

What is it like to visit China?



Gordon Chan

China is almost the size of USA so it enjoies even more diversity. Tier 1 cities such as Beiing, Shanghai, Guangzhou Zhou, Shen Zhen are very international and very expensive. For instance, if you look at cars on the street of Beiing, you will find all the latest models from the famous luxury brand such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, etc. Except that pick up trucks are not popular in Beiing (they are actually banned in the city), there’s no major difference from any US big city.

However, when you talk about order, Beiing is more chaotic than US city. Cars will obey traffic rules, however, some bicycles and pedestrians will not. At the same time, cars will not give way to people, which is not great. The above situation is changing and I believe that in the next couple of years, Beiing will be in a better shape.

In term of cost, living in Beiing is cheaper than US city. A typical work lunch will cost you around 15 to 30 RMB, which is about 2 to 4 USD, about 1/3 or 1/4 comparing what I had in USA. In the grocery stores, it is slightly expensive than USA, however, comparable. The only thing more expensive than US is apartment, typical it will cost you around 1K USD /square foot so any apartment in Beiing would be over half million USD.





Ray Comeau, Visited over 20 countries from Europe to North America to Asia

Thanks for request

If you picture China in your mind right now …….. chances are you would be wrong.

China is modern and ancient and advanced in thinking and very traditional in culture ….. all at the same time.

Explaining China to a westerner takes a very long time and beyond certain age you have already been brain washed by the geopolitical agenda of the western media.

Pictures can you a quick view of what it’s like. Here is a sample of my personal pictures of China :











Mark Pugerude, Corporate Strategist (1989-present)

I have travelled to China nearly 20 times and I will say it is incredible. The history, culture, food and geography are amazing.

I will say that as a westerner traveling to China it can be very foreign. English is not pervasive and the language barrier can be tough while trying to get around. However, I can say that the Chinese people are usually very helpful for tourists. Crime is pretty low and always felt safe anywhere I went.

I say go … get a phrase book, use your smart phone with a USA SIM card . Costs a lot for international roaming but at least it is easier to get around. At least for me it worked.

译文来源:三泰虎  https://www.santaihu.com/47618.html  译者:Joyceliu





Al Allington, Compulsive Traveler and love my life.

China is wonderful, the people kind, friendly and helpful.

The food is nothing like the “Chinese buffet” food we get in the USA. Where we live part time the food is very spicy with plenty of fresh ginger, garlic and hot red peppers.

There is so much to see and do. China is booming and building everywhere.

I recommend people take a tour on a first visit. Look on Groupon for 9–10 day all inclusive tours from major US cities for less than $899 much of the year. It’s a real deal because we pay nearly that for airfare Detroit to Shanghai.






Our favorite restaurant near our home in China

Yes, the Chinese are friendly






Andrew Orr, studied International Business & Mandarin Chinese

For me, there is so much to say that simplifying everything into a one or two paragraph answer would not be sufficient. There are so many topics to be covered.

I’ve traveled through big cities and countryside, in groups with other Chinese and by myself as a lone foreigner.

Some things are totally awesome and convenient, and others are less so.

The more knowledge you have of China when visiting will be different from visiting with less knowledge, so the experiences can vary from the begng or first time, compared to the end or last time.

There are people like me who absolutely loved it, and there are others who liked it but, not as much as myself, and there are others who struggle with the culture shock and differences, and it’s hard for them to fully enjoy their stay. I’ve had my firsthand experiences, and I have heard experiences all across the spectrum. Overall for most, it is positive and eye-opening.

To write about these experiences would take a very long time, and I’d only go into more detail if people who haven’t been there want to know.








Travis Lorwyn Yap, IFV operator at Singapore Armed Forces (2017-present)

Originally Answered: What is visiting China like?

Depends on where you go

If you went to the northeast this will be





Liaoning 辽宁

Freezing cold



If you went to the north west it will be




新 疆

Empty / Desert / Tundra


If you went to the south east / east





Many many people


If you go to south west





Mountainous regions


* I am over simplifing the fact that China is very very diverse in their geography and culture



Anand Patel, owner of travel blog (www.markmyadventure.com)

China has a vast landscape. It offers fabulous sceneries. Even the people are humble. I loved my experience of China. it was my first trip abroad. However, when I look back there is a smile on my face.



Ananda Syahendar Perdana, Politician

It feels good ... Visiting a super power is always very fun ...

Even though I have blood from Chinese soil, and my ethnicity is Chinese, but this is not based on that ...

My assessment is objective ...

Visiting the People's Republic of China is indeed the experience of visiting a super power ...

When you go there, you will know that you are on a super power ...

It feels so different ...








Michael Mitchell, Visited Shenyang and Anshan, Liaoning, China.

“People who've visited China, what was it like?”

It’s like nothing the MSM says. The people live well, work hard and are happy and proud.

I felt very comfortable and safe. If there’s a problem, the police will help but usually it will be sorted by locals nearby.

China is far more modern and advanced than Western media has led us to believe.






Ryan Fernandez, Visited both North and South Korea

Originally Answered: What was it like to visit China?

I've been visiting China since 2000.

