

Why is India still so far behind despite being an independent country for much longer?




Kalidas C

The main reasons are as follows.

work hard. In a day, real contribution per day will be ten hours. Indians real contribution per day will be maxmum four hours. This affects per person contribution to Economy..

People living on free stuff should be far less than in India. This affects the Economy of India more negatively than .





Mohit Nair, Frustrated with Indian politics

This is because:

1.India is diversely populated with people from all faiths.

2.India is a de ocracy for no reason, and clever people here play with the loopholes in the country.

3.Indian politicians encourage this as it is a good way for them to gain power and warm money without development.






Rahman, studied at York University

is a bigger country with more resources and has managed to control it’s population growth. India has not.

Even though the sizes of the two countries are different, their populations are around the same size and India’s growth is not stop anytime soon



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/48756.html 译者:Joyceliu


Srinivasaraghavan Sridharan, lives in India

Independence is the key word. Independence to indulge in corruption, independence of people with criminal record getting elected, independence to define secularism to exclude minorities, independence economically affluent to enjoy the benefit of reservation in the name of caste, so many independences!



Chandra Shah, i am a post graduate..

India is still far behind because India is a de ocratic , mutilangual and muti religional country. So , In India , you cannot take speedy decisions like .



Warren Shafford, Self Employed (2008-present)

Russia needs as a ally so they helped them become what they are today.

America knows they are still far ahead of so does not fear so America helped economically and that helps America. But has grown enough and now America is a little worried about the future.




Siloo Kapadia, studied Education at India

 Our leaders can’t point to a place, snap their fingers, and forcefully develop it the way the leadership can.

Now as the world has awoken to ’s plans for global domination, it will be interesting to see how fast they continue to develop.




Oraf Moin, Proprietor at Hind National Exports (1992-present)

That's the difference between getting colonized by British vs Japanese. They both had different philosophies of colonization.

Japanese were looking to add more meat aka territory to their mainland's. So they mass industrialized their colonies. Let's take Korea. In Busan in 1943, local industry could produce Ki-43 military planes. India had that capacity only in the 80s. Factories in eastern all the way up to Manchu were building sophisticated arms, precision parts etc.

So Japanese always attempted to mass industrialize their colonies as Japan.

British had a different idea of colonization. They wanted their colonies to be export hubs for raw materials for British industry and to be import hubs for British produce. So British would actively discourage or halt attempts by locals to industrialize.

But Japanese would opine that the colonized land should merge with Japanese mainland culturally. British left u alone in this department







Sameer Thapa, studied at Management Development Institute

Your question is pertinent provided you are comparing two countries economic growths and its effects.

However, once you go beyond economics, you will realise that India is ahead on things.

Why India is lagging on economic growth as compared to .

India isn't homogeneous country, at least not to the extent of . It's diversity and its approach to manage it in a manner that the diversity is retained and not erased in the name of greater good. Indian's by nature is used to its diversity and try their best at the various levels of governance to accommodate it as much as possible.

Unlike , Indian's are not much fan of uniformity when it comes to culture and their identities. So, you can't have a single policy for all of India, so lot of exceptions have to be incorporated from the highest to the lowest levels. Thst means continuous and sustained interactions with all the stake holders. It results in a slowest possible progress from the policies formulation to arriving at an acceptable agreeable versions of the policies, at the highest level. Same goes while execution, invariably there would be something practical that was missed or not accounted for, further delaying the progress.

In short, India being a de ocracy means its diversities in all aspect's like, race, religion, ethnicity, language etc. needs to be accounted for and cannot be bulldozed by using state power. For eg. India has 22 national language and citizens have the right to ask any official documents in any of these 22 languages (this is just at the national level, not at the provincial levels).

So, India take time to decide but once decided the chances are that it truly reflects the will of a country.









Sreenath Mysore, former Volunteer Worker at Sri Aurobindo Ashram

No India is not behind but on par with it if you take all aspects of a nation. has focused on certain aspects and India on certain other aspects. On the chosen focus areas each country is ahead of the other.

Let me explain.

There are four aspects to any nation, political, military, economical and social. Progress on all these fronts is essential for the progress of a nation as a whole.

India has focused more on the political and social aspects first, only later when these two are more or less secured is bringing the other two aspects, economic and military into greater focus.

has focused more on military and economy

When it comes to defence and economy India is lagging behind and trying to catch up.

