

Which is better, Huawei or Samsung?



Gregg Thomas

I've have owned several of Samsung's flagship phones (and several HTC's). But for a change I've just bought my first Huawei (mate 10 pro). Here are my thoughts -

Samsung phones are overpriced with a better reputation than they deserve. They are in no way bad phones, but they have always come across as average in my opinion, (particularly with the user interface). They appear far more glitchy than other premium manufacturers and seem to suffer some slow down at an earlier point. I've also found that their phones look like they're 2 years old after 6 months. They certainly don't age very well and need to be handled with care. (HTC on the other hand are the complete opposite)

Now then, I've had my Huawei mate 10 pro for about a month. And it's a very impressive phone and probably more practical in everyday use compared to Samsung's. It also has a trick up it's sleeve that prevents slow down that happens over a period of time. And as for the battery life, it blows Samsung out of the water. Camera set up is a major plus for Huawei as they team up with Leica to give you a photography experience that's more like a dedicated digital camera compared to other smartphone manufacturers.

Huawei phones are also priced more reasonably than Samsung's.

So as you see, in my opinion Huawei is the better choice. They're tougher phones that seem to work better in everyday use - along with better customer support and better pricing, I'd be picking Huawei over Samsung all day long !!

我有过几部三星旗舰手机(还有几部HTC)。为了换换口味,我刚买了我的第一部华为(mate 10 pro)手机。以下是我的看法:


现在,我的华为mate 10 pro已经用了一个月了。这是一款令人印象深刻的手机,与三星相比,它在日常可能更实用。至于电池的续航时间,它远远优于三星。与其他智能手机制造商相比,华为与徕卡(Leica)的合作更像是一款专用数码相机,能带给你专业的摄影体验。




Alecxs Thunnery

For me, it was all good from the start. But for the long run, Samsing is better specially their new brands. I overused both of these phones in gaming, internet, apps, texting, and messenger while also charging them. And i also leave them charging overnight. Because i have to use both phones everyday. I don’t live having half battery life. Samsung did a good job for me. My samsung tablet, galaxy chat and my current phone now os still very good to use. My first huawei phone died a long time ago and my current huawei phone seems to react so slow now and battery life seems to drain faster than usual unlike my samsung phone. My friends have huawei phone too, which is annoying to use now because of the same issie too. If you are an abusive user and doesn’t like to watse even 1 second, use samsung for better experince like gaming. Also, both camera is good. If you like a more personalize camera then choose samsung where you do what you want in your photos. I also prefer samsung for recording stuff and the audio. While, if your too lazy to edit a photo then huawei woild be good. Sometimes i use it when the camera appearance is better and because im lazy. But im not always satisfied with the results of the photo. Sometimes it doesn’t feel right anymore. Both phones are good if you’re taking care of your phone unlike me. and also, about the customization in the phome and the settings, i prefer Samsung too. Because it’s very easy to use and very convenient. For me Samsing is an overall better experience.

译文来源:三泰虎  https://www.santaihu.com/47720.html  译者:Joyceliu

对我来说,开始用的时候两者都很好。但从长远来看,三星更好用,尤其是他们的新品牌。我用这两款手机长时间一边使用游戏、互联网、应用程序、短信和messenger等程序,一边充电。我还整夜充电。因为我每天都要用两部手机。如果电量只有一半,我就活不了了。三星在这方面表现很好。我的三星平板电脑、galaxy chat和我现在的手机now操作系统仍然非常好用。我的第一部华为手机很早就坏了,现在在用的华为手机似乎反应很慢,电池续航时间似乎比我的三星手机耗电更快。我的朋友们也有华为手机,现在因为同样的问题用着很烦。如果你是一个手机重度使用者,一秒钟都离不开手机,那就用三星吧,体验感更好,比如玩游戏的时候。这两款手机的摄像头都很好。如果你喜欢更个性化的相机,那么选择三星,你可以拍出任何你想要的照片。我也更喜欢用三星录音、播放音频。如果你懒得编辑照片,华为更好一些。但我对照片的效果并不总是感到满意。有时候还感觉不对劲。另外,对于手机的个性化定制和设置,我也更喜欢三星。因为三星很容易使用,很方便。对我来说,三星的体验感更好。


