We are not following right economic policies: Swamy
MUMBAI: The country is not following the right economic policies, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy said here on Saturday.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ushered in some good programs such as Make in India, but what is lacking is macroeconomic policies, the former Union minister said.
Speaking at an event here, Swamy accused the country's first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru of 'imposing' the Soviet economic model on India which he said held back the economy.
"Today, if we follow the right economic policies- I am sorry to say, we are not," he said.
Modi was working hard on schemes and programs such as Make in India, Ujjwala and the campaign to stop open defecation, the BJP leader noted.
"But they are all micro-economic measures. What the country needs is macro-economic policies and that we have not yet done. We will do it because we are facing some problem now, so serious thinking has begun," he added.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/48512.html
For a change why not he should be given responsibility of finance ministry
Tiger - 7 hours ago -Follow
This man is a clown who uses his mouth and not his brains. He is suggesting to abolish income tax. Fastest way to make government bankrupt.
Guest Trader - 10 hours ago -Follow
Ha ! These BJP farton cannot live without taking the names of Gandhi and Nehru;
Rickshaw Driver - 3 hours ago -Follow
Income Tax is necessary to combat Social Inequality, but it should cover only Upper Middle class and Rich.
Guest Trader - 11 hours ago -Follow
Arre BJP farton, India has already grown 15% - just tell niti ayog to come out with a statement that India has grown 15%. Bast katm.
Rod - Raipur - 3 hours ago -Follow
He wanted to be the FM of India since 1990 and build a fan following towards that mission.
Ravindran M - INDIA - 4 hours ago -Follow
Abolition of Income tax is a weird idea - Amount collected may be small but how will we compensate for it except by up indirect tax ---People will have more money in their hands but there is no guarantee they will spend it -They may save it in banks and keep it idle --- What we are being told is now is that there is no demand or spending --How do you create demand ?
Aditi Nometrics - Chevy Chase, MD - 12 hours ago -Follow
Capitalism will catapull India out of 3rd rate power to 1st rate power. SociLism/co sm will not take India anywhere. Business tax should be 0%. Reward Job creation and risk taker for innovation.
Bhagwati - 3 hours ago -Follow
hope Nirmala is listening to swamy??
paarth d - 10 hours ago -Follow
The finance ministry is a specialized role and requires someone with high qualifications, probably taught at a prestigious university and has had international experience. If we could bring in an expert on the NSA and Foreign Ministry why not do that for finance too. Sitharaman does not have the qualifications for the job. She was initially the spokesperson for the BJP.
Russ - Pune - 1 hour ago -Follow
swamy knows more than the current defence / finance minister.
Sony G - 3 hours ago -Follow
Samy..please shut your mouth and get lost. We dont want your nonsense and rubbish talk. If you can do some thing, then do it for India and talk. Otherwise you are a time waste.
Dham Patel - 3 hours ago -Follow
all bjp jokers are same..no clue just big mouths
Chandrahash Rushi - Pune - 1 hour ago -Follow
Shri Subramanyam Swami is a great economist & he need to replace Nirmala Sithraman
Russ - Pune - 1 hour ago -Follow
swamy is correct. that's all
Ajay kalloo - Patna - 11 hours ago
Swamy needs to learn basic math. If interest on loans and savings is same how will the bank survive. He has already objected on fee charged by banks
If no income tax, how will govt survive
Anand - 12 hours ago -Follow
black money was the heart of booming economy in india...with strict measures adopted by present govnmt...it has almost dispeared...halting the economic growth...once honesty sets in...there will be no looking back...govnmt should listen to swamy...
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