India enters 37-year period of demographic dividend
Since 2018, India’s working-age population (people between 15 and 64 years of age) has grown larger than the dependant population — children aged 14 or below as well as people above 65 years of age. This bulge in the working-age population is going to last till 2055, or 37 years from its begng.
Many Asian economies — Japan, , South Korea — were able to use this ‘demographic dividend’, defined by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as the growth potential that results from shifts in a population’s age structure. This transition happens largely because of a decrease in the total fertility rate (TFR, which is the number of births per woman) after the increase in life expectancy gets stabilised.
Japan was among the first major economies to experience rapid growth because of changing population structure. The country’s demographic-dividend phase lasted from 1964 to 2004. An analysis of the first 10 years since this phase shows how such a shift in the population structure can propel growth. In five of these years, Japan grew in double digits; the growth rate was above 8% in two years, and a little less than 6% in one. Growth slid below 5% in only two of these 10 years.
entered this stage in 1994 — 16 years after Deng iao’s economic reforms started in December 1978. Although its growth accelerated immediately after the reforms, the years of demographic dividend helped sustain this rate for a very long period.
ab cd
demographic dividend is nothing but an illusion, what lies beneath is a huge problem. where there is acute shortage of resources, be it jobs, health o...
Joe Kool
There is no dividends.
Sourav Mukherjee•Kolkata•2 hours ago •Follow
Ever growing population translates to ever growing pressure on basic resources required for human life. A balance is desired and time is running short.
Balasubramaniam V•Chennai•2 hours ago •Follow
Great news, that our population size is deemed to be a boon, rather than a bane. However we become all too excited and consider ourselves to be a upcoming super power
Radha•Germany•3 hours ago
Our youths only following bollywood which is shame for India. 85 percent youths have no values. We lost our traditions and values. If we want to shine and become powerful we should work on our new generation. Otherwise there is no use of demographic dividend. Corruption is there because we give bribary, whole nation is dirty because we throw trash on streets. Todays Indian youths is busy in only branded cloths, eve teasing, love affairs which is not good for nation.
MrBoobs•Right Here•3 hours ago
is dead now. India will thrash
Anil•3 hours ago
population control is done by hindus and Sikhs only
Abhishek•3 hours ago
india fails miserably on all three quality primary education, health and jobs. we are going to miss this tide because politicians are busy filling their pockets or ensuring how to come to power.
Sanjoy•3 hours ago
Where is quality education?? It is available for few
Peeush Trikha•India•3 hours ago
We cannot be assured of any immediate dividends unless we have Youth employed or self employed more productively. We need to change our Education system first - both at the Primary level and at Secondary Level.,Startups should be promoted more, and we also need to have a more strict birth control program.
Shubham Raj Singh•3 hours ago
All the young people rise up, and be ready to rule the world
Abhishek Oza•Mumbai•3 hours ago
demographic dividend is nothing but an illusion, what lies beneath is a huge problem. where there is acute shortage of resources, be it jobs, health or infrastructure, not to mention the Pollution and filth. India is practically sitting on a population time bomb which will explode sooner or later.
Kvs• Abhishek Oza•3 hours ago
traditionally wars have been taking care of their overpopulation problems.
Ulhas•4 hours ago
Population control has become an unsavoury issue after the emergency. No way the problem can be tackled in an ELECTION DEMOCRACY that is India. Political parties like nothing better than showering the ever increasing population of GAON GAREEB VOTERS with freebies.
Ulhas•4 hours ago
Although population explosion is the greatest problem, no political party talks about it EVER for the fear of losing votes.. Talk and baseless allegations of corruption is however the best way to fetch votes. Have you ever seen BJP & Modi ever talk of population as an important problem?
Secular Indian•Unknown•4 hours ago
Interesting to know-Good article.
Ulhas•4 hours ago
Population explosion is the GREATEST problem far ahead of other problems like CPRRUPTION. One recalls the words of Indiraji. "We would have been far better off if we were HALF the number." That was at a time when population was just 60 crores. 138 Crores today.
Ziax Ziax•Unknown•4 hours ago
The key is if India can gear up to provide good health, education and jobs
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