What is something at which India is far better than other developed nations?(2)
印度哪些方面远远优于发达国家 (2)
Ketan Pande, An ordinary Indian
People from America and Europe use to pay Rs 80,000 per day just to see him:
image source: Jai,India’s biggest Tiger presumed dead by Experts
Though he is lost now.
People from developed countries pay a hefty amount just to see the beautiful biodiversity of India.
image source: Foreign Visitors India Stock Photos & Foreign Visitors India Stock Images
But why?
Here is the reason:
In the below table, just look at the “Sinv” which means number of Invasive alien species in each country. You will find many developed countries in them.
data source: Map the global state of invasive alien species: patterns of invasion and policy responses
So what is Invasive alien species?
Invasive alien species are plants, animals, pathogens and other organisms that are non-native to an ecosystem, and which may cause environmental harm.
That means,
In these developed countries, they don’t get to see animals in their natural habitat. As they are completely disturbed by foreign species
They come to India to see animals in their natural habitat. It is more like a treat for them.
When they see a how a Royal Bengal Tiger rules his kingdom, they just go wowwwww!!!!
So, How India managed to conserve it’s forest and natural habitat?
(Note: Foreign invasion is also present in India, which is quite low compared to developed countries.)
The answer is,
image source: Wildlife protection act
In India, you can’t own or keep foreign as well as Native snakes, reptiles and wild animals. Though you can keep some foreign birds and fish, but they die as soon as they are released in wild.
In developed countries especially America, you can own any species, people even keep tiger as pet.
When some fish and reptiles become humongous in size, they release them in wild. This has disturbed the complete food chain and ecosystem of these country.
America is working hard to tackle this nuisance of foreign invasion. Just look at this:
image source: Invasive Snakeheads Found Above Great Falls
While In India, such invasion is low. Thus we have such beautiful forest that attract people from all over the world.
Kudos to Indian Lawmakers. Even Cute little Red Panda Thanks them.
Bipin Hirpara, MBA Finance & Marketing (2012)
We're always cribbing about how India is behind other countries in issues ranging from fancy cars to dark chocolate, but we should also remember to highlight and give some love to the things we've achieved and the progress the country's made in several fields.
- India has the best remote sensing capabilities in the world
India's remote sensing satellites evolved to stop dependence on satellite data from USA, which often suffered from delays. In 2013, India suffered from a cyclone of massive strength but the casualty was only one person, thanks to timely readings.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/47500.html 译者:Joyceliu
- 印度拥有世界上最好的遥感能力
- The Indian space program is one of the world's most cost effective
Apart from using the satellites for groundwater prospect map, crop acreage and production estimation etc, India's Mars mission has been lauded for it's cost, being completed at a miniscule $73 million.
- India's Thorium based nuclear program is one of the best in the world
India has the world's largest deposits of Thorium, a naturally occurring radioactive chemical element that can replace Uranium for nuclear fuel. Thorium is known to be safer and also has a greater capacity for generating energy.
- India is one of the most proficient in high altitude mountain warfare
Most of India's conflicts have been fought in mountain regions at dizzying heights and temperatures touching -60 F. The US, Uk and Russia even send their troops to train in our high altitude warfare schools, proving that we have one of the best alpine fighting units in the world.
- 印度的太空计划是世界上成本效益最高的计划之一
- 印度是最擅长山地作战的国家之一
- India's dabbawalla system is almost flawless
Dabbawallas pick up home cooked lunches and deliver them to the people at work. It is popularly claimed that only 1 out of 6 million deliveries are ever mixed up, which is impressive, especially in the dense and frenetic swirl of Mumbai.
- India is one of the most diverse countries
Ranging from diversity of languages, flaura and fauna, food habits, people, cultural values and historic lineage, we've got the whole heady mix surviving together.
- A festival is always around the corner in India
Apart from spreading love, gifts and light, festivals also herald the best thing known to man - holidays! With such religious diversity, India has one of the highest number of festivals in the world.
- 印度的达巴瓦拉系统几乎是完美无缺的
- 印度是世界上最多样化的国家之一
- 在印度,隔三差五总有节日
- Almost every Indian is multilingual
Unlike the West, almost every Indian person can speak two or more languages, thanks to English as the school medium apart from our own languages.
- We have a foundation in Ayurveda
India still has a system of Ayurveda in place, using ancient techniques to cure people's illnesses based on a holistic approach with the patient.
