Do you think TikTok (App) must be banned in India?
Yatin Hiwarkar, A Simple Leisure Writer
Not sure about the app, but ‘Animal Abuse’ on Tiktok should definitely be banned.
Recently I came across few videos on Tiktok in which people are abusing their pets in the name of comedy and for likes.
Consider this first video.
Let me describe it.
This guy is lip syncing to some bollywood dialogue and manhandling his kitten just for the sake of likes.
Just look at how he is holding the kitten.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
He then proceeds to slap the kitten.
Look how much the head of the kitten is displaced after this slap.
He still continues to badly manhandle the kitten.
But wait, the barbarity is not done yet. He slaps it again.
The poor kitten almost falls off his hand after this.
He is still not done yet. He grabs the neck of the kitten firmly.
Just look at the sheer look of evil on his face, while the kitten struggles to get out of his grip.
And finally he again slaps the kitten for the third time to end the video.
And now, see the likes he got for doing this idiotic thing.
2400 likes! for this inhuman act. Notice the hashtags comedy, animalcomedy.
Lata Tiwari, former Life Sciences Student
Well, I think Tik Tok is like any other social media app!(Facebook, Instagrams, Snapchat)
But the questions arise that why so much problem with tiktok as compared with other apps!
- Though in tik tok some people are really talented in terms of acting or dancing or singing,but majority of them are 'Wannabes'.They call themselves actor but they just do lipsync of any random song in front of the camera without any facial expression (which is an obvious requirement in acting).Their priorities are just to look good in front of the camera by wearing expensive branded clothes, a hell lot of makeup, and with spikes hairstyle which almost touches the ceiling!
It takes only 30s to make a video, it even does not take much time for editing and still they get soo much popularity as if they do some extraordinary work. I literally feel bad for those YouTubers who spend hell lot of time in scripting, acting, editing and still struggle for views!
If ur selling ur talent like this, it wouldn't give u much benefit in future and it will not even sustain for a long time! This popularity may also backfire those who are popular in tik tok as majority of them are teenagers, once their popularity gets down, they will surely feel bad and lose their own importance!
2.The second thing is the obscene content in tik tok!
People generally do not understand that what they should upload and what should not!! They can do anything for fame! But this problem is not limited to tiktok,u can see obscene videos or photos in insta and facebook too! But yeah tiktok is wng in this race!
At the end,All I have to say that to ban something is a big deal and it requires strong reason to do so! But we should make ourselves smart enough to figure out real talent! What does it take to get fame-the hard work, the pain, the sweat, sleepless nights, etc, etc. Don’t run after sasti sauharat!!!!
嗯,我认为抖音跟其他社交媒体应用程序没啥两样!(比如Facebook, instagram Snapchat)
- 虽然抖音里有些人在表演、跳舞或唱歌方面真的很有天赋,但他们中的大多数都只是在“模仿”。他们自称是演员,但他们只会在镜头前对口型唱歌,没有任何面部表情。他们最重视的就是穿着昂贵的名牌衣服,化着浓妆,梳着几乎要顶到天花板的尖头发型,在镜头前看起来很漂亮就行!
Adarsha Lunia, Experienced ugly side of relationship
Big “Yes” ! Not only Tik tok but similar social apps. India don’t have any control over the Internet applications and how its impacting society and people around you.
1.People post anything without understand the facts Such as nationalization, racialism etc., this is serial issue in India So stop doing this. In India we have many religions and languages so if trolls something other religion will aggressive and it will start fighting and lot more things.
2.Trolling/Memo for actors , politician etc.,
3.Exposing Girls assets is another nudity in Tik tok. I saw seen many videos are exposed in porn website.
4.Admin page people , These people don’t know anything but posting non-sense with break up , love quotes , Ex’s , crying , Make up like girls and girls make up like boys they do videos , Finally they won’t get anything.
5.Social media not safe for you So big tech like Google, Facebook they are monitoring your activities So be careful about it.
Considering healthy aspects of people community we need to ban this. From this app people will not get anything but wasting time on that. Even In China people are not using much like Indian use.
Priyanka K, An amateur writer on Quora
Well. Tik tok has been gaining attention among everyone. It is an app where you can showcase you creativity in acting. But is that what is happening?? Specially among the young adults this app is a must have on the phones. They are so badly addicted to it that they go to any extreme just for likes and follows. Insane..!!
This incident happened a few days ago when I was travelling in my office cab. Every person in the cab was glued to it. Even to an extent that a few people take videos in the office campus.
If used in a proper way it is still a good entertainment. But people misuse the whole purpose of it. Young girls tend to expose themselves and enact on some filthy music and song just for likes. We have very well heard of suicide cases because of the misuse of tik tok. There is even a case of a mother killing her 2 small kids to elope with her new found love on tik tok.
Atleast if not banned this should be made to use in the proper way. I honestly do not see a purpose of this app.
嗯,抖音已经引起了大家的注意。这是一个应用程序,你可以通过表演展示你的创造力。但事实就是这样吗?特别是对于年轻人来说,这款应用是手机上的必备程序。他们如此沉迷于这个程序,以至于他们为了点赞数和关注量而不遗余力。太疯狂了! !
