Do Indian women prefer fair-skinned men over dark men?
Interesting discussion. As for me, I love dark skinned men. I am a fair skinned lady and I cannot even think of being touched by a fair skinned guy. I don’t get aroused, nor stimulated. So I had two divorces - both were fair skinned guys; but their looks did not have anything to do with it. At the same time, we did not have great physical stuff. Now I am happily wed to a south indian dark man, and we are very attracted to each other. During my second divorce, I met a social scientist and a psychologist online. She told me that even in the animal kingdom, a female animal is subconsciously attracted to a dark male animal.
Theoretically, it is about day and night. During day, predators don’t come out. During night they come out. Even ghosts and paranormal activity happens during night. So right from the start all creatures are frightened and intimidated by the absence of light. Therefore, the absence of “light” is also “dark”. Dark is then synonymous with danger. Therefore woman find “dark” men dangerous. And this is a turn-on for them because they also find “dark” men as “protectors” because they are dangerous and fearless.
Over the years, because of evolution, the female species became the nurturer and the male species became the one who went out and fought for space, food, and social status. So the male was supposed to be “outside” the home, and the female was supposed to be “inside” the home. So someone who is constantly outside the home is under the Sun and looks dark and weathered. Someone who is constantly inside the home is lighter. Therefore “dark” men look “outdoorsy” and fair men look “indoorsy”.
Even evolution has made “dark” men stronger than “light skinned” men. “Dark” means more melanin content in the skin, and therefore more protection from the Sun, and it could equate to better health, better bone structure, stronger muscles. An example is African men, who are “dark and strong” and hence the stereotype or subconscious belief was established.
Therefore, for a woman, a “dark skinned man” is “outdoorsy”, “virile”, “energetic”, “healthy”, “strong”, “protector” and “macho”.
There could be some women who do prefer fair skin men. But this is very very rarely a biological preference. Nearly “All Women Biologically Prefer Dark Males” is what science has confirmed. So when would a woman prefer a fair skinned male? These are the cases:
1.The woman is intimidated by the virility, energy of a dark man, and she feels she could get over-possessive of him or too intense over him. It could also be that she might find dark men aggressive which might not complement her behavior, which too could be temperamental. So with such a preconceived notion, she prefers fair skinned men, who look harmless.
2.The woman wants to be the “dominant” person in the relationship. She feels at a disadvantage or perceives that she cannot be the dominant one in a relationship with a dark skinned man. So she goes for a fair skinned man.
3.Racial issues. Some women are hard-pressed to conserve racial lineage.
4.Lack of hormones. Some women lack the necessary hormones that makes a woman “womanly”. They could have a bit of both - lots of testosterone in addition to oestrogen. So due to a hormonal imbalance, they “think like men” and choose fair skinned males.
5.Exacting revenge on other men. Some women might have been in bad relationships with either fair skinned men or dark skinned men. They might have been dumped or hurt in previous relationships. So they want to subconsciously exact revenge on their previous partners by choosing men that might “make their previous partners jealous”.
6.Inexperience. Girls who have not had experiences such as intimate relationships with at least two men in their lives do not understand what they want. That is why you see young girls or young adults who are relatively inexperienced go for fair skinned men after watching movies that show fair skinned men as the heroes. But just ask “experienced” women whom they like? They have been with men, and now they understand what they want. All of them - at least 95% percent of them want a dark man.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
7.Accessorizing and shallowness. Women want to “show off” their men sometimes. So that their value increases in society. But internally they might not have any kind of attraction. But externally they want to show off and increase their own self worth in the society.
8.Wanting fair skinned children. In sub-continent countries, most parents struggle to marry-off their “dark skinned daughters.” So a woman entering into marriage does not want a dark skinned daughter to avoid such problems in the future. So she thinks marrying a fair skinned man can give her fair skinned children. But the truth is that genetically 90% of the human population inherit the skin tone from their mothers. I have four children and all are my skin tone!
I have lived in the US for a decade, and also places such as Romania, Hungary. I have seen more lesbians and bisexual women in these countries. The numbers are more in these countries than in countries where there are darker men. This is because when a woman is compelled to be attracted to fair skin men in such countries because there are not many dark skin men around, they have to stifle their inherent biological urges to be with dark men. They have to subconsciously mould their mind to be attracted to fair skin men because of unavailability of dark skin men. So whilst doing so, they become “less of women, and more of men”. That is why it is easy for them to become lesbians, and be attracted to other women.
My dad is an Indian from Gujarat and my mom is Irish. I have lived all around the world until I came to India. Right from an early age when I was in England and then when I went to South Africa, I have been in several relationships, but the most fulfilling ones were with the men who were intelligent, creative, honest - skin color hardly mattered. One of my exes was even an African black man. The darker they are, the more I am attracted to them. I saw a post that stated that Indian women don’t like the really dark ones. Actually in my opinion, the darker they are, the more manly they look. I personally like the dark ones.
