

Pakistan’s slice of the moon


MONDAY’S launch of the Chandrayaan-2 water-finding moon mission is a significant demonstration of India’s scientific and engineering capacity. It puts India firmly within a select group of countries prowling the solar system for commercial, strategic, and scientific reasons. Pakistanis naturally want to know where they stand in science — of which space exploration is just a small part — and why. What gave India this enormous lead over Pakistan?

It is natural that India’s Hindutva government should boast Chandrayaan-2 as its own achievement and claim continuation with imagined glories from Vedic times. But rightfully the credit goes elsewhere. Just imagine if history could be wound back by 70-80 years and prime-minister Jawaharlal Nehru was replaced by Narendra Modi.

Instead of astronomy, today’s India would be pursuing astrology. Its university departments would have many ganitagayons but few mathematicians, an army of rishis would outnumber physicists. The cure for cancer would be sought in yoga while floods and earthquakes would somehow be linked to cow slaughter. Instead of devising Chandrayaan, Indian scientists would be searching for the fictitious Vimana of Ravana.




The atheistic Nehru brought to India an acceptance of European modernity. For this Hindutva hates him even more than it hates India’s Muslims and Christians. Still, his insistence on ‘scientific temper’ — a singularly odd phrase invented while he was still in prison — made India nurture science. Earlier, vigorous reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833) had shown the path. As long as Nehru stood tall no rishi, yogi, or army general could head a science institution

Will Pakistan also get a slice of the moon? That depends upon the quality of our scientists and if a culture of science develops. Of course, Pakistan never had a Nehru. A further setback happened in the Ziaul Haq days when Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s modernism had its remaining flesh eaten off by Allama Iqbal’s shaheen. As if to compensate the loss of appetite for science, buildings for half-a-dozen science institutions were erected along Islamabad’s Constitution Avenue. They could be closed down today and no one would notice. Today’s situation for science — every kind except agriculture and biotechnology — is dire.

无神论的尼赫鲁让印度接受了欧洲的现代化。因此印度教对他的仇恨甚至超过了对印度msl和基督徒的仇恨。尽管如此,他对“科学理念”的坚持——这是他在狱中发明的一个非常奇怪的短语——让印度培养了科学观。早些时候,拉贾•拉姆•莫汉•罗伊( 1772年至1833年)等精力充沛的改革家曾指出了这条道路。只要尼赫鲁在任,任何圣人、瑜伽士或陆军将领都不可能领导一个科学机构。


The official website of the National Space Agency of Pakistan (Suparco) is silent on space exploration plans. Born a year before its Indian counterpart ISRO, Suparco lists its earliest achievement as the periodic launches of US-supplied weather monitoring Rehbar rockets between 1962 and 1972. The most recent activity listed is of July 9, 2018, when China launched two remote sensing satellites for Pakistan to monitor progress on CPEC. One of the two “was indigenously designed and solely developed by Suparco, and is primarily aimed at remote sensing”.

As a space-filler this pathetic website speaks in hushed terms about the Hatf and Shaheen-III missile programmes but falls short of saying what Suparco’s role was, if any. The last four chairmen of Suparco, together with their educational qualifications, are listed as Maj Gen. Raza Husain (2001-2010, BSc), Maj Gen. Ahmed Bilal Husain (2010-2016, MSc), Maj Gen. Qaiser Anees Khurram (2016-2018, BSc), and Maj Gen. Amer Nadeem (2018-present, BSc).


这个可怜的网站用沉默的语言谈论着Hatf和Shaheen-III导弹计划,但对于Suparco的角色只字不提。Suparco的上四位主席,连同他们的学历,分别是Maj Gen. Raza Husain (2001-2010, 学士)、Maj Gen. Ahmed Bilal Husain (2010-2016, 硕士)、Maj Gen. Qaiser Anees Khurram (2016-2018, 学士)和Maj Gen. Amer Nadeem(2018-至今,学士)。

National achievements in space science being so lean, where should bright young Pakistani science buffs be pointed towards? Every day they read of some great achievement — spacecraft landing on asteroids, new planets being discovered, black holes colliding in distant galaxes, etc. But Pakistan’s three most celebrated scientists have precious little to offer. Let’s call them X, Y, Z.