Aadhi, Content Creator at YouTube (2017-present)

Samsung was among the first manufacturers and huawei is the company that recently got its name for the mobile phones they make. In terms of displays go Samsung is the king because they make the best display on any smartphone right now. Huawei devices are not much known on the past and with the Huawei mate 10 Pro and mate 10 the company got name among the premium smartphone market and right now they are making some really interesting phones. The p20 pro and p20 has the best DXO Mark score ever given to a smartphone.

But I will only stick to Samsung devices only because the quality of the device and I love Samsung displays.

The recent huwaei phones comes with the notch and its not my taste. But all say its the future, but i love notchless screen.

If you are if you are on the premium market I will say to go for Samsung or it will comes to personal preference the belief in brand.

if you are on a budget, you have different options. Huawei phones provide more specs for the less money and Samsung provides more quality for the money you pay

三星是一流制造商之一,华为最近因其生产的手机才初露头角。在显示器方面,三星是王者,因为他们的显示屏是现在所有智能手机上最好的。华为的设备在过去并不为人所知,华为mate 10 Pro和mate 10让华为在高端智能手机市场上名声大振,现在他们正在制造一些非常有趣的手机。p20 pro和p20的DXO分数是智能手机中最高的。






Ian An, works at Nestlé (2015-present)

Huawei deliberately use emmc5.1 to replace UFS2.1, and after get caught, here’s its respond:

1.user’s experience doesn't depend on single module

2.this is the rivals framing us(on what?? you did cut corners on P10)

3.we will do better

Huawei has long been arrogant and try to trick consumers by convincing them it’s patriotic to byluy Huawei and also hire PR to trash rivals.







Ming Tsui, studied Jack of All Trades at Self-Teaching

My take is Apple phones cost the most so Samsung sold their phones just a little lower than Apple so their profits will also be high but then suddenly Huawei came along and keep coming with better cheaper faster phones.

Now all these phone companies are woken up. As the result they probably told the US government Huawei is security risk if their phones and equipment are sold across America:

It happens all the time that companies can complain to US government agencies such as the FTC to investigate another competitor.

This kind of tactics do work and now Huawei is excluded from doing business in the USA. If China has an advance chip company selling here, it will be ban as well in the interest of national security. This is new way for US to suppress Chinese companies. It’s working so far until China fights back. I don’t expect China will do nothing about it.







Premium: Samsung

Cheaper: Huawei

Samsung’s premium models are astonishing and groundbreaking but their cheaper models are pretty bad compared to Huawei’s phones in the same price range.

If you want the best out there get the Samsung, but if you go for a cheaper budget get the Huawei.






Thank You! Hope it helps



Sudeep P H

Hi.which phone is the best phone for you depends on you.

1.Budget:- New and popular samsung phones are usually costly but if you are ready to pay,its worth it.Huawei phones comes in different rates,so depending upon ur budget and the specs you need you can buy the phone you want.

2.OS:- If you compare both company phones depending on OS,i think Samsung is better.Its because it is light skinned so it will get updates more frequently than huawei phones. As fas as I know it has a few features including game launcher.On the other hand,even though huawei phones are heavy skinned,they have more features and customisations.They also allow you to theme the phones so even if you dont like the huawei skin,you can theme it too make it look good.You get plenty of themes on play store including themes which make your phone look like stock.

3.Performance:-As Samsung phones are light skinned they are a bit faster than huawei phones with the same specs.Huawei phones wont be too bad though. So depending on what type of user you are you can choose which phone is better for you based on performance.

So these are all the factors that you can use to see which phone is better for you.

(I would buy a Huawei phone)








Aditya Goyal, Founder at TechApprise (2018-present)

Huawei may not be the first choice for you when it comes to the smartphone, most of you never decide to purchase a Huawei smartphone at the 1st point because of a lack of trust in Huawei.