In fact I think most women don’t even care about the skin color of the man. This kind of question does not make sense to a woman because a woman hardly thinks on physical lines like a man. A woman thinks emotionally, her feelings for the man is based on what he speaks, how he treats her etc.
So you might say why is that all the hot women have fair and handsome men as boyfriends or husbands. I feel it is because the fair skinned men approach women more than the darker ones, especially in India. I feel dark skin men in India are down in the south and they are either too busy to be at parties or already married! But in the west, if you notice, it is the black men that approach all the white women without a moment’s hesitation! And trust me - it’s a beautiful feeling when a really nice even skinned dusky dark man with a nice smile approaches a woman!
I personally prefer guys that are a little dark. The look of fair guys doesn't appeal to me much. The skin color doesn't matter much if the guy is well groomed and behaves nicely. I'm more attracted to people from south than from north.
Now if we see popular men
I find these guys hotter
Than them:
Girls like guys who take care of themselves and are physically attracted to them quickly. This does not mean that the guys who don't take care of themselves are looked down upon but we are not that easily attracted to them.
P.S: This is my personal opinion and others opinion can differ.
Honestly, I find darker shades much more hot, to the extend that I have a thing for it, sexually. My fantasies are full of them. Especially South Indian and Bengali men.
This isn't directly related to the question but since you mentioned India's obsession with fair skin, I've met a lot of people who think I would choose a fair skinned guy because I am fair skinned too, some think that I "should". These are same set of people for whom marriage isn't a relationship but of love but more like give and take.
Have you ever heard of tall dark handsome? There were lots of fair skinned guys in my school and college but none attracted me. Sure, they look good but sexually I am not attracted to them.
Whenever I see a confident dark handsome guy with a dashing smile, I go weak between my legs. Yes, the brown skin is precious. It is synonymous with sexness. I am going anonymous because lots of my friends are on quora and I don't want to get trolled by them lol.
Bottomline :
I will only marry a brown skinned guy because I am so very attracted to them. Brown skin is sexness y’all. I myself is brown skinned.
Rohit Vaidya
both black skin and white skin are good i will tell you why.
first of all black is color of energy ,strength, power hence black men and women are energetic and strong
and white color symbolises purity and peace thats why white people are seen as good and sweet
so both are good
thare is no superior and inferior in this its just diffrent qualities
indian girl here, most girls I know have a strong preference for fair skin.Most don’t admit it openly but they definitely do have a strong preference.
When it comes for marriage most indian women I know don’t take looks as criteria, because that’s not what creates a healthy relationship .But when it comes to dating and one night stands you go for your instincts.
For example I know a girl from a liberal hindu family who went after a Kashmiri muslim guy.The guy was an islammist, he even said on many occasions that women who don’t cover up are asking for it.But still he was very attractive fair skin light brown eyes my friend immediately fell for him.She eventually converted to islam at marriage.
Indian women prefer fair skinned men. It is just a preference like how Indian men prefer fair skinned women over dark ones. You shouldn't be whining about that because you are dark and want a fair skin girl. U don't prefer dark skinned woman.(you may reply "no, I like dark skinned women more blah blah blah"). If you don't want dark skinned woman why should women want dark skinned guy like is all tit for ta
Cath Queen
I absolutely love semi dark skin tone on men. Especially those who mixed race ( half Brits and African cause they look hot as f and the accent kills me) and exotic features (like green, hazel or blue eyes and jaws). Tall and average muscles are fine with me. But the man should cook cause there's nothing as delicious as a half naked man cooking with an apron on him.
Nakul Singh, Area Manager (2018-present)
No thats not the case first of all majority of i dian men are dusky not dark some are dark some are fair okay . my best friend is dark good looking guy he never faced difficulty attracting women some features are essential for guys attractivness they are
1 Long height 6 feet best height if you have you wont find difficulty attracting women
2 Jawline
3 Muscular build
4 Status
5 Money
6 Thick hairs on head
7 Clean skin
8 Good maxllar bones
9 small eyes with canthal tilt
10 Large robust skull
11 compact midface
12 Strong brow ridges
13 See europeon white men are preferred not because of pale skin colour but because of their facial bone structure and long height with light eyes many white men are tanned also who looks very good
14 High cheekbones
15 Low bodyfat .
9 丹凤眼
I am fairskinned with blue eyes i didn’t get any favours from society nor girls give me any extra attention so its just a misconception okay good looking man can be of any skin he should be masculine. I only got relationship with teo girls in college and i made the move but my friend a dusky complexoned a kind of tanned with light eyes git proposals from girls okay so shed this fear out of your mind yaa. See i am telling truth that fair skin guys has no edge over dusky guys i am fair skinned you can see in my dP and with blue eyes .
And remember There is a saying Tall , Dark handsome not tall fair and handsome thats the bullshit brand promoted by bollywood but yes fairness matters in girls
Personal Views based on my experience
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