

Indian navy & Gulf


IT is unfair to draw lessons from the fate of a bankrupt Egypt in the 19th century and relate it to today’s economically vibrant Gulf states. Nevertheless one can detect a beep on the radar. In 1875, Britain purchased Khedive Ismail’s shares of the Suez Canal Company to become the majority shareholder — it already had its own shares.

从19世纪破败的埃及的命运中汲取教训,并将其与今天经济充满活力的海湾国家联系起来,这是不公平的。尽管如此,人们还是能在雷达上探测到哔哔的警示声。1875年,英国购买了Khedive Ismail持有的苏伊士运河公司的股份,成为其大股东——它已经拥有自己的股份。

The khedive’s reckless modernisation drive had made Egypt go broke. The loans he had secured from European powers, especially Britain and France, enabled the two, especially the former, to interfere in Egypt’s internal matters and tighten their economic stranglehold. The number of Europeans working in Egypt had gone up phenomenally. They were ubiquitous and were resented by Egyptians, especially army officers.


In 1880, there was a row between an Egyptian donkey cart boy and a European, and this led to a riot which killed a large number of people, including Europeans. While France was reluctant to act for reasons which do not concern us here, Britain used the opportunity to occupy Egypt. Thus, the Arab world’s most important country was to remain under British control till 1952 when Gamal Abdel Nasser and Mohammad Neguib overthrew the Albanian dynasty. The reader need not be told the moral of the story: the economic control of a country by a foreign power invariably leads to the former’s enslavement.

1880年,一个埃及驴车夫和一个欧洲人发生了争吵,导致了一场暴乱,造成了包括欧洲人在内的许多人死亡。法国不愿采取行动的原因这里就不再累述,而英国利用这个机会占领了埃及。因此,阿拉伯世界最重要的国家一直处于英国的控制之下,直到1952年Gamal Abdel Nasser和Mohammad Neguib推番了阿尔巴尼亚王朝。读者不需要知道这个故事的寓意:被外国势力控制的某国经济必然导致前者对后者的奴役。


Against this background, Pakistan must carefully watch the economic and geopolitical developments in Gulf sheikhdoms and be alert to overt and covert moves that may in the long run affect its security. The people of Pakistan have still not recovered from the shock received from some Arab countries’ reaction to India’s annexation of occupied Kashmir. Saudi Arabia was neutral, but the UAE felt no qualms about calling the Aug 5 annexation decree India’s ‘internal matter’.


Various interpretations have since then been given about why Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan’s government behaved the way it did. One explanation is obvious: trade between the Emirates and India is estimated at $100bn. To this must be added the crucial role Indian expatriates have played and will continue to do so in building the UAE economy and the extraordinary control they have come to exercise over business and finance in the sheikhdom.


The number of Indian nationals — nearly two million — constitutes 27pc of the Emirates’ population of 9.4m. Taken together, all Gulf states have an Indian population of 9m, and let’s be clear that in a given geopolitical turmoil this population could be an extraordinary asset to India to help New Delhi advance its interests.


K.M. Panikkar’s India and the Indian Ocean is a much-quoted book, for it gives a clear indication of what Indian strategists think of their country’s role in relation to Asia and the Middle East. The gist of the thesis is that India must step into British shoes and play the role Britain did in the geographical mass between Aden and Singapore. He argued that the Indian Ocean must “truly remain Indian”.


No wonder the ‘Persian Gulf’ finds repeated mention in the post-Panikkar era. Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee told a military conference in 2003 that India’s “strategic frontiers” had grown beyond South Asia and that India’s “security environment ranges from the Persian Gulf to Straits of Malacca”. Similarly, former Indian navy chief Arun Prakash said India’s “strategic relevance” ranges “from the Persian Gulf to the Strait of Malacca.”


It is doubtful if the Gulf nations are aware of India’s naval ambitions. For reasons of history and geography Arab nations (and Iran) look west and seldom bother about developments in the east. In their worldview, the Pakistan-India relationship is a minor issue — a nuisance — and does not deserve the attention we think it must. Twice this year, the UAE has stunned us. In February, it invited an Indian foreign minister to a conference of Islamic foreign ministers, and it termed the Aug 5 villainy India’s internal matter.