X appears to have lost his earlier passion for bombs and missiles and these days is mostly concerned with finding religious cure to cancer as well as advising women on how to deal with menopause problems. Y is (or was?) under a NAB investigation because he spent Rs4.69 billion gasifying Thar coal but failed to produce a single watt of electricity. He may be in much hotter water once the Reko Diq investigation gets going and his role in the Tethyan Copper affair is revealed. Mishandling Reko Diq currently threatens Pakistan with a mind boggling $5.9bn fine. Z has clawed his way back to power but cannot explain why billions spent upon his institute have not produced a single useful pharmaceutical product.

巴基斯坦在空间科学方面的成就如此贫乏,其年轻有为的科学爱好者应该把目光投向哪里?他们每天都会读到一些伟大的成就——宇宙飞船在小行星上着陆,新行星被发现,黑洞在遥远的星系中碰撞,等等。但是巴基斯坦最著名的三位科学家却没有什么重要的贡献。我们管他们叫X Y Z。


Lacking guidance from knowledgeable elders, a few of Pakistan’s most gifted kids have found their own way. I have been astonished and thrilled to meet some. Aged 12-18, like hungry animals, they have gorged themselves on distance learning materials offered by Stanford, MIT, Coursera, etc. They seem to owe nothing to their environment, teachers, and even their parents. Some are village bumpkins, others are English-speaking urbanites. Natural genius propels them. But how far?

It’s good that such talent is achieving some recognition. Fawad Chaudhry, the newly appointed minister of science and technology, told me that he plans to start 1500 STEM schools for exceptional students. One hopes that the right students will be selected and that by some miracle good teachers can be found. Chaudhry should realise that the chance of failure will be one hundred per cent if students are graded by ratta-promoting local examination boards. Duffers must never be allowed to judge geniuses; alternatives must be explored.



More encouraging news: Pakistani doctors in the US are fabulously rich but are not known to spend their money wisely or well. That may be changing. Last month, at the annual meeting in Florida, the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA) put out an appeal to create an institute that would identify and support young people with exceptional math/physics talent. Let’s hope that that pans out.

Pakistan’s chance of a moon shot — unless on the back of a Chinese rocket — will stay zero for a long time. There is no reason to cry about this. Much more important problems need to be addressed. Solving them needs a strong scientific base at every step. Creating this base calls for develo scientific attitudes and dum non-scientific ones. Symbolically this amounts to putting Sir Syed ahead of Allama Iqbal as a national icon. Impossible? Maybe. But, as they say, you can’t make an omelet without breaking an egg.




译文来源:三泰虎     https://www.santaihu.com/48146.html      译者:Joyceliu



WOW!!! Right on money... This is easily applicable in many other cases in India too. Everywhere in the world, especially in Asia and Africa, we have to get the religious people out of the science. Don't know how. But, they can win, so can science minded people.

哇! ! !在经济上说的没错……这在印度的许多其他情况下也适用。在世界各地,尤其是亚洲和非洲,我们必须让宗教人士远离科学。要采用什么手段,不太清楚。但是,他们能赢,有科学头脑的人也能赢。



Sir, I am Indian and I salute you




Such a learned professor, but he himself has been severely impaired by Pakistani education system, national iideolofyband has a very myopic view of BJP. India has significantly improved in the global innovation index in the last 5 years under BJP rule.




Looks like Professor Hoodbhoy got carried away listening to the Pakistani echo chamber of twisted depiction of Indian polity. Besides Jawaharlal Nehru was an agnostic, not an atheist. Agnosticism is totally fine in Vedanta. Nehruji admires Upanishads in His magnum opus “Discovery of India”. Irrespective of who is in power India’s scientific endeavors will continue.