- Indian IT industry is the second largest in the world
We are the second largest after but will overtake them soon as well. What's next, world domination?!(nope that's 's plan)
- 几乎每个印度人都会说多种语言
- 我们有阿育吠陀
- 印度的IT产业是世界第二大产业
Andrew Shift, Airline Ramp Agent at United Airlines
I’m going to write about 2 important things. One is well known throughout the world while the other is not so well known to the general public.
The first one is BOLLYWOOD. We all have heard of Bollywood, a mash-up between “Bombay” and “Hollywood”. Bollywood is where the majority of Indian films come from. I personally love the theme surrounding Bollywood films. A lot of dancing and singing. It’s like a musical. I like musicals so I wish Hollywood had that same aspect.
The second one is about technology. And I’m not talking about IT or Help Centers. I’m about about space exploration. You see on the 5th of November 2013, India launched a space probe to orbit Mars. The impressive part about it is that India launched it successfully on the first try. The 3 other countries (Russia, USA, European Space Agency) failed on the first launch. Not only did Mangalyaan launch on the first try, it was the least-expensive Mars mission to date. The mission only costed 450 Crore, which is $73 million USD. In comparison, the USA Mars mission (Curiosity rover) exceeded $2.5 billion.
India is making herself a name, in the cinemas and in technology.
Sushil R Salimath, Knows politics
1.India has the best remote sensing capabilities in the world:-India's remote sensing satellites evolved to stop dependence on satellite data from USA, which often suffered from delays.
2.Almost every Indian is multilingual:- Unlike the West, almost every Indian person can speak two or more languages, thanks to English as the school medium apart from our own languages.
3.Indian IT industry is the second largest in the world:- We are the second largest after but will overtake them soon as well. What's next, world domination?!(nope that's 's plan)
4.Indian Clothing is renowned throughout the world, for its hand-woven textiles, ethnic wears, richly embroidered fabrics, authentic drapes in exclusive designs. Hence perfectly depicting the richness of the cultural heritage. As a result, the Indian clothing style is considered as unique and exclusive.
5.The Classical Dances of India includes Bharatanatyam, the oldest form of the classical dance in the country and one of the Most Popular Classical Dance in India also ancient in Natya Shastra.
Samantha Ryan, Visited India 7 times
Believe it or not, there are several things.
2.Religious harmony. The north has a little bit more tension, but from what I've seen in the south people coexst so peacefully. Even these 3 girls are all different religions, yet best friends.
3.Historical landmarks of India are incredible. From the Taj Mahal, to the forts and palaces of Rajasthan, to the temples of Tamil Nadu.. they're all so breathtaking.
4.I think the diverse landscapes are probably the most options available in any country. Desert, jungle, mountain, greenery, big city, hills, farmland, etc. Everything is there. US has a lot, but we lack jungles I think.
5.Indian versions of American restaurants are a million times better.
6.Style. Traditional Indian dress (all states included) is absolutely gorgeous. Most countries have a traditional style, but I feel they all pale in comparison to India's.
7.This one is statistically proven so dont @ me lol. India produces more films than any other nation.
There are way more, but I don't want to be annoying lol so I'll stop
Vinayak Shukla, Extrovert . Bharat Ratna . Alfred Nobel's Successor .
Three Developed Nations are Russia, America and . Of which Russia is like Best Friend Forever !
So, focusing on other Two here.
1.》 -
Independence : 1912
Human Spaceflight : 15 October 2003, Yang L.
Time Taken : 91 years.
2》America -
Independence : 1776
Human Spaceflight : 5 May 1961, Allen BS.
Time Taken : 185 years.
3.》INDIA -
Independence : 1947
Human Spaceflight : 2022 Expected[1].
Time Taken : 75 years.
(Images: Google)
Now you know, we are far better in what? *_*
P.S.: How we started journey- ISRO 1969 :
注:我们如何开始太空之旅- ISRO 1969:
Prem Kale
In my opinion, India’s Right to Information act is better than most other developed countries. Right to Information (RTI) is a one point contact for common Indian citizens to access information from government. RTI has helped bust many high profile scams in India like 2G scam involving A. Raja, Commonwealth Games Scam, Adarsh Housing Scam which were during the period of Congress government.
All government authorities including public authorities, PSUs, all ministries and offices come under purview of RTI act. It is such a wide platform, you can get information from Sarpanch to Prime Minister. Some information disclosure is restricted under official secrets act, like defense secrets, international relations etc. Most other information is easily accessible.
