

 5-6% GDP growth is not terrible: JP Morgan chairman Jamie Dimon



NEW DELHI: JP Morgan chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, one of the most powerful American corporate leaders, on Monday said GDP growth numbers in and India were “not terrible”, suggesting the slowdown should not cause excessive pessimism.

新德里消息: 摩根大通董事长兼CEO杰米•戴蒙周一表示,和印度的GDP增速“并不糟糕”,暗示人们不应对经济放缓感到过度悲观。戴蒙是美国最有权势的企业领袖之一。

Amid a slowdown, governments – from the US to India – have called for deep interest rate reduction, causing friction with central banks.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/48645.html 译者:Jessica.Wu


Indian Abroad

Politics aside, 5% at the time of global slowdown and tariff war is certainly not bad at all.



Sanjoy Pandey - Kolkata

All said and done, Government of India is taking steps to improve the GDP growth to a much higher level.



Jaswinder - 4 hours ago -Follow

Even God can't save. Why don't we say even 1-2% is not terrible.



Shaji - 5 hours ago -Follow

Actually GDP growth is not more than 1-2% . That''s the only way to explain Bank credit growth of only 9%. If GDP had been growing at 5%, Bank credit should have been growing at 14%. Government data is farzi.



Web - 3 hours ago -Follow

Maha Scamgress Bhakt will never digest this.



Nviya - INDIA - 5 hours ago -Follow

Congis and commies will not digest this..... Either they will say he is a paid agent or he doesn't know what the actual figures are!!!!!!



Nanda - Hyderabad - 4 hours ago -Follow

Well...2% for US means huge..but 6% is low for us



Ravindran M - INDIA - 4 hours ago -Follow

May be, but it has descended from 7 to 5 and this is what is the cause for worry



Herro,drup - 2 hours ago -Follow

Soon even negative growth will be appreciated and lauded by bhaktas.



Manu Mitra - 2 hours ago -Follow

Growth is dependent on the base figure. When a child becomes 3 years old from 2 years the growth is 50%, bot ehen a person becomes 51 from 50,, the growth is 2%. Therfore develo countries cannot comapre thier GDP growth rate with the advanced countries. P. remember had double digit growth fpr 2 decades, to reach where they are today. We have to reach that kind of growth.



Dr Vidyadhar Yellutla - Bangalore - 1 hour ago -Follow

ManmohanSingh GDP growth rate as a Finance Minister(1991–1996) source(world bank data)

1990 - 5.5%

1991 - 1.1%

1992 - 5.5%

1993 - 4.8%

1994 - 6.7%

1995 - 7.6%

1996 - 7.5%

GDP growth

1990 - 320.979 billion $

1991 - 270.105 billion $

1992 - 288.208 billion $

1993 - 279.296 billion $

1994 - 327.276 billion $

1995 - 360.282 billion $

1996 - 392.897 billion $

Arun Jaitly

2013 - 1.857 trillion $(Damaad hasta laghavam)(13 th position)

2014 - 2.039 trillion $(Modi effect)

2015 - 2.104 trillion $

2016 - 2.290 trillion $

2017 - 2.653 trillion $

2018 - 2.726 trillion $(7th position)


1990 - 5.5%

1991 - 1.1%

1992 - 5.5%

1993 - 4.8%

1994 - 6.7%

1995 - 7.6%

1996 - 7.5%


1990 - 3209.79亿美元

1991 - 2701.05亿美元

1992 - 2882.08亿美元

1993 - 2792.96亿美元

1994 - 3272.76亿美元

1995 - 3602.82亿美元

1996 - 3928.97亿美元


2013 - 1.857万亿美元(第13位)

2014 - 2.039万亿美元(莫迪效应)

2015 - 2.104万亿美元

2016 - 2.290万亿美元

2017 - 2.653万亿美元

2018 - 2.726万亿美元(第7位)


Vish Patel - 2 hours ago -Follow

As per Modi''s new formula to calculate GDP always it shows 2.5% higher than the actual in India.



Kojak - 4 hours ago -Follow

growing at 6% means that it increases its GDP in dollar terms by the entire GDP of India every 3-4 years. Same goes for US at 4%. 6% is Not the same for India which should be competing at least with similarly developed Bangladesh.



SNAAATION - 1 hour ago -Follow

5 Trillion Dollor Economy was another Jumlaaa from Fekuuu...We are not reaching there with BJP uncivilized Goons running the show.



gaurav jain - 1 hour ago -Follow

the figure is not bad 5% is good but the problem is can we trust these numbers. now we have a proven history of government suppressing the data which is not favorable




Rewarding - 2 hours ago -Follow

it would not be terrible for US or Japan, but for India, it is...



Mohammed Saif - 1 hour ago -Follow

how much modi has paid jamie dimon to say this????



Mohini Madhukar - 1 hour ago -Follow

5% GDP growth is terrible for illiterates like Congress party .



Ashwani Kumar - 1 hour ago -Follow

5% growth may not terribel for developed or a massive economy like but it is definitely terrible for a develo country like India as its GDP/capita is very low.



Ainkya - 2 hours ago -Follow

India needs to be growing at 10% per year to even see a decrease in poverty.



rinkuu - 2 hours ago -Follow

economic slow down is clearly evident there is need to take steps to increase the demand in the economy



Bhavesh Shah - 21 mins ago -Follow

5% GDP growth is not bad at time of global slowdown. Government of India is taking step to increase growth at much higer level.



Harry Potter - 1 hour ago -Follow

congress now shut up the chamcha



Gaurav Khandelwal - 1 hour ago -Follow

Well done


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