

Paul Wayne Moore, former Veteran, Musician, Singer, Teacher and Coach. at Retirement USA (1972-2018)

I have been living in China since 2009 and there after. I live in Sichuan the largest of all provinces. More importantly I’ve traveled extensively. I’ve read several slants and opinions offered by other writers who in their own way say yes, but muddy their answers and confuse you. Bottom line is a resounding YES! It is safe……………Yes, traffic is bad and driving manners are rude. Yes, “some” natives are childish and pushy at bus, metro, and airports. Yes, there can be con men in any country. There are other minor things that are not polite. BUT, what does any of that have to do with the question? The bottom line answer is “YES” it is very safe for tourists. For the majority of their citizens, you are their “HONORED GUEST”. Now that’s the truth. Pay attention to the laws and cultural way of life. They’re the same as any country I’ve lived in. The big difference…….laws in China are enforced. Punishment is often severe. Justice is sure and swift! With a system like this there’s next to no crimes by the masses of people you will encounter. There have been several incidents where I have left phone, things in my hands, glasses, keys, etc. on a counter or table. No problem. People come running with your belongings. I have gotten lost. No problem. Someone takes you where you need to be. Do people do this in western countries? You know the answer is most often NO! As an older person and foreigner, they have gone out of their way to help me. That also includes the police, government officials, banks, and the public transportation systems. Most often I feel like an “honored and highly respected guest”. I often come home and question myself. America used to be like this. How in the world has American left it’s “Christian” roots and become so evil



Mukesh Khatri, Learner

As for I know having lived here for around 16 months, China is pretty safe for foreigners. You can walk around in a city even after midnight around 2 to 3 am in most of the cases which I still do frequently with one or two of my friend(s). Chinese get up early in the morning and go into bed early therefore, you will see cities usually shutting down after 10:00pm. So you imagine, nobody in the streets all around at 2 to 3:00 am and still you feel safe is authenticity of reduced crime rate and proper law and order situation in China. I am not guaranteeing 100% security in China, but more than 90% it seems safer here. And big cities like Beiing and Shanghai you may probably notice lit up 24/7. For entire duration of my living here I have not witnessed any insecure situation since people are nice, polite, calm and welcoming towards foreigners. However, you may get to face some scammers somewhere around but the possibility as I know would be very low and that is more or less the same in every other country you visit. Moreover, I have never encounter any such issue so far. In general, I believe China is much secure and great place for foreigners to travel. I would say Chinese cities are atleast safer than New York City; as the saying goes “in NYC the one who is not robbed once is not a New Yorker”.

Plan your tour wholeheartedly, you will enjoy.





100% SAFE. I went to China for three times and every time I enjoyed it a lot!

China has some absolutely amazing sights and scenery (spend as much time in Sichuan province as you can!) The only difficulty you may encounter is the language. I can speak mandarin so this was not a huge problem for me, but all the ticket counters, most hotels and transport options will not speak English. It my be a challenge to travel solo in China without at least a basic competency of Mandarin. But in terms of safety, you will have no problem, if that is what you are most worried about.

If possible, bring a Chinese speaker along, or before you go, try to get some basic phrases. Or you can bring some translate apps with you.When I went to China,I used Takeasy. It helped a lot when I meet some trouble I can not handle it myself. It’s a remote on-line real-time and instant live human translator. I remembered the online translator helped me a lot when I had trouble ordering food in Sichuan province.(btw, I loved food there sooooo much!)





Sara Matthews, Teacher/Student American history, American literature and ELL

I've made two trips to China - one in 2014 and the other in 2009. I felt very safe and warmly welcomed everywhere I went in 2009 - some places I encountered Chinese who were very excited to meet a westerner and they asked me to hold their babies and took photographs. They sent their young children over to me to try to speak English.

That was in outlying places - it was not in Beiing - by 2009 Beiing had just hosted the Olympics and had become very accustomed to tourists and everyone in Beiing was very friendly without being excited. There was a mix of people in the hotel but mostly business people from many different countries and some tourists.

Five years later in 2014- tourists were Everywhere. Buses and buses of tourists. Germans, some Russians, and gobs of American and British tourists. Families with young children (!) all wearing Bermuda shorts pouring out of buses, swarming a site, shop in the gift store and moving on to the next site. Lunch buffets for tourists Everywhere - Chinese food choices and Western choices- french fries, hamburgers....

No one asked me to hold their baby for a photograph but everywhere young Chinese mothers told their children to say 'Hello, how are you?' as I walked past. I found China and the Chinese people to be very warm and welcoming. I felt perfectly safe and completely welcome and China is a very special part of the world. If you have a chance to go there, go.






Gary Almond, lives in China

China has to be one of the safest places I have ever been to in my life (I've traveled to more than 30 countries). I've lived in China for the past 8 years and have never felt unsafe in any circumstance. For the most part, foreigners are treated well and pretty much left alone. You can go and do just about anything you want. In Shanghai, where the overall population is more than 20 million people, the police don't even carry guns. 

The image of China portrayed by the Western media is only of selected events that, for the most part, portray China as an oppressed and backward country. That image is so far from reality.




Raymond Crawley, Student at Jilin University

Absolutely, China is a safe place for both natives and foreigners.

To be honest, I know people abroad have prejudice over China more or less. But I have to emphasize that today’s China isn’t what you think it was 50 or 60 years ago.

1.China has gun control. Ordinary people have no access to guns or dangerous weapons, knives excluded - as, you know, every family has a need to cook. So, you needn't worry too much.

  1. There are always policemen on the street, walking or bicycling around inspecting the city to ensure people’s safety. BTW, please make sure you know the police’s number once you arrive, which is usually 110 in inland regions of China and Taiwan or 999 in Hong Kong or Macao.
  2. If you do need some help, you can turn to passerby. Indeed, most of the students can speak English, and all of the people in China are by no means unwilling to help as possible as they can.

In a word, China is definitely safe for you to have a trip. Welcome to China!

P.S. If there is something wrong or unidiomatic in my answer,would you please tell me kindly? I’m a Chinese student trying to learn English.









Karmen Kingery, English Teacher at China

Are you kidding? Of course it’s safe! I know that Fox and other networks like to say it’s not, but they’re full of crap. I’ve lived here for a little under a year alone as a girl and I can honestly say I feel quite safe.

The locals are glad to help foreigners, even if they don’t speak English. Some will even go so far as lending you the shirt off their backs-literally. They’ll whip out their phones (usually Oppo, iPhone, or Droid) and pull up a translator app or find someone who does. When I tell my students I came alone, they are all amazed. They also will show concern for your health, telling you to put more stuff on if it’s slightly cold or to take a sick day among other things.

So just use common sense and you’ll be fine.




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