Why isn’t India a permanent member of the UN Security Council?
Harun Resit Aydin, Director of Foreign Markets (2017-present)
There are already some good answers here that have already covered the essentials. Therefore, I will tell here except the usual points, the true but unwritten reasons.
India is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council and may never, because:
- India is not one of the major powers who has won the WW2
- It has never tested the nuclear bomb on other innocent people
- Since its foundation and after WW2, it has not participated in any genocide
- Besides some border disputes with its neighbors, it has no aggressive expansionist policies or territorial claims far from its borders and does not interfere in affairs of other countries.
- It plans no invasion of other countries or wants to exploit and steal their energy sources.
- The morality and ethics, beliefs of the Indians would not allow it to ever see thousands of children slaughtered around the world for their interests.
To be honest, why should India have a seat between the world's greatest five murders, those who have killed thousands of innocent people worldwide for their own sake or watched hundreds of massacres from Africa to Bosnia, from Syria to Yemen without to act ?
And why are we talking about a 5-6 member goddamn congregation that has not found a single solution for humanity yet, and why the fate of 7 billion innocent people should be in the mouths of these chosen members.
The world is bigger than 5.
The UN will only do justice and an institute that will provide a solution for the whole world if it brings together all those involved in the world and treats their decisions equally.
When I think of UN I only know the similar pictures around the world for decades and they all look like this:
How for example the UN Dutch Soldiers (b…) handed over thousands of innocent Bosniaks to the Serbian militias who have committed a genocide in one day and killed more than 8.000 people, including women, children..
Therefore, be careful, because whenever you ask the UN for justice..
..this will be their gift:
. .这就是他们回赠的礼物:
NO, India has nothing to do here, the permanent members should learn first humanity from India.
The current permanent members of the Security Council are the five nations that were made permanent members in the charter when the United Nations was founded, and the five nations that are legally recognized as "nuclear weapons states" (although permanent membership is not officially contingent on the possession of nuclear weapons). Those five countries are:
1.United States
2.United Kingdom
4.Soviet Union (now Russia)
5.Republic of (now the People's Republic of )
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/48240.html 译者:Joyceliu
At the time that became a permanent member, it was not a particularly strong or influential country. However, it was one of the "big four" Allies during World War II, and had a strong relationship with the United States. It was in the interests of the other Allied powers on the Security Council, particularly the United States, to build influence and relations, and to recognize the nation as a key player in the war. India was also one of the charter members of the UN, joining in 1945 (the same time as the P5), but it was not an independent nation during WWII. (Its legal independence and partition came about in 1947, after which Pakistan applied for membership separately.)
There are many benefits to being a permanent member of the Security Council: permanent rather than rotational membership (duh), a general increase in prestige and influence, and of course, veto power. Traditionally, has been reluctant to use its veto, except with regard to issues that pertain directly to national interests. (The United States is the only nation to liberally use its veto, almost always against resolutions that are critical of Israel.)
There's a lot of criticism of the Security Council today, and its general ineffectiveness, its strong bent towards the already powerful P5, the veto power itself...and the issue of geographic representation. As it stands, the permanent members of the Security Council have a heavy European bias. In fact, the only nation that represents a non-white majority is , a country with a population that numbers over a billion. In light of that fact, I think the real question ought not to be why is a member while India isn't, but why all members except are white Western nations. (Well, I suppose we know why: these are mostly former colonial powers that gained significant wealth through the exploitation of the "Global South". But moving on...)
A number of nations have made cases to become permanent members. Japan and Germany were losing powers after World War II, but are now two of the largest economies in the world, and the two largest financial contributors to the UN after the United States. Germany has a powerful position in the EU, and Japan has the support of much of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands in its bid, through lobbying via financial aid.
However, India probably has the strongest case for becoming a permanent member:
1.It's the world's largest de ocracy with a population that will eventually eclipse that of .
2.It's part of an otherwise underrepresented region, with large unrepresented religions (Hinduism and Islam).
3.It's a large financial contributor, and a major contributor of UN Peacekee troops.
4.It frequently serves as a non-permanent (rotational) member, and usually wins the votes of almost all member states in its bids for non-permanent positions.
5.It has the backing of some major players (France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States--or President Obama, anyway), a number of European, Asian, and Latin American nations, and the African Union.