Nehru might have built these educational institutions but his naivity costed India half of Kashmir, a UNSC seat, and a province called Nepal which wanted to join the Indian union. Unlike Nehru, Modi is not that naive and gullible. India is in safe hands today much to the discomfort of Pakistanis.



Honest Opinion

Excellent article by Dr. Hoodbhoy but I differ with his comparison of Sir Syed and Allama’s approach to knowledge. In my opinion both Sir Syed and Dr. Iqbal wanted the Muslim youth to attain modern knowledge to understand the reality through the lenses of critical objective inquiry. The famous words of Dr. Iqbal, “Sitroon Say Aaga Johan Aur Behee Hain” nicely summarizes the reach of human intellect in deciphering the secrets of the Universe.

Hoodbhoy博士的文章写得很好,但是我不同意他对赛义德先生和Allama的知识方法的比较。在我看来,赛义德爵士和伊克巴尔博士都希望让青年获得现代知识,通过批判性的客观调查来了解现实。伊克巴尔博士的名言“Sitroon Say Aaga Johan Aur Behee Hain”很好地概括了人类智慧破解宇宙奥秘的能力。



The high standards of your earlier articles has slipped with you taking pot shots at the current Indian political institutions and leadership. No doubt Nehru was a fierce advocate of science and technology and under his watch several “temples of modern India” as he called them, took root. But that was in the 50s and 60s, and, since then successive governments and political leaders continued to support education and research in basic and applied sciences. The BJP govt, notwithstanding their penchant for Vedic sciences , understood the needs and characteristics of modern science, and continued to provide both support and leadership. The fruits of past and present labor by Indian scientists bears witness in the success that ISRO has been able to achieve. Both the past and the present leadership helped make it happen. Belittling the present Indian leadership may give Pakistan’s elite some satisfaction but they are way off the mark.



Ashok De, Calgary

Thank you Mr. Pervez Hoodbhoy for writing such a refreshing article about development of science. 

When you see around in Pakistan and India you will see a sea of intelligent young guys waiting for their chances to bloom. You will agree Pakistan and India shares the same DNA, no difference. But unfortunately some cynical politicians and religious masters have taken the youth far away from the real path of growth. If India can stretch its hands to the moon, Pakistan's brilliant scientist can do the same thing, no problem. Let's give all the religious jealousy some holidays and turn to scientific studies instead. I hope our ideas will change for better.

Ashok De, Calgary, Canada.

感谢Pervez Hoodbhoy先生写了一篇关于科学发展的令人耳目一新的文章。




Jamil Soomro, New York City

Outstanding interesting article by Mr.Pervez Hoodbhoy. Amazing inclusion of Hindutva,Ziaul Haq,Nehru,Modi, Allama Iqbal and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in comparison of upholding scientific attitudes and dum non scientific ones.I liked the Writer's expression,"You can't make an omelette without breaking an egg". Well said.

pervez Hoodbhoy先生的文章真是精彩有趣。与坚持科学态度、抛弃非科学态度相比,文中提到印度教、齐奥卢·哈克、尼赫鲁、莫迪、阿拉玛·伊克巴尔和赛义德·艾哈迈德·汗爵士,实在令人惊叹。我喜欢作者的那句话,“想做煎蛋卷就得先打鸡蛋”。说得好。


Rohit Pandey

I love Dr Hoodbhoys writing. I enjoy it. He does not like Narendra Modi..but I assure him that all is not lost under Modi . I would,repectfully suggest that he watches Dr Carl Sagan,s Cosmos to understand that musing about Universe and its origins is found in ancient Hindu writings.Of course they will not the scrutiny of a modern Physics journal editor but Indian rishis speculated long and hard much like Greek philosophers ruminated in the gymnasiums of ancient Athens. And,yes Indians have/feel a coonection a legitimate cultural pride and Narendra Modi stokes it.



  1. Govindarajan

The author should have avoided comparison between Nehru & Modi. No one can predict what Modi would have done if he was in Nehru's place 70 years ago. These are imaginary comments and arises out of bias. Any Nation should set objectives based on what their core strengths are, what their vision is, the resources they have, the priorities set out etc. One need not copy what other Natikns do. Whatever you wish to do, best wishes. But stop dragging India and our PM




I feel no reason to cry about Hindustan's space achievements. I will cry the day we choose space flight over providing toilets for half our population.



