

 China plans to build a MOONBASE within the next decade to serve as a refuelling station for missions out into the solar system



Construction work on a moonbase could begin within the next decade as China reveals its timeline for future missions to the lunar surface.


Zhang Kejian, the administrator of the China National Space Administration (CNSA), announced the plans in a recent speech.


The research facility will be located near the moon's ice-rich south pole and will be shared with multiple countries, Mr Zhang said.


Ice will be needed on the moon to provide water for both human consumption and as a component for rocket fuel.


The small step of a lunar base could serve not only as a platform for research but also as a refuelling station for giant leaps out into the solar system.


'Building a lunar base will accumulate experience for an eventual landing on the moon and serve as a stopover as we fly to Mars,' the state-run Beiing News reported.


The reveal of the space program timeline came on both China's National Space Day and the 46th anniversary of the launch of the country's first artificial satellite, Dongfanghong, in 1970.


The announcement follows China's first soft landing of a spacecraft, Chang’e-4, on the far side of the moon, back in January of this year.


'China had talked previously about their lunar intentions so it’s exciting if they have at last set out a time frame,' Chinese-American former NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao told The Times.


Of course, China is not the only country reaching out towards the stars.


In addition, the Trump administration in the US has announced a 2024 deadline for landing US astronauts back on the moon — although it is presently unclear how this will be congressional funded and exactly what form such a mission would take.


Despite US vice-president Mike Pence has recently portrayed America and China competition in a global space race, NASA and CNSA heads are keen on collaborative efforts where permitted within the confines of national legislation.


'We put humans on the Moon in 1969, so I think that race is over,' NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine told The Space Review last month.

NASA局长布里登斯汀上月对Space Review表示,1969年我们把人类送上了月球,所以我认为这场竞赛已经结束了。


译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/47519.html    译者:Jessica.Wu


MandarkB, Derby, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago

It's time to put our differences aside and work on the expansion into the solar system together.



LasVegasEd777, Las Vegas, United States, 19 hours ago

Sounds like a military thing.



Smokiewater, Enniskillen, 19 hours ago

A takeaway is NOT a 'moonbase'.....



Ken, Ununited Kingdom, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago

And they will do it



StinkyPrdel, Amarillo, United States, 1 day ago

The end of the Silk Road



Hazardous, NQ, Australia, 2 days ago

Chinese has enough people to send one in to the great beyond occassionally. Maybe all the kids whose parents were over the one child quota will get sent there .



Gilboswisdom, Darlington point, Australia, 2 days ago

It will break after its 1st use



NYTX, Mansfield, United States, 2 days ago

Looking forward to it.



Rob, NODEAL, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Never seen so many jealous people on here. We should congratulate China



Gwaz, Toronto, Canada, 2 days ago

Russia sent Sputnik in space, US was slee, China is way ahead in 5G while US was slee. China landed an explorer on the far side of the moon. China was denied access to ISS by NASA. China is building its own Space Station by 2022 and it is going to open to the whole scientific community of the world.



Jackm, london, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Big plans for a country that can't even make sure their people are fed.



We Shield Millions, Nashville, United States, 3 days ago

Meanwhile, the US has to pay Russia to take its astronauts into space.



American in UK, Grantham, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Haha! Just more ridiculous LIES. BELIEVERS are the intellectually challenged.

哈哈! 荒谬的谎言。会相信的人智商堪忧。


Bunnies Bum, Watford, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Will the Moon base be big enough to take all of them?



Sunday Best, Heaven , United Kingdom, 3 days ago

Soon be a takeaway open.



George McSwinton, Edgewater, United States, 3 days ago

why a moon base? it would make more sense to have a base in space it will save on fuel when blasting off



Mister Chips, X marks the spot, Vatican, 3 days ago

I'm a scientist, I have already secretly built a moonbase and have making trips out into the depths of space over the last "33" months. Before anyone jumps in to say I'm lying, prove it!



stephenjjj2, Tampa, United States

Good luck China.



bolter, beached, United Kingdom

This will not be, their last territorial demand .



DNTJ, Leeds, United Kingdom

they'll need permission, from the United States. USA planted it's flag there, 50 years ago



thomas20111, Ayrshire, United Kingdom

from a blue moon to a yellow moon.



Welshboy, Neath, United Kingdom

post brext there will be no British industry. brext is all about securing the cheapest products from around the world


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