grow faster than nomadic. was blessed with fertile land, minimal natural disasters and importance of son, so family with daughter will keep on having kids till they have a son, plus good diet (long life) and low infant mortality.
Taimoor Khan, M.B.B.S from Capital Medical University
Well the answer is very simple by reproducing lols
Michael Cowan, Program Assistant at Northwest Florida State College (2018-present)
I think it's more likely that and India had predominantly lower historic death rates compared to the rest of the world during most of the pre-industrial era of history rather than proportionately higher birth rates as the leading factor.
Maharshi Choudhury, Programmer at Accenture
historically, had the world's largest population. Rarely it had been No 2 in world population. So by virue of that is the world's largest population
John Rawdon, former Retired
I can write bibles full of reasons. But it is simple fact! People look forward to how they need to equip themselves in old age. There are two ways. Either be very wealthy or, alternatively, have enough family to care for you in old age.
Quora User, Primary School in the big BJ
Well…. my mind is telling me not to write this but my fingers are doing it anyway.
Lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of unprotected sex. I mean seriously, 1.3 billion people?
So lots of ripe age sex. If the survey is telling the truth, as I don’t think 15, 16 and 17 year old respondents would dare admit so in .
Quora User
According to me it is also based on the area . For example In Australia child births will be less it's because of their geographical area .It is not linked with sex . It's based on weather and climate r area .This is my answer to this particular question
Max Fong, Ph.D. Couple and Family Therapy
do not sexually active compared with men in The Middle East, but had many long and stable periods in history as well as other factors.
In the first place, once had many dynasties, some of them lasting more than 200 years. Therefore, a safe and stable environment is suitable for human beings to reproduce.
Secondly, was an agricultural society for thousands years. Manpower was valuable in that situation, so more children meaned affluence in food. Meanwhile, emperors or loaders also encouraged the folks to have more children for the sake of extending the armies, especially male children. It is not a surprise that emperors promoted the notion that the last thing to show filial piety is to be DINK.
In Han Dynasty(202B.C.-220B.C.) , the population was about 60 million. In Qing Dynasty(1636 A.C.-1912 A.C.), the population achieved 350 million.
Also there were other factors, such as the rice cultivation and the mature system of traditional Medicine.
Why is so big?
A large army helped the emperors and loaders to conquer the surroundings. And a complete, catching, and deep-rooted culture kept all parts together. Although has 56 ethnics, we look like similar in many ways.
Chris Hills, studied Brext, European Union, Trade, Politics, Economy
is the most populous nation on earth. The figures are so large that they are hard to take in. At 1,382 million (2016 estimate) this is 19% of the world population of 7,349 million, or in other words one person in every five lives in . No country has ever ruled so many people. 's population is four times the population of the U.S. or double the entire population of Europe (2016 figures). Population density is uneven: 70% of people live in the Eastern third; while the extensive deserts and mountains covering half of the area has only about 12% of the population.
However it may be a surprise to know that this is not a modern phenomenon, two thousand years ago the whole population of the vast Roman empire was comparable to that of .
Population growth over history
civilization began along the Yellow River at about the same as those of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Initially people settled in the immediate vicinity of the valley.
The first accurate population statistic comes from as long as go as 2CE in the Han dynasty. It gives the population as 57.7 millions in 12.4 million households. Later in 140CE the figure had decreased to 48 million people in 9.5 million households - probably due to incursions by northern nomads. Meanwhile the whole Roman Empire of Emperor Augustus [27BCE-14CE] had between 70 and 90 million people.
At this time most people still lived along the Yellow River valley (Shaanx, Shanx, Henan, Shandong) but also the remote upper stretches of the Yangzi in Sichuan. There were fewer people in the lower Yangzi which is now the most densely populated part of .
New Year
's main holiday is the Spring Festival held in late January or early February. It is a very busy time and the public holiday lasts a whole week. It is a time to go back to your family home and celebrate the new year together with numerous traditions and festive food.
During the Han dynasty it is estimated that the urban (town) population was between 10 and 20%. The capital city of Chang'an, Shaanxhad 80,000 houses with 246,200 people, the city of Luoyang, Henan 52,839 houses with 195,504 people and Chengdu, Sichuan had 76,256 houses with 282,147 people.
After the Han came the turmoil and wars of the Three Kingdoms period when the population came down to 25 million by 280CE, although it may have been as low as 16 million (an apparent loss of 30 million).
据估计,在汉代,城市(镇)人口在10%到20%之间。首都陕西长安有 80000所房屋,人口246200;河南洛阳城有52839间房屋,人口195504;四川成都有76256间房屋,人口282147。
When the Tang dynasty re-unified the population rapidly climbed to 52.8 million (754CE). The An Lushan rebellion of 766CE reversed this quickly down to 17 million. The following Song dynasty was another period of prosperity that brought another sharp increase to about 100 million followed by the Mongol invasion which led to a steep decline. By the Southern Song dynasty the majority of people were in southern (as defined by south of the Huai River).
By the Yuan dynasty it was 58 million - but only counting those taxed; it then more than doubled to about 150 million in the late Ming. This trend continued into the Qing, with expanded territory under Emperor Qianlong, the population grew rapidly to 243 million in 1778 and about 400 million in 1840. In 1820 's population of 381 million dwarfed that of the whole of western Europe of only 122 million.
The devastating effect of warfare is evident in these population figures....... With a keen knowledge of history the people equate division and conflict with traumatic death tolls. Historians believe that over-population caused famines which in turn contributed to these conflicts. This is particularly true of the Qing dynasty when over a hundred years the population doubled to 400 million and the Tai Rebellion resulted.
It was the British cleric and scholar the Reverend Thomas Malthus 1766-1834 who made a significant contribution to the study of population dynamics in his study ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’ (1798-1826). He held the view that population has a natural tendency to forever increase until it is naturally controlled by famine, disease or warfare. Over-crowding leads to competition which trigger wars for access to a limited to supply of food and this decreases the population. Over-crowding also gives easier transmission of infectious diseases. So, before modern times the population of a region had a natural limit that could not be exceeded because one of the controlling influences would cause it to decline. Cycles of increase and decrease are seen as natural processes not chance happenings. This analysis is evident in , periods of steady population growth were followed by famine that fueled Civil War. The Tai Rebellion is the classic example of this.
It is only in modern times when intensive agriculture and free trade have allowed nations to import food in bulk that the limit has been raised. A dramatic illustration of this is that the availability of potatoes in Europe allowed the population to quickly double.
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