But Huawei is much better and massive than you ever thought off.

As we all know Huawei is the largest telecommunication equipment manufacturer in the world, with its own Research & Development company.

To confirm this opinion, I am directly moving to the 7 Interesting Facts about Huawei that will recover your trust back.






Jeff Obunga, Pricing & Commercial Expense Finance Analyst at Vauxhall Motors (2017-present)

They are both decent manufacturers:

If you want great build quality, premium materials, timely updates, customised OS, better camera and display, better battery life but all at a more premium price, then I suggest Samsung (i.e. Samsung Galaxy s7/edge, or wait for the upcoming s8/edge).

If you want better value for money, good build quality, less bloatware, more simple design, more practical design, less features, then I suggest Huawei (i.e. Huawei P10).

I suggest you have a look at Oneplus.. By far one of the best mobile companies out there. Best value for money at the moment - Oneplus 3T.


如果你追求高质量的产品、优质的材料、及时的更新、定制的操作系统、更好的摄像头和显示器、更好的电池续航时间,当然了所有这些都意味着价格更高,那么我建议你选择三星(即三星Galaxy s7/edge,或者即将面世的s8/edge)。


我建议你看看Oneplus。它是目前最好的移动公司之一。目前性价比最高:Oneplus 3T。


Jabir Al Saidi, Communication Engineer at Huawei (2015-present)

I was use samsung S, S3, Note 4, and recently use mate 9. Samsung is better in the modification of android OS, but poor poor battery if you are hard mobile user and like to play in your phone l, install apps, root, etc. Also poor in design by plastic all the time . In mate 9 I feel the different in battery life, good hardware and design.

我用过三星的S、S3、Note 4,最近在用mate 9。三星在安卓操作系统修正方面做得比较好,但是如果你是手机的铁杆用户,喜欢用手机玩游戏,安装应用程序,root等等,那么三星的电池就不尽如人意了。塑料的外壳设计也没质感。在mate 9中,我发现电池寿命、良好的硬件和设计都有了改进。


Amitaa Sharmaa

Samsung is Better then Huawai but in Samsung you should purchase samsung galaxy Note 9. It has unique feature and worth according to the price of the phone.

The Galaxy Note 9 comes with good battery life, courtesy of a 4000mAh battery , dual-camera setup at the back, both having a 12-megapixel sensor. One sensor comes with an aperture of f/2.4, a telephoto lens, which enables portrait mode, and 2X optical lossless zoom. The other is a wide-angle lens with dual aperture ranging from f/1.5 to f.2.4. The camera supports 4K video recording at 60fps, and super slow-motion video recording at 960fps in HD quality. Normal slow-motion videos are also supported at 240fps, in full HD quality.

三星比华为好,但在三星的产品系列中,你应该购买三星galaxy Note 9。它具有独特的功能和价值,对于手机价格来说物有所值。

Galaxy Note 9的电池续航能力很好,电池容量为4000毫安,机身后部装有双摄像头,均配有1200万像素的传感器。其中一个传感器的光圈为f/2.4,一个长焦镜头,支持人像模式,以及2倍光学无损变焦。另一个是双光圈广角镜头,光圈从f/1.5到f.2.4。该相机支持拍摄每秒60帧的4K视频,以及每秒960帧的高清超慢动作视频。同时也支持每秒240帧的普通高清慢动作视频。


M JaRrar Haider

Hell huaweis the best in every aspect. I've been using them over and over. I had a5 which irritated me a lot. After that u was recommended huawei. It changed my life. A lot more in budget. More convenient in sensors camera user interface every thing I've just become a fan and do a mistake of buying Samsung they had just got famous for the brand name nothing else



Haseeb Khan

I will vote for Huawei as far as my personal experience is concerned. It is also best huawei smartphone in Uk to be use.



Jeff Young, Founder at PetPlanet Inc. (2012-present)

Huawei, all the way.