The Asian Arab world has virtually no navy, even though 80pc of oil ship passes through the Gulf of Hormuz. Pakistan has a vital interest in this crucial sea lane, and it is exactly for this reason that Gwadar port is an eyesore for many governments hostile to Pakistan.


The situation calls for Pakistan’s greater collaboration with Gulf navies in a manner that pre-empts any attempt by non-Gulf powers to penetrate what undoubtedly is Pakistan’s underbelly. Let Islamabad keep its eyes and ears open so as not get caught again by surprise. Bases are not begged for; bases are extorted or imposed. The host country has no choice but to follow the diktat of the economic hegemon. It is a pity that it is Pakistan that has to suffer because of the Arab ignorance of South Asian history.



译文来源:三泰虎      https://www.santaihu.com/48969.html     译者:Joyceliu


GLY Mendon

Same way as Gulf countries, if Pakistan pursues economic prosperity over religious tempo, Pakistan and world will b better place to live.




"the economic control of a country by a foreign power invariably leads to the former’s enslavement."

Can you think of better examples closer to home?





This is paranoia.



Dr. Kausar Talat

Excellent analysis confirming what innah has stated while visiting Egypt



skdking Indian

The learned author says in the article, 'The reader need not be told the moral of the story: the economic control of a country by a foreign power invariably leads to the former’s enslavement.'

He is warning against China?

No, he is cautioning Pakistan very rightly against Gulf states.

Pakistan should pay heed before it is too late.







we can have port but utilization of that port also requires the economy which we are declining. Those who have power rule the world




A very informative article




for that pakistan has to increase its navy by 4 times of now




India is not China who is forecefully taking other's sea resources and India is a global power, gulf knows it and wants to cooperate with India.



Chandra Shekhar

Regarding economic independence, kindly look inhouse first and ensure China is not the new Britain.




Another trumpet blowing self promoting author who feels Pakistan can protect the Arabs. Sad that the Arabs dont think so.




The Asian Arab world has virtually no navy,..... The situation calls for Pakistan’s greater collaboration with Gulf navies.... Is the writer reading his own articles before printing?




The first paragraph about economic subjugation by a foreign power is very relevant for Pakistan in the context of CPEC and China’s growing influence.



Telephone Man

Indians have been seafarers since prehistoric times.




First Pakistan has to become economically strong



Dr. Zunaid, uttar pradesh

It is a pity that it is Pakistan that has to suffer because of the Arab ignorance of South Asian history.






sour grapes!



Lost cause

Simple, they don't trust you. You made China sit in their lap by giving Gwadhar to them. Why repent now.




Except one country, gulf states see the picture clearly and have taken informed decisions based on reality and facts, unlike certain countries who live in denial, delusion and keep a false narrative going in spite of nobody in the world buying it. We saw this in the UN and ICJ.



Tariq Shah

Pakistan needs to redouble its efforts at making Gawadar and other ports highly successful. We should improve our education system, and encourage overseas Pakistanis to invest by insuring their investments are safe. We need to deal with Arabs not by diminishing our pride or dignity, but as a proud nation that deserves respect and gives respect. Unfortunately our petty leaders have been all too subservient to foreign interests over our own. We need not worry about India, lets worry about ourselves right now, we need to right our ship, its listing badly. Education, education and education is the need of the hour.




Arabian sea should remain AN ARABIAN and must not become Indian sea




Building a large and capable navy requires a large and capable economy, a ship-building industry and a maritime tradition. These are things that Arabs and Pakistanis lack.




good analysis of emerging naval challenges in the region.



Kunal, Gurgaon

Too late for Pakistan to catch up. India has already made deep inroads.




The same Egypyt logic is equally applicable to Pakistan's CPEC project..




The Author has a valid point but Pakistan currently many other major issues to worry....

And the Arab states are busy enjoying themselves...




Wadda Taya

it is well researched article, govt of Pakistan should keep an eye on India moves in the ocean.




India wants to rule the world.


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