But India always conquers the world with its soft power. Hard power is only for defence.









Ekansh Mishra, btech Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering & Robotics, Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering

Well! there are lot of factors which makes india less developed than over a period of time:

1.Literacy Rate 

Till , 1980 the GDP and per capita income of india and was quite samilar but the literacy rate in is way more ahead than in India. has much more efficient and educated labour force than india that makes them manufacturing hub and exporter of cheap technology and products to the world.

2.Neighbouring countries

Yes! You heard it right. Neighbouring countries plays a vital rule in development of any country as there is more trade potential with them.

In case of they are lucky enough to have neighbours like Japan ,S.korea, Russia , Hongkong etc. to them export there raw materials like iron, food, coal , and other natural resources .

And in case of India they have underdeveloped neighbouring countries like Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar , Pakistan , Bangladesh etc. which does not have good trade potential and also India's trade relation with them is not very good.








4. Availability of Resources

tops almost every agricultural product production in world like they are number one in production of wheat , rice,tea ,apple,fish etc. and they also have huge reserves of iron, copper, coal, petroleum etc.

Although India is also a major producer of many products but it is way behind than . India exports almost 80% of its petroleum from other countries.

5. Change in type of market

is a manufacturing hub in the world and it is manufacturing driven economy and it also have impactful performance in other sectors .

But in India , it is service sector driven economy and it does not export too much it's GDP depends on self consumption by local peoples. Our 60% peoples are working in agricultural sector but the cardinal problem is that agriculture only contributes 20% to our GDP . If India want to grow faster it has to increase the income of farmers , agricultural production and by employing more people in manufacturing and service sector.








Lincoln Cheng (鄭博軒), BA Politics, King's College London (2020)

India’s past of abysmal economic policy

It seems India has only recently cracked the code for economic growth, with successive governments following independence producing abysmal economic policy that has resulted in slow and minimal growth up until now.

In fact, it was only in the early 1990s that India began to realise that its old ways of conducting business were untenable. At the time, India was in the throes of a debt crisis, the national budget deficit had inflated to a significant degree, while the country’s foreign exchange reserves could not keep up. Sensing a potentially dangerous collapse, the IMF stepped in and offered to alleviate the pressure (but with conditions attached). These conditions were recommended economic reforms for India to pursue in order to prevent another crisis. This led to India drastically reforming its economic legislation and diversifying its economic links. The economy was greatly liberalised as the Indian government of the time moved away from the more interventionist state-governed “licence raj” model, that had remained more or less unchanged since independence in 1947. As a result, the economy started to grow at a far greater pace.

Had this been done earlier, perhaps the Indian economy would be at a far better place than it is today.





Furthermore, foreign and economic policy initiatives such as: “Make in India” or the “Look/Act East” policy have both greatly contributed to India’s economic rise and human development. For example, the Look/Act East policy, first developed under ex PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, continued by his successor Manmohan Singh, and expanded by current incumbent Narendra Modi. Looked to the fast growing economies of ASEAN/South East Asia as potential economic development models to emulate. This was later built upon by the current PM Modi to increase both economic ties and general geopolitical presence/clout in the region.

“Make in India” on the other hand was Modi’s attempt to create new jobs and transform the Indian economy. Which is something absolutely essential given the country’s massive population. And Modi has made no secret about his plans to achieve this through reforms of the exsting labour law, which currently penalises employers for terminating employees’ contracts by making it an extremely hard process. Because of this employers tend to be hesitant to take on new labour, thus in spite of high levels of economic growth, unemployment rates still remain a vital issue and challenge to be overcome.

In addition to creating new jobs, “Make in India” was also designed as an attempt to push India along the road of becoming a manufacturing powerhouse. This is because, much like in the 20th century, India still remains a somewhat agrarian society, and this poses a huge barrier to growth. For example, as of 2016, 49% of the Indian labour force was working in the agricultural sector, but this 49% only produced around 13–14% of the nation’s GDP. Ultimately, this initiative comes with the realisation that diversification of the economy is needed for India to realise its true economic potential. With all these new far more lucid and practical economic policies currently being pursued by recent Indian governments, I personally remain optimistic of India’s future economic direction.




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