Is China a technologically advanced country?
Hans Pond
China was, is and will be a develo country.
Even the chinese has, does and will confirm this numerous times. Every time the Chinese spokesman say something, usually he would emphasize this. This is one fundamenta aspect of China.
You have to analyze China in terms of PER CAPITA. An apple shared by 1 person in the US, and an apple shared by 10 persons in China. These are definitely different.
China is lagging behind developed countries in almost every category. GDP, GNI, productions of numerous products, life expectancy, education expanses, military expanses, railways, highways, energy consumption, resources consumptions, brands, etc. Chinese per capita is lagging behind in all of these categories and I don't need to bother to find data to prove this. Just believe in this statement, it's a general truth. And it would still be true in the coming decades.
中国几乎在所有方面都落后于发达国家。GDP, GNI,众多产品的产量,预期寿命,教育支出,军事支出,铁路,公路,能源消耗,资源消耗,品牌等等。中国人均在这些方面都是落后的,我不需要找数据来证明这一点。相信这句话就够了,这是一个普遍真理。在未来的几十年里,它仍然还是正确的。
Daan Mulder, Clinical Research Consultant at Self-Employment (2013-present)
It depends on the criteria that you use to make such a determination.
My preference, when assessing such matters, is to use the Human Development Index (HDI) over pure economical or technological parameters.
In a nutshell, the HDI was created in order to emphasize that expanding human choices should be the ultimate criterion for assessing development results. A country’s economic growth is obviously an important parameter in and by itself, but we should always keep in mind that it is nothing but means to an end, and not an end by itself. This is why HDI trumps other parameters, such as GDP or GDP per capita, when assessing whether a country is advanced or not, because it also suggests how a country invests its resources and what are that country’s government policy priorities.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
For example, HDI can successfully explain why is it that Malaysia, which has higher gross national income per capita compared to Chile (to name a single example), also has life expectancy at birth that is 7 years shorter and expected years of schooling that is 2.5 shorter compared to Chile (resulting in Chile having a much higher HDI value than Malaysia.)
So out of 188 countries (in the 2014 report), China is ranked #90 - suggesting high human development.
Most of the so-called “Western” countries (North America, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, etc.) are ranked very high on the list (top 30). Most of Sub-Saharan African countries are ranked very low on the list.
Pascal Barre, Producer, Screenwriter at Undine Productions (2011-present)
Considering that Facebook is following closely WeChat and QQ technological progresses, I believe China has some advantages on the rest of the developed world…
For instance on QQ, you can book a tax, get food deliveries, use if for savings, pay electricity bill and book train tickets, you can even find pet hairdressers and book them showing all your friends his schedule!
Also they had the chance to start building with the best technologies instead of develo them. Its why they have the world largest high speed train rail networks (more than 20000km is more than all the rest of the world networks combined) and even an active Maglev train in Shanghai (the only commercial version in the world).
I had a friend of mine visiting me from New York in 2004. He though that Shanghai was a develo city. He was surprise to find a more modern version of New York a thousand times cleaner with screens as high as buildings themselves (forget Time Square)…
Vibhinn Gautam, Avid learner of China and its' history
China, despite being a heavy coal consumer, has led the world in renewable energy.
The education is ok. I won't say good or very good, but it certainly isn't very bad. One of the reasons it, however won't become good is because:
b.) Too much population and children (well now that's reducing) makes learning less efficient.
China's industry is good - for the short and middle term. But, because of the rapid industry, it's resources are RAPIDLY depleting. And the wages are far too low for such cheap and dirty industry.
But, now, let's see your question: Is china advance country?
Not really, wouldn't say that it is advanced. The GDP per capita - about $10k. To be advanced you must have more! Developed countries require atlas 20k GDP per capita.
And pollution. Sure, even though it can look advance, that's just in a handful of cities.
