View: Modi’s ‘thalinomics’ is a recipe for bad economy
Indian food, when done right, comes in a thali — a metal plate with half a dozen or more little bowls of vegetables, pickles, and so on. The word of the week in India is “thalinomics”: The government’s official survey of the Indian economy, published a few days ago, introduced the word to talk about how food was getting cheaper for people across the country. But it is now being used to talk about the government’s entire approach to the Indian economy — a little bit of this, a little bit of that, all mixed up together till you are unsure what you’re eating.
印度菜做好后,会装在一个 thali——金属浅盘里,里面有6份及以上的小碗蔬菜、泡菜等等。在印度,本周的关键词是“大盘菜经济学”(thalinomics):前些天公布的有关印度经济的官方调查引入了“大盘菜经济学”(thalinomics)一词,谈论印度各地的食品如何变得越来越便宜。但现在这个词被用于评价政府对印度经济的整体策略——这个来一点,那个来一点,一锅大杂烩,让你都不确定自己吃的是什么。
What works for food doesn’t quite work when it comes to economic policy. Every year at the end of January the Indian finance minister presents the federal budget, which is not just a statement of revenue and expenditure but also a guide to policy-making in the coming year. Given the intensity of India’s slowdown — six successive quarters of slowing growth, taking it down from almost 8% to 4.5%, a six-year low — all that Indian investors and consumers really wanted from their government at this point was some clarity. What is its plan? How does it intend to reverse the slowdown and raise India’s growth trajectory? By that standard, the only one that matters, the government’s budget — presented on Saturday — was a failure. It tried to do too much, and ended up serving a mismatched platter of competing flavors.
Some people hoped that the government would junk its fiscal targets and spend its way out of trouble — a bad idea, as I have argued earlier, albeit one that might have temporarily increased business confidence. Others prayed it would stick to its deficit reduction targets, in order to restore credibility to its battered reputation. In the end, the budget took a middle course — it allowed a fiscal slippage of 0.5% of GDP, to 3.5%. Not enough to be considered a real stimulus, but not quite enough to save ratings agencies from tut-tutting either. The finance minister claimed to be cutting middle-class taxes, but most taxpayers are unlikely to benefit from the budget’s changes. And the stock market — which fell 2.4% after the budget was presented — was dismayed that a tax on long-term capital gains stayed in place.
The government was similarly confused about trade. One section of the finance minister’s speech insisted that India must become part of the global value chains that are shifting slowly away from mainland ; but another, larger section was devoted to the sort of protectionist rhetoric we last heard in the socialist, isolationist 1970s. Tariffs were raised on a slew of products to protect Indian manufacturing. India continues to close itself off to trade when it should be opening up.
Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, likes to be seen as an economic reformer but his government’s instincts have revealed themselves as anything but reformist. What’s now clear is that it doesn’t have a coherent agenda, either. Moreover, Modi’s government has spent so much time talking up its own achievements that, when faced with a crisis, it can’t afford to acknowledge its mistakes and take any real corrective action.
The question for Indian investors now is: What could force the government to focus on the economy? The slowdown wasn’t enough. Voters seem to care more about social issues. Big business is so scared of the Indian state that it never speaks up. Buried in the budget numbers is one answer to investors’ questions about what will make the government move, albeit one that will dismay a lot of people: the bond market, and ratings agencies.
This is a pretty good idea. There’s no reason why Indians’ limited household savings should be the only ones raided by the government to fund its spending. Indian bureaucrats have always been sniffy about foreign capital, but they can no longer afford to put on airs. Yet depending on foreign capital to finance the deficit isn’t going be straightforward if the government keeps overspending. Moody’s Investors Service pointed out that “India’s general government debt is already significantly higher than the average for Baa-rated sovereigns”; the agency had shifted its outlook to negative late last year. So good news of a sort, I suppose: In deciding to depend upon global pools of capital, India’s government will be forced to listen to at least one group of people who care about growth and investment. It’s up to the bond markets now to do what nobody else has: Get Modi focused on the economy.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
Puthumbaka Raghu Kumar
Finance Ministry is in the hands of Psuedo economists and nothing better can be expected.