Nisha Gupta, studied at Reva University,Bangalore
Tik tok is actually an app which makes no sense and the Indian youths think that this is a way to earn money and get popularity. I see many people act very stupid, desperate in the videos. Their intention might be to make people laugh but wrong they just end up looking very stupid. They call themselves tiktok actor. Like seriously actor for what just to move your lips.
Yes, it should be banned not only in India but everywhere. An app which is useless encourage ppl to prove how stupid they are. If you want to become popular or earn money hardwork is needed. For how long an app can't give you money.
More Like Me
No absolutely no.I am not a tik tok user nor a fan of the app.but that doesn't mean it can be banned. It is banned due to pornographic content. I am not able to find anything (that doesn't mean there is not)but it problem with how they censor videos. If you look youtube pornography and nudity is blocked there and promoted. Their algorithm picks these up and delete them. I think the censoring and moderating videos is the solution. I read that they have moderating team. So you can report the videos. And they have many features to censor comments,i know they are not foolproof but the community and the users can help them to maintain it.
Banning make absolutely no sense .i think it is against freedom of speech.
Surabhi Raghuwanshi, Btech from Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal (2021)
According to me ,there is no harm in it. It is a new way of represting oneself in the form of expressions and actions and enjoying the life. Now everyone has the chance to show their own dramatic styles and no need to copy others .Many people get popularised by this ..and make their impact in coming web series with lead role. Such eg is Munjal Khattar,Marunal Punchal,Garima Chaurasia and many more..Its time to try yourself too in it. If u wish so.
嗯! ! !不应该……..
Abhimanyu Aryan, Founder at IV Dimension Studios
Yes. Also, we should ban all Chinese apps. Not give China any kind of data. We have to rely on China for hardware for a couple of years like(Apple etc). Samsung moved production to India.
But for apps yes, we should ban all of them because there are too many alternatives already like Samosa etc. If they don’t make headquarters in India then Indians don’t get paid in any way possible. Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, OnePlus all have offices in India so Indian people get employment. So for these companies, it makes sense
I'm extremely happy that TikTok is banned in India. It's so stupid of us that we Indian are letting China AI get better at recognising patterns in content generated by Indian people. So first they are generating huge revenue with our data, over that we hel them achieve state of the art results in recognising spatial features. Wow plz don't lift the ban
Sindhu Murugesan, UI Developer at Netmeds Pharmacy (2017-present)
My brother is not available whenever a conversation happens in my home or whenever I need him for some help. Because he will be isolated and do some crazy activities in front of his mobile. He doesn't concentrate on his studies. This doesn't stop at my home.
When I see news, there are bunch of youths who meet with everyday accidents when they try to do tik tok while they driving.
Some of the students make fun of their class teachers without their knowledge. They fail to know the value of a human moral.
This is an time and life eating app. It should be banned orelse those people will suffer when they put thier phone down and face thier real life.
Tuba Khan, former Student
Before moving forward, let us understand what this app is all about.
TikTok is an iOS and Android media app used for creating and sharing short videos. It's owned by bytedance. On September 2016 it was first introduced in China as “Douyin”and introduced to overseas market as TikTok one year later.
According to me, it would be unfair to ban TikTok. Because, the move will handicap the app's owner, China's Bytedance Ltd. , which is currently world's most valued startup, in one of it's most promising market. More than 100 millions of Indian's download the app, and between 30–40 millions are actively using it. The ban is curlating freedom of expression, as it empowers users to express themselves, via video, lip-syncing and acting. It enable people to showcase their talent.
I don't turn the blind eye towards the offensive content circulated on TikTok. Their is a higher chances to get exploited and get offended in a platform like this. And, this has actually happened: A 24 year old boy V Kalaiyarasan, a resident of kannikapuram in Vyasarpadi , a northern suburb in Chennai, has killed himself after he was bullied and insulted on TikTok. And, many offensive incident has happened earlier too. But such bullying can happen anywhere even on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. That doesn't mean that we should stop using them instead of that appropriate measures should be taken to make them safe and secured for the users. The internet has tone and tone of ideas on how to commit suicide, how to kill a person, how to make bomb, how to harrss someone without living a fragment of trace.
Does that mean internet should be banned too?
If not, why to single out TikTok?
According to section 79 of Information and Technology Act in India provides protection to online mediums and platforms from lawsuits and defaming.
For instance:- Facebook or WhatsApp owner cannot be held accountable for anything that has been posted on their platform. Hence, by this banning TikTok in India due to the content shared on their platform is completely illogical and illegal.
Instead of bannig an appropriate rules and regulations should be taken. For instance:- As this happen with TikTok in US, TikTok created separate app for kids, and infused additional saftey measures and protocols to ensure that no harrsement and abused to be carried on the platform. After TikTok met the regulations imposed by US Federal trade commission and everything is fine there now. Content has been segregated based on audience profile, and more filters and checks has been imposed. Parents have been educated on how to monitor the content accessed by their children.
Hence TikTok shouldn't be banned.
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