There are some implementation issues on ground level in execution of RTI act, however, the best we can expect is to get the information as your right to it and not beg it. Until 2005 and even today, Indian government officials are so lazy and non cooperative towards providing information, RTI empowers us to get information we want. Under the act, government officials are required to provide information asked within 30 days. If you don’t get sufficient or correct information as asked, you can go ahead with first appeal and subsequently the second appeal. The RTI statistics in India suggest a high percentage success rate.
在我看来,印度的《信息权法》比大多数发达国家都要好。信息权(RTI)是印度普通公民从政府获取信息的一个重要途径。RTI帮助印度破获了许多引人注目的骗局,比如2G骗局,包括A. Raja,英联邦运动会,Adarsh住房骗局,这些都发生在国大党执政时期。
Sayak Sen, Assistant Systems Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services (2016-present)
Well, different authors have put here different aspects and opinions. As far as I have known my country, the most important thing India has preserved for centuries after centuries with superhuman patience is her Spiritual quest for liberation , sha lives of millions.
Let me elaborate this a little. Today Yoga is getting popular across the world. But yoga entered west in the 1800s with Swami Vivekananda reaching the US. India perhaps created yoga and preserved it. Our ancient literatures divide yoga into four parts : Bhakti (devotion),Jnana (Wisdom),Kriya/Karma(Actions), Rajayoga(Royal).
Yoga does not mean a few exercises. It trains the body,heart ,mind and soul to work in perfect harmony. While west made some amazing technological advancements, India focussed on spiritual advancements thus creating a perfect opportunity for Harmony in the world. Even the yogis like Yogananda Paramhansa,Lahiri Mahasaya,Yukteswar giri, the Sufi saints propagated universal love and brotherhood. Yoga focuses on the inner energy and can certainly enable a person to do 'miracles'.
I feel India needs to acknowledge this role of her and should dig further into this aspect because it requires special attention. Unless we know how strong we are rooted , we cannot prosper in all forms.
Lalitha Shankar, Software Engineer at Accenture.
1.Healthier Food with spices like Turmeric, fenugreek, varieties of greens, dals. We have very limited usage of plain flour and white sugar. I can say they peeped in as part of modern cooking.
2.Family values and respect for elders. We do not have a mindset to leave our parents after 18. Though now it happens for studies and jobs, we do not believe in living alone.
3.Relatives and for every relation we have a name. Mom’s younger sister-CHITTHI, Elder sister- PERIAMMA,dad’s sister- ATHAI.We do not generalize them as aunt :)..this goes for every Indian Language.
4.Traditions with hidden scientific reasons. Right from adorning the Bindhi, toe rings, flowers, decorating our homes with Mango tree leaves and rangolis all have reasons behind.
5.Every temple having big water tanks (Kolams)shows the intelligent architecture and water saving techniques of our ancestors. So after heavy rains , all water drains to these tanks and roads are not logged with water.
6.Treating neighbors as family.
7.Art in form of sculpture,music,dance. And every state has its unique art forms.
Many more……………………………………But in the name of modern living, every aspect specified above are losing its value
Mithun Raja, Freelancer in Teaching (2016-present)
Whenever I see newspapers I find reports on global happiness index, corruption index, gender development index etc, where India ranks in the second half or worst half. But this question made me think where we are better off than many developed countries.
Remembering Abdul Kalam words, we need to concentrate on our strengths to overcome our weaknesses. Having said that let me answer the question in general perspective:
In India people are given lot of freedom than many other developed countries. Being a large and diverse country India managed to ensure peace and security to minority communities, having accepted minor conflicts.
Large population in working age, which can ensure development of the country through proper skill training.
Cost of living in India is very less. India is 2nd largest economy in PPP terms.
Development in the fields of space, India has achieved what many countries failed to achieve in their 1st attempt, like mission on Mars.
India is one of the largest supplier of generic medicines to the world community, truly abiding to its principle of welfare of humankind.
India achieved progress in 70 years, what European countries achieved in 200 years, as said by Amartya Sen.
India is 2nd largest producer of milk in the world.
India is making strides to become a leader in manufacturing sector, with its advantages of cheap labour and potential resources.
India is not only known for medical tourism but also for spiritual tourism. When one visits states like Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh we can experience this.
All said and done…India to become a global power it has to address 2 core issues. One, it is the corruption in all forms and two, social justice.
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