Robert Free, lived in China
It's a big country. So there's everything there. They have space ships and high tech industries and fast trains. They also have severe pollution and food contamination, so there's that too. Literacy is very high, and people seem to have smart phones physically attached to their hands. Chinese embrace new tech faster than almost any country in the world because they like it and are forgiving of the failures of the cutting edge. They are the only country using VR equipment as a directly profitable tool. On the other hand third tier cities and villages can look untouched by plumbing and mains electricity.
Short answer : Yes, but not completely.
Nettuno Rossi, 5th year in China
China has a public transportation that is simply better than almost all western countries.
China has the best high schools according to the PISA survey (who says it's because chinese are good at tests probably don't know that PISA test is a kind of test that is not something you pass only exercising for tests), although only in Shanghai.
China has a low level of violence and anti social behaviors. There are of course, but the level is low, very low if we compare with the gdp pro capita.
China is advanced in green energy
China has several major technology companies
Robert Dela Cueva, Personal Consultant at Merchant Princes
They have probaby the most modern infrastructure by now because everything is brand new.
They are also coming along with the ability to improve technologies and are starting to find new uses, which is the hallmark of advancement.
However they are behind with original thoughts and ideas which is only natural given their breakneck speed of development.
But to get advanced in this field you need a different education sector. That is why some of the biggest success stories involve Chinese who came back from overseas.
Abhishek Patolia, Covering current events and major economic events in world
Yes in artificial intelligence. In providing healthcare by app.
China is fast in implementing new technology.
Michel McGill, Born, lived and worked in China.
Yes from the civilization point of view. China is the only Humanist civilization.
If Human has a future, China is the hope.
Fariborz Zak, former Ship's captain at Retirement
sure why not? Read China history , there was Civilization before many immigrants went to new continent (USA)
Khawaja Ikram Ul Haq, electrical engineer who is interested in politics to some extent
it manufactures iphones for apple etc…so what do u think…?
Sean Lee, studied Biomedical Engineering
China is equipped with advanced technology, not advanced in technology
Robert Free, lived in China
They have great gadgets and trains but still have trouble with plumbing and pollution, so yes, mostly.
Lei Yu, works at China
If you asked me is China a technologically advanced country two or three years ago, I would hesitate on how to answer such question. Connecting with my working career, worked as a system engineer, I can see HP, IBM, SUN machines everywhere in China, people who use these machines have to study the hpux, aix, solaris systems and some more English documents.
But now, however, I choose to say yes. Just take Huawei for example, it started from a small company who studied from Cisco at the begng, by now, it’s world famous.
Except for that, we can see the three biggest technologically companies in China(BaiDu, Alibaba and Tecent) have made a big achievement.
So, is China a technologically advanced coungry? Definitely.
如果你两三年前问我中国是不是科技发达的国家,我会犹豫如何回答这个问题。结合我的工作生涯,作为一个系统工程师,我在中国随处可见惠普,IBM, SUN的机器,使用这些机器的人要学习hpux, aix, solaris系统等。
Yuny Zheng, studied at South China University of Technology (2018)
I want to know wether you have gone to China.Gteat change has taken in China since the reform and opening up.many technologies in China rank first in the should know the high speed railway is very good and it has set a standard for high speed railway of word.Recent years,China is carrying out the lunar exploration project.All of rockets were designed and made by Chinese scientists.All in all China has invented many developed produces and make life of Chinese people better and better,even to benefit the people of the world.if you has a chance to visit China,China will leave a deep impression on you.
Saurav Sarkar
There are a number of reasons.
First, whether it's "advanced" (by this, I assume you mean industrialized and wealthy) or not depends what you compare it to.
Second, if you are comparing to other poorer countries, there are a few reasons why China has been able to industrialize more successfully than other countries / regions. It has a large population and large size, with many resources. It has always been more or less autonomous - never fully colonized, though it was controlled through other means, and forged an independent path between the U.S. and the Soviet Union from the 1970s onward. It had major land reform which broke the preexsting social structure in the mid 20th century under the PRC.
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