I feel like it’s not getting the recognition it deserves because of the fact that’s a chinese brand, and when people think chinese, they think cheap and unreliable. That’s so far from the truth, though.

I made the switch from Samsung to Huawei and never looked back. Not only is it not as overpriced as Samsung, I feel like it performs better overall and is totally worth what you’re paying for.





Emily Walker

It is hard to say, which manufacturer has better smartphones, as there are always advantages and disadvantages for each exsting smartphone. If you are planning to buy a new smartphone and you can’t choose between Samsung or Huawei, it’s better to decide, which aspects are important for you. A budget device, but still looking like a premium smartphone? I would give my vote to Huawei here. For example, the Huawei P20 smartphone looks similar to iPhone X by featuring the notch on the top, but costs a lot cheaper than the iPhone. You want a device with the unique technology features? In this case I would give a point to Samsung. For example, the upcoming Galaxy S10 will have in-display fingerprint sensing technology, which lets users to touch any point on the display to authenticate with a fingerprint. For each person the winner between these two brands will be different as each of us has different needs while choosing a smartphone :)

很难说哪家制造商的智能手机更好,因为每一部智能手机都各有优缺点。如果你打算买一部新的智能手机,在三星和华为之间纠结,那么最好想清楚你更看重哪些方面。如果想要价格便宜,但外观仍像高级智能手机的设备,那我会投票给华为。例如,华为P20智能手机的顶部有一个凹槽,看起来和iPhone X很像,但价格比iPhone便宜得多。如果你想要具有独一无二的技术的设备,那我就投票给三星。例如,即将推出的Galaxy S10将拥有内置指纹传感技术,用户可以触摸屏幕上的任何点,用指纹进行身份验证。对于每一个人来说,这两个品牌谁更出众,答案不一而同,因为我们每个人在选择智能手机的时候需求不尽相同。


Adam Martin, Digital Marketing Expert at Freelancing (2015-present)

I think Samsung is better than Huawei. Huawei is a Chinese Brand where as Samsung is South Korean brand and the reliability of Samsung is more over Huawei. Samsung is also the world’s #1 smartphone brand today. Samsung has the largest number of smartphone consumer share. Performance wise also Samsung phones are better than Huawei phones.




Keerthi Sampath, former Graphic Designer

Samsung is better than huawei. But price little bit lower huawei



Abhyaung Havale

Samsung is better than Huawei in India as per following points:

+Customer care




These thing Huawei can't provide yet in India

Yeah in China it 'might he's better than samsung in customer care.









Hristo Samandjiev, works at Serpact - SEO Agency

The phones of Huawei have many more functions than Samsung for the same price. I have one and i am very pleased with him.



Abhishek Sasidharan, Bachelor of Technology Instrumentation Engineering, University of Calicut (2015)

I prefer Samsung if you need premium a experience. For this premium experience you have to choose a phone above 20000inr. Below this price range you will not get a long lasting powerful device( most of the cheap phone use mediatech processor)

I prefer a snapdragon samsung device.




Sudipto Roy, studied at Jahangirnagar University

Both are best in their own uniqueness,but which will be better for you it depends on your demands. Ram,internal storage, processor, Chip set which you target to buy a smartphone that matters for choosing the best.



Amith Shikder

They both use customized/ skinned version of android.

Samsung flagships are better than Huawei’s but Huawei mids ranged devices are superior to samsung mid ranged devices.




Pozer Istvan

I had my first smartphone Samsung. I was satisfied with it but Samsung keeps his prices very high, double by the same quality. So for the second, I bought Huawei.



Michael Oppert, CEO

I am using a Samsung S10+, my previous device was an Huawei Mate 20 Pro. To be honest, the Huawei is a better phone . Faster charging , less cumbersome to use, outstanding cameras

我使用的是三星S10+,我之前的设备是华为Mate 20 Pro。说实话,华为是一款更好的手机。充电速度更快,使用更便捷,摄像头无人能及。

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