Fair Play

It is very important for Pakistan (with limited budget) to set their priorities right. There is no reason to keep comparing themselves with India. Pakistan resources (forex reserves etc) indicate that it has to see why Bangladesh is performing better than Pakistan in growth rate, for example. Look at the amount which Bangladesh spends on maintaining its army. what use is an army, except in a condition when India attacks? why is this fear not there for Bangladesh when it is fully encircled by India. Reduce funds on defence and divert it to education, science, health etc. everything else will follow.




Excellent writeup, an Eye-opener.



V Gupta

A succint, pithy and insightful article, as always, from Dr Hoodbhoy. But you are wrong on one count sir. Yes there are (a relatively VERY few) Hindutva nuts waxng eloquent on Vedic glories in India today. They rightly grab newspaper headlines for their entertainment value. But do research sir, on what the BJP Government is doing quietly and unobstrusively on scientific education. The number and vast scope of scientific education initiatives including, yes, those aimed specifically at Muslims. Among other things, the aim is to dominate, in a few decades the scientific Nobel prizes awarded every year.



kaliraja thangamani

A great article from a great professor of Pakistan. We always respect him.




In simple terms, Pakistan has a long way to go to reach moon! It requires changes in social - cultural environment. Hope Mr Choudhry does a better at Science & Technology than he did at the propaganda ministry.




Wrong perception about Modi , he is very much inclined to science, also Nehru is not hated in India. Otherwise article is very good




I don't know why writer hated modi when comparing with nehru. Yes, he is pro hindutwa but he is not anti science.

Modi doubled the budget of indian space agency from 1 billion to 2.7 billion. He started scholarship of 1.4 lakh per month pkr to phd scholars of engineering.

He stated atal tinkering labs in all schools of india to get scientific temper from small age. A single tinkering lab costs more than 5 crores in inr. He stated startup india with a corpus of more than 20000 crores inr. He even started digital india in which everything is digitised and broadband reach went to 2.5 lakh villages.

How can a man without scientific temper do that ?






Simanjit Singh Mann

An eye opener for Indian Punjabis too. No scientific temperament in Indian Punjab.




Good article. True but economic hardships hamper scientific research. Where is the money, they say but fail to curb wasteful spending. Professor too has fallen for Modi bashing. It seems Modi is the flavor of the day.




Snide remarks about Modi and Hindutva apart, the fact remains that ISRO has been provided fresh, bold impetus under none other than Modi. He even offered satellite access to our neighbors. Digital Access, access to toilets, water, cooking gas, soil cards (for farmers), building institutes and universities are not signs of unscientific thinking. The professor should assess facts, not be swayed by cheap and false ingoism.




A good article. But step on moon is not a Pak priority. Our priorities are peace in Afghanistan, plus Resolution of Kashmir issue. The people of Pak are craving for food, utilities, and security. The rulers are busy in blame games. The boat of de ocracy is in turbulence. Still nobody is in mood to understand how crucial it is to recover money from the golden hen at home. Once these hens began laying gold eggs, things may improve.




Until the advent of Islam, scientific temper was great.in India. It was advocated and developed by Rishis and ganithagyans. Theread are numerous examples.



Sane One

Agree with most of the things except making a competition between Allama Iqbal and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. Two different people, two different ideologies. Allama Iqbal did not stop people from learning science or getting education. The system that does not allow you to question and explore can not groom the exsting talent let alone instill that trait.




You may criticise modi but he has revolutionised digital india. Sometimes learn about it.




Sad to see a biased article from you. Modi is one of the biggest proponents of science and technology. Do you know how many new IITs have been created in past 5 years.

India has a rich history and legacy. Are you completely discounting the benefits of yoga which even the west has acknowledged so trivially? Indians have always been scientifically inclined and that is why it was the leading nation globally till 16th century.



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