Retired US Air Force general says China is 'building a navy in space' and he claims technology exsts that could transport humans anywhere in the world in an hour
A recently retired U.S. Air Force general has said that China is building a 'navy in space' and warned that America must act quickly to avoid losing in a new space race.
Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast, who retired from the Air Force in September, made the remarks in a speech last month at Hillsdale College in Michigan.
'They are building a navy in space, with the equivalent of battleships and destroyers, that will be able to maneuver and kill and communicate with dominance, and we are not,' Kwast said of China.
According to Kwast, China is develo 'nuclear thermal power propulsion systems' for space flight, technology that he says the U.S. is capable of develo but is not pursuing.
behind you, reading over your shoulder, United States, 5 days ago
Why do people think we're develo the Space Force? Clearly a threat exsts.
AOCis.aLegend, brooklyn, United States, 5 days ago
I believe him. I also believe that UFOs aren't extra terrestrial in origin but experimental aircrafts. The upper echelons of the military are far ahead technologically than the civilian sector. Also, like it or not, the US is NOT a sole superpower anymore. Ch1na is now an economic, technological, manufacturing and military superpower and Russ1a while not an economic and manufacturing superpower, surely is a military one.
yourdadsbathroom, Orange County, United States, 5 days ago
We need scientists, mathematicians and physicists not influencers and wannabe actors.
hundoblaster, Apoplectia, United States, 4 days ago
This isn't a joke we need to move fast.
Horace, Nicosia, Cyprus, 5 days ago
The chicoms have unlimited ambition and could soon have the resources available to match that ambition. That will not be good. We should stop buying so much of their stuff, of which 90% of it is junk anyway.
Paul Moffat, brandon, Canada, 5 days ago
Has anyone found out what the capability is, of a SECRET Chinese satellite mission to geosynchronous orbit? The launch was announced, and done (2019), but no payload details disclosed. Could this be an 'asset' to destroy or disable communications satellites if hostilities break out?
Newd, The news, United States, 5 days ago
Let's stop funding them then with open trade. Full trade embargo now!!
Markus13, Seattle, United States, 4 days ago
and people thought trump was crazy for starting up space's really forward thinking.
blazerman1993, lexngton, United States, 4 days ago
Its obvious whoever controls space will dominate the world.
hastdu, australian refugee prison, Nauru, 4 days ago
US military looking to get paid big.
MikeN, Peterborough, United Kingdom, 4 days ago
So, he is saying China's goals in space are exactly the same as the USA's, and frightened they may just achieve some of it it more quickly than the US.
Justa, Thought, United Kingdom, 4 days ago
The 'anywhere on earth in less than an hour' tech was probably thought up by Trump to stop him getting Cold Cheeseburgers'...Lol
kijiji, swo, Canada, 5 days ago
Theres got to be a few sci-fi movies from this. USA against China in battle for the moon? China will move quickly to take "the red planet" for co sm and USA moves to preserve a free and dem-atic Mars for all Martians? Star wars is over.
GW ex-pat, Atown, United Kingdom, 5 days ago
10,000 miles in an hour. What would be the G Forces involved in the acceleration/deceleration of such a trip? Could the human body tolerate such froces?
Thomas Grimes, glasgow, United Kingdom, 5 days ago
More Chinese junk then
Okey Dokey Smokey, Middle, United States, 5 days ago
Why navy? Because you float around in space like in the ocean? What an odd way to put it.
Delta26, Xanadu, United Kingdom, 5 days ago
Watching too much Star Trek
MensSana, Somewhere, United States, 5 days ago
Musk must be whispering in his ear.
The Old Timer, Raleigh, United States, 5 days ago
I say we need to see how far we can transport this guy in an hour.
Dr.Truth, Ft. Lauderdale, United States, 5 days ago
Sounds like Star Wars presented by Reagan.
yorkie, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 5 days ago
Ireland are trying to put a navvy in space.
Sycamore, Papamoa, New Zealand, 5 days ago
I don't fear China as much as i fear Russia.
Botbots, Chichester, United Kingdom, 5 days ago
Needs to see a doctor
purpletulips, Los Angeles now Los Homeless, United States, 5 days ago
More like cyber warfare. I don't think they can transport people to anywhere in the universe but the billionaire and trillionaires may have properties already in space.
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