India bags UN Security Council non-permanent member’s seat
ISLAMABAD: Absence of another candidate from the Asia-Pacific Group for a two-year tenure of a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council has enabled India to bag the group’s unanimous endorsement.
India’s candidature for the Security Council’s non-permanent seat was endorsed by the 55-member Asia-Pacific Group on Tuesday.
India’s Permanent Representative at the UN Amb Syed Akbaruddin in a celebratory tweet said: “A unanimous step. Asia-Pacific Group @UN unanimously endorses India’s candidature for a non-permanent seat of the Security Council for 2 year term in 2021/22. Thanks to all 55 members for their support.”
The voting for the seat will take place in the UN General Assembly next year.
Pakistan is part of the group. Therefore, Indians began claiming that Pakistan too had endorsed its candidature. “Any uncontested election gets automatic endorsement from its regional group. And that’s what’s happened from Asia-Pacific group of which Pakistan is a part. India’s election is next year by the General Assembly. Then it’s up to Pakistan how to vote,” a Pakistani diplomat at the UN mission explained to Dawn.
A similar situation took place in 2010.
The 10 seats for non-permanent members at the UNSC have been divided into five regional groups. The Asia-Pacific Group, because of its huge geographical expanse, has relatively looser coordination.
There aren’t either established practices of rotation of the two seats allocated to the group, one of which falls vacant every year.
South Asian countries as a tradition rarely contest each other. The only known exception is that of 1975 when India and Pakistan contested the same seat and Pakistan won after eight rounds of voting.
Pakistan would next run for a non-permanent seat in 2024.
Pakistan has also benefited from the arrangement. The group, including India, recently endorsed Pakistan’s candidatures for the slots of vice president of Economic and Social Council, member of committee on contributions, and member of Unicef’s executive board.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
Usman Patriot
Yet again, Pakistan shows the world it's nobility, morals, and maturity. Our neighbor can learn a thing or two.
Why Sushma Swaraj's photo. She has not contested election.
为什么放上了Sushma Swaraj的照片。她有没有参加竞选。
RG Nair
This is a total non-event. Nothing of substance except a few folks going on a jaunt on taxpayers' monies. Complete frivolous nonsense.
Truth Serum
@Usman Patriot, Read the article properly and learn more about the neighbour, before accusing - “ India recently endorsed Pakistan’s candidatures for the slots of vice president of Economic and Social Council, member of committee on contributions, and member of Unicef’s executive board.”
@Usman Patriot,请在指责:“印度最近支持巴基斯坦竞选经济及社会理事会副主席、会费委员会成员和联合国儿童基金会执行委员会成员。”前仔细阅读这篇文章,了解更多关于这个邻国的情况。
sam tan
cooperation and not confrontation, show of good gesture from both sides.
Javed Helali Dhakawala
I think PK did not vote. India was the only candidate. So it is accepted as PL voted for India. PK will vote when the matter goes to the general assembly.
UN is good at passing nonbinding resolutions such as on Kashmir.
Amin S Arab
This is how we should work together. This is also the way to resolve disputes, hope Modi understands
What is the benefit of being a non permanent member? No veto power and just some show. The UN itself can’t take any decisions and is divided between the US and its allies on one side, China, Russia and their allies on the other. Just to kill time.
Is there any possibility of India and Pakistan becoming permanent members of UNO.What are the requirements.
Himanshu Rana
@Usman Patriot, Even India endorsed Pak candidature in non contested seat. Also ur UN diplomat clarified - "Pakistan is part of the group. Therefore, Indians began claiming that Pakistan too had endorsed its candidature. “Any uncontested election gets automatic endorsement from its regional group. And that’s what’s happened from Asia-Pacific group of which Pakistan is a part. India’s election is next year by the General Assembly. Then it’s up to Pakistan how to vote"
@Usman Patriot,就连印度也支持巴基斯坦成为非竞争席位的候选人。联合国外交官也澄清说:“巴基斯坦是这个组织的一部分。因此,印度人声称巴基斯坦也支持其候选人资格。任何没有竞争的选举都会自动获得该地区组织的支持。明年联合国大会会对印度进行投票。就看巴基斯坦如何投票了。”
UN is maning a fool out of its self when a violater of UN Security Council Resolution and gross human right violater in Kashmir is being given such a seat.