Initially I went between my junior and senior years of college. One of my roommates was Chinese and he said I could stay with his family if I went to Beiing.

At the time, you needed to provide addresses, itineraries, etc. I did all that, and two months later I got off the plane in Beiing, with my visa in hand.

Things were a lot different then. More armed guards, more propaganda. The country was just starting to really take it's stride. You'd see modern high rise buildings next to buildings with out houses.

It was an amazing trip though. Peking duck is everywhere. I spent my time just wandering and looking around. It's an amazing place.

I've gone back many times. It's like the country is on fast forward or something. Personally I don't know how much longer the CPC is going to be able to keep control since more and more people are going abroad.

I also went back to get married. I met my wife, who's Chinese, in the USA, but since her while family lives in China, we opted for going there for the wedding. My family and friends had a great time. We spent the bulk of the time in a city called inxang, in Henan. Everyone found the people to be friendly, hospitable, and genuinely nice. My parents are planning a return trip for the sole purpose of trying the food.

China is, in a lot of cases, another world. They've always done things their own way. This can be a good and bad thing though. You see a lot of things in common with the West, and you see things that are a lot different.

I remember one person who was going with us said “I just don't know what I'll have in common with those people” but he went anyway, at the insistence of my wife and I. He had an absolutely amazing time, and he often talks to my wife now, about how some of the food he tried was cooked. He also shares pictures of all the amazing things he saw with his friends. Turns out, he has an awful lot in common with them after all. The first night he discovered chuan and yaning beer and it was smooth sailing after that.

China is certainly an amazing place. I'm not sure if I'd like to actually live there long term, but I've always enjoyed my time there, either alone, or with my wife and her family.














Zach Coats

A2A. I studied at BLCU for half a year in 2012 in Wudaokou, Haidian District in Beiing. During that time I visited Yunnan province and Hong Kong. I hope you like a long answer because this will cover a lot of areas.

Culture: China and America are oddly similar in their culture. I would go so far as to say they are complements of one another in terms of consumerism and capitalism. Whereas American culture is saturated with euphemisms and subtle displays of wealth, China is refreshingly pragmatic and direct.

For example, in the US it’s generally frowned upon here in the US to directly say you love money or you want a beautiful woman. Usually, you have to find a more euphemistic way of saying this, like “I like to work hard and be compensated for my work, or I want someone who meets the same standards I hold myself to.” You can’t just say things directly here in the US or you’ll look like an asshole.

In China, it’s different. People tell you exactly what they want, exactly how they feel, etc. Men will tell you, “I want a beautiful woman who’s rich and has white skin.” Women will tell you, “I want a tall, handsome, rich guy.” In fact, the Chinese standard of beauty for men and women respectively is literally those three qualities: Gao Fu Shuai, Bai Fu Mei (高富帅,白富美 ). While in the West this would be considered extremely judgmental and would cause someone to lose face here in the US.





On the other hand, the Western idea of subtlely maintaining face isn’t really found in China. The greatest example of this is in Chinese cities’ urban planning and architecture. For example, very few cities maintain tidy and well-kept buildings. You will often see paint flaking off of the walls in older buildings as the Chinese see no reason to maintain them. Rather than spending money maintaining older buildings, they will usually just build another, newer building instead. It’s just not that important.

Ultimately you wind up with cities that will have this veneer of ultra-modern, ultra-rich skyscrapers dotting the landscape, but as soon as you turn a corner you will find yourself in a slum that is a few months away from being bulldozed and turned into a high-end shop mall. Ultimately this leads to a stark visual divide between the rich and poor that can easily be seen by simply walking the streets. In this regard, the West does a better job at hiding these large socio-economic gaps in its city planning.



Infrastructure: Despite what I wrote above, the infrastructure (at least in Beiing and most of the Tier 1 cities) is refreshingly convenient. The subways are cheap, convenient, and fast if you don’t mind being crowded in, and can get you to virtually any part of the city. Coming from Dallas, it’s a much better system than our DART trains, and much faster.

If you take a car or bus, the traffic jams can be pretty infuriating, though. That’s why personally I recommend taking the subways whenever you can; they are a lot more cost-effective, and given how walkable the city is, you can still get to where you need to go as everywhere tends to be within 10–20 minutes of a subway station.

Quality of Life: It’s great, but you get what you pay for. A Westerner’s cost of living at the time was relatively nice (not sure of how it is now). However, the lack of food and safety regulations make going out to eat feel like you’re playing Russian Roulette with your stomach. Pick wrong, and expect to have an evening of painful diarrhea and nausea. Compound this with the fact that it’s generally pretty hard to determine which places are safe and which aren’t (I got sick eating in both nice restaurants and cheap ones, Chinese ones and foreign ones, etc). However, the food is extremely tasty. I have fond memories of eating potstickers (饺子) for breakfast and buying 6 dumplings for a dollar (6 RMB) at a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant right outside Dorm 11.





Francine Rizza, Author and Bespoke China Tour Organiser (2013-present)

China, is I think one of the most stunning countries in the World, there are so many UNESCO places listed and many wild, well-protected places such as Juizhai Gou, on the Tiban Plateau and Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province.


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