Raj Tillan
finance has be in the hands of trusted ones ...
Ashish Bagade
In addition to Thalieconomics, the government should consider increases in rents/house prices and utilities for any meaningful comparison.
Jaywant Nitturkar
This moron Mihir does not understand the life of ordinary man...for them inflation is their biggest enemy...instead of appreciating the fact that food plate has become more affordable, he is mocking...another stupid comment of his"Govt. living beyond its means..." The Deficit in America and most of the world is far higher than that of India...fact that he disingenuously forgot to mention,
this media group is BJP supporter
Good Article
Madhukar Malhotra
Think Mihir Sharma is a diehard socialist and not an open minded economist he is touted to be. India will shine after the dirt of communal and appeasement politics by previous governments is reversed and progress is the key word.
Raj Tillan
most economists are ideologues.
Russell Ian Duarte
Modi, Seetharaman, AShah and other clowns, when and where was the last time you ate a Veg and A non veg thali, can you be decent enough to order or treat us at your expense,,, of course its our money finally that you get as salary that u will pay.
莫迪,西沙拉曼, AShah和其他小丑,你们最后一次吃素食和非素食大盘菜是在什么时候、在哪儿,你们能坦荡地点餐,自己付账吗?当然了,最后论起来,那还是我们的钱,你领了工资,付了饭钱。
Raj Tillan
like it or not clowns are wearing crowns
70 years of Indian history government agenda is to built Ram Mandir. in this country we have single Virulogy lab in Pune only. any where the suspect of corona virus detected the samples goes to Pune and that cost 5 days extra due to transportation, every city does not have direct flight to pune.
Hemant Pisat
Yeshwant Sinha time BJP did good on economic fronts.
在Yeshwant Sinha时期,人民党在经济方面的表现很好。
Bijul Desai
HONESTLY ...i feel government is really confused and not sure of it's economic policies !! Once policy is announced there are multiple tweaking / Changes ..! As a common man Onion price /petrol / chopped rates on Fix deposit / PPF / LC ...hurts ..
老实说……我觉得政府真的很困惑,对自己的经济政策并不明确!!一旦政策公布,就会有多种震荡/改变!作为一位普通人,洋葱价格/汽油/固定存款利率大幅下调/ PPF / LC…都让百姓受伤。
Raj Tillan
confused so are the highly educated in western economics advisors.. US methods are not apt like veggies can not handle BAT pickles.
Rajesh T
slow down today is the long term effect of demonetisation
Raj Tillan
Nehruvian fabian socialist economy with intrusive regulation and financial terrorism on semi literate entrepreneurs
Mihir,I hope you have passport ready. Modi is narcissistic-insecure man with agenda of vengeance.He is not known for humility or intelligence.
Raj Tillan
UK is offering good opportunities to Indian investors and advisors
Ramesh Shah
Biju Pols
Modi is uneducated but loaded with Jumlas .. His 18000 paid coolies are defending him in the social media. Modi loot the common man to pay to his coolies
No any state government in India is interested in Public Transport system in the bigger cities. Public transport should be encouraged and that will have bigger impact of reducing road accidents and environmental pollution, less road maintenance etc. but neither the center nor any state Government work for public betterment all are in the politics for their family gain, land grabbing and amass of wealth for their kin.
You must be educated from RSS school to come with such dumb ideas. Dumbos like you elected imbecile like Modi.
Raj Tillan
we should consult desi economists like Arun Shouri. Swamy, Gurumurthy, Shaktikant, K K kamath
我们应该咨询像Arun Shouri, Swamy, Gurumurthy, Shaktikant, K K kamath这样的经济学家。
Sudesh Prakash Yadav
Mihir Sharma has a doctorate in spreading negativity about Indian economy. He comes up with silly articles every second day. Epitomizes the paid media with a hidden agenda.
Feku maharaj has only jumla. No plans or vision for the economy and the country.
Gopalpk Krisanaswami
irrespective what govt plans indian economy is more driven by entrepreneur ship of our industry. As Rusi modi use to say if you can succeed in India you can succeed anywhere
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