@Usman Patriot, hope you read completely... if not pls read this line "South Asian countries as a tradition rarely contest each other. The only known exception is that of 1975 when India and Pakistan contested the same seat and Pakistan won after eight rounds of voting."
@Usman Patriot,希望你读完文章再发言……如果没读完,最少请读一读这句话“南亚国家传统上很少互相竞争。唯一已知的例外是1975年印度和巴基斯坦争夺同一个席位,巴基斯坦在8轮投票后获胜。”
Haq Nawaz Udho
They are obsessed with browbeating Pakistan form international forums like FATF but we make show of maturity under required international standards...
The non permanent members have no veto rights like the permanent members of Security Council. It's mostly ornamental in nature to satisfy the egos of non permanent members.
Jehengir khan
Very bad foreign policy....pakistan should vote against and compete for itself.....
Security council set up is unrealistic and out dated does not reflect ground realities. Pakistan and India both should be permanent member along with three muslim countries. South America should be represented by Argentina and Brazil.
@Usman Patriot, your comment is a joke. We in Pakistan didn't have any option under the current political situation and international watch. That is the reality and unless our government speaks the truth we will continue to suffer. The vice president nomination was a face saviour.
@Usman Patriot,你的评论太搞笑了。在当前的政治形势和国际观察下,我们巴基斯坦没有任何选择。这是现实,除非我们的政府说真话,否则我们将继续受苦。副总统的提名是我们的救星。
The rise is inexorable. The wave is massive and all encompassing. Nothing can stop now
We shouldn’t have supported this. Very bad idea, who ever came up with.
I think, if we solve the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan, how great and mutually beneficial our relations could be? Just think about it for a moment. How much can we achieve economically if we solved one issue thats bothering us for last 75 years.
Ali Ahmed
This is a great victory of Indian deplomacy as there is no other country dare to contest seeing a humiliation by a huge defeat as India has huge support from almost all countries accept one country.
Based on the population,economy and influence India should be a permanent member. May be it can be even shared with Pakistan if things improve between the two sister countries . Colonial vestiges like Britain and France are still permanent members. What logic is that?
Its a practices of rotation. Not a fight. Good to see that both the country supporting each other. Hope the same transpire in ground to normalize the bilateral relations as well.
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA
A good news for 1.5 Bns people on both sides. A good start giving a hope to end generations long belligerency, in order to fight against eradicate poverty, illiteracy, disease, impoverishment & financial misery & sufferings for majority of people on both sides of the border, living through such deprivations in a cradle to grave situation. Credit for making this happen goes to IK, who despite getting cold gestures from Modi, kept on with his repeated invitations for dialogue, to break the ice.
Arvind mishra
UN current structure is completely outdated and does not represent the interest of all nations proportionatly...small country like france is a permanent member with veto power...while 55 nations african continent dose,nt have any say...countries like Brazil,Japan,Australia,India are toothless in nothing to celebrate ....few more parties in UN, thats all
@Zak, In a decade or so, Indian union will not exst.
After your excellent CPEC predictions, any prediction on you're next bailout at IMF?
Chandra Shekhar
@Usman Patriot, Guess you didn't read the news in full, India had endorsed Pak's vice-presidentship for economic forum earlier, so payback time for Pak.
@Usman Patriot,我猜你没看完整条新闻,印度早些时候支持巴基斯坦担任经济论坛副主席,所以巴基斯坦也该礼尚往来了。
@Usman Patriot, YOUR neighbor is quite sensible, that the reason You are still a sovereign country. Today's news, $ traded at 167 Pakistani rupees.
@Usman Patriot,你们的邻国很明智,所以你们还依然是主权国家。今天的新闻是,1美元兑167巴基斯坦卢比。
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