However, there are a few obstacles:
1. - 's position on India's bid has always been...ambiguous. I think that its current position is that it's open to consideration, but not ready to approve of India's permanent membership. India- relations are better now than they've been for some time, irrespective of the Kashmir can of worms, 's ties with Pakistan, and other issues. However, opposes Japan's bid, which India supports, and will likely not support India for as long as India continues to support Japan. (Confusingly worded, I know.)
2.The United States - The official American policy has been, for some time, to oppose India's permanent membership on the Security Council. Apparently this is because India is not a signatory of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and possesses nuclear weapons--a source of great annoyance to the US. However, President Obama has declared support for India's bid. It's not clear what the US position is anymore, but we can be pretty sure that there will be no progress in the near future.
3.Pakistan - Naturally, Pakistan opposes India's bid, and while it doesn't have as much influence in itself, it has close ties with both and the United States (though recent events have thrown these alliances into question). Also, the very fact that India and Pakistan are embroiled in conflict that frequently appears on the Security Council agenda is an issue.
4.The structure of the Security Council itself - This is by far the biggest problem. India is already on the verge of having the verbal support of all the P5, yet there's a very slim chance that it will gain a permanent seat anytime soon. This would mean an amendment o the UN Charter, which requires a two-third vote of general members, and the support of the P5. But whatever lip service the P5 may pay to supporting India, they will likely keep tabling the issue because allowing one country to join the permanent members sets a precedent that might open a floodgate and upset the power balance. Why change things when they are comfortable the way they are (if inefficient)? Wouldn't it further legitimize the bids of other countries--Japan, Germany, Brazil, etc. all of whom seem to support each others' bids as G4 nations? The UN can't even seem to manage to raise the number of nonpermanent members on the Security Council, an issue that has been on the table for sometime. How many eons will it take for them to add the first new permanent member, if ever?
Kushagra Garg
Imagine this:
This chocolate tart is divided into 5 equal parts. Each piece is claimed and enjoyed by a powerful-famished person.
Now there is another powerful person who is claiming a piece for himself. Actually he wants the tart to be divided into 9 equal parts.
If this claim is accepted, it will result in reduction in the size of piece for each person.
Thus none of the 5 people actually wants to share and redistribute the tart.
Similar is the case with permanent seat of UNSC. The P5 do not want the structure of Security Council to be changed. Because it will result in dispersion of power among 6 nations.
Moreover, India is pushing for reforming the structure of UNSC to have 9 permanent members instead of 5. This is because India is one of the G4 nations. G4 nations include Brazil, Germany, India and Japan. All these four nations have great impact on world economy and are members of elected, non-permanent members of UNSC. These four nations support each others bid for permanent seat.
Now you see, giving in to their demands means changing the structure of UNSC. According to Article 108 of Chapter XVIII of UN Charter,
Amendments to the present Charter shall come into force for all Members of the United Nations when they have been adopted by a vote of two thirds of the members of the UN General Assembly… ….including all the permanent members of the Security Council.
There the problem lies. Given the today's scenario, it's feasible to get support of two third members of UN general assembly.
But getting unambiguous approval and support of all the P5 members is a tedious job.
1.USA says they support Japan to get into the council because USA knows Russia and will use the veto against it.
2.USA, France, UK and Russia says they support India because they know will surely use it's veto.
3. clearly knows that this is not possible given India's all-time relations with Japan. So it's a win-win for .
See, all the 5 supports one or the other nation on the surface. But deep down, none of them really wants the expansion of UNSC.
On a different note, I think had its own diplomatic reasons to oppose India and Japan both. has an ambiguous love-hate relation with Japan
As for India, wouldn't want a powerful neighbour with same powers as it has.
Deoram Umraow, Caribbean all the way!!
First let me explain why India can't be a member of the UNSC:
1.India has a lot of conflict of interest in the region mainly with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Kashmir and becoming a member will give India advantage to be more aggressive meaning wage war on those countries.
2.India is not a strong de ocracy meaning it's still being governed by religious factions
3.India’s is ranked one of the most corrupt country in the world and is ranked on the corruption scale near to African countries.
4.Also India has a history of genocide and sectarian violence among mainly Christians and Muslims and will not go down well with fellow UN members.
Now coming to the reason why is in the UNSC although they’re a co unist country is because in World War 2 played a very big role in ending the war you see the UNSC which stands for the United Nation’s Security Council was created to maintain peace around the world and to prevent another world war and the countries that made the UNSC was the USA, RUSSIA, CHINA, UNITED KINGDOM AND FRANCE were biggest contributors to end World War 2.
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