

Why is a superpower and India just a competitor?



Mitu Kumar, Proud to be INDIAN, working for developed India

India is rising day by day. Though we have some internal problems as well as external ones, Indians will address it and will keep on rising on the path of development and innovation (not like copy cat people). India being largest de ocracy had given all the freedoms, liberty, etc. to its  citizens as fundamental right. India is on right path and we will one day become superpower(because INDIAN has all the traits of being a superpower).



John Smith

If decides it wants heavy industries, the ENTIRE resources of the nation are put into work to accomplish that, if it wants companies to manufacture cheap electronics & provides ship free world wide than guess what that’s gonna happen.



Prateek Jain, International Relations, Politics, History lover!

First we need to make question a bit more clear and then analyse the reason.


According to Oxford dictionary, Superpower: A very powerful and influential nation (used especially with reference to the US and the former Soviet Union when these were perceived as the two most powerful nations in the world).


Is a very powerful and influential nation(Superpower)?No.


is powerful but certainly not influential. In 21st century country’s superpower can be also divided as soft power and hard power.


Military strength, economic development and strategic importance comes under the umbrella of hard power.


Whereas cultural, linguistic,etc effect on world are termed as soft power.


When it comes to military strength, is undoubtedly one of the best and is giving competition to might of US and Russia.


But what is more important when we talk about influence on world is Soft Power. What is Soft Power is a different topic that I am going to leave in this answer. is not good in terms of Soft Power and cannot be said as Influential and thus not a Superpower.


Coming on to reason why is militarily, economically and strategically powerful.


If they want to build a highway connecting two major cities, they just have to take a pen and mark it on the map. The highway will be made where they have planned it.


But in India, you need to propose the plan, if it get accepted then provide compensation to farmer or land owner. If that land belongs to some minority then our politicians and actors are often seen protesting.


So a highway that should have completed in 6 months often takes 6 years


We are making slow but steady growth and a fast but often argued by economist as unstable growth.


India in two to three decades can become Superpower but till then we are good competitor to other develo and developed nations.



Vdhay Kumar N, Consultant at Oil and Gas Industry (2017-present)

isn't as powerful as you said


has relocated few million s to build shanghai


Over flooded markets with poor quality and second grade material.


Big army but less equipped. Their arms &ammunition are copy designs from west they are not fully tested for requirements. They may also fail.



Gurudutt Mallapur, Proud to be Bharatiya

First things first, is not a superpower (yet). At least not in the projecting of global military power that we see from US (on behalf of it's allies) or Russia to a lesser extent.


On the other hand is a superpower in terms of financial muscle which it's flexng away both in terms of business deals all over the globe and trying to buy it's way into every geopolitical pie in its "area of influence" and beyond. It also seems in a hurry to show the world, "Who's Boss".


India on the other hand has quite some way to go before we reach that kind of stage. But it's not as if we can't reach that stage and beyond. We just started later (around 20-30 years) and I hope we don't unnecessarily stop on the way. Though it's good to consolidate gains once in a while, so as not to overshoot due to haste.


I think India's idea of being a superpower is more refined and maturely measured. We're more aware of the dangers of growing too big and falling prey to one's own pride.


We should learn from the mistakes of the superpowers and wannabe superpowers and avoid them as far as possible.



Rahul Funde, Editor

I don't understand why are we so obsessed with the term superpower? Are we in 1945 when two powerful countries competed against each other and spent $10tn.


So according to your terms of being a superpower


We will have to send satellite in space, but hey we already have.

Nuclear weapons, we have that too.

Economy? We third largest economy in terms of PPP. most of the world is taking beating and we are moving ahead




1.Poverty reduction- 10 years back BPL index in India was somewhere around 30% now it's only 12.4 almost 2/3 of poverty reduction in a decade.

2.Employment? Unemployment rate in India is 3.8%. Which was 18% last census. 5/6th unemployment reduction.



What a country need in 21st century is soft power.


I would recommend you to watch Shashi Tharoor's TED talk to know more about soft power of a nation.

我建议你去看Shashi Tharoor的TED演讲,更多地了解一个国家的软实力。


Musaib Wani, Blogger at Musaibwani.blogspot.com (2016-present)

Its a reality that is a superpower and the second largest economy in the world .the main reason is the economic reform which carried out early mainly in the agricultural sector.also due to avalability of cheap labour it has become a hotspot for investment .as they say” THE AMERICAN DREAM IS MADE IN CHINA”.


always recently strong stand in blocking indias nsg bid .its adamant support for pakistan.


Acorrding to policy experts it is highly unlikely that india can leave behind (see dovals veiw on on youtube)



Sachin Sinha, blessed to be born and brought up in india

The concept of superpower has been very loosely used for far too long. What makes a nation a superpower and stand out against other countries. Is it just the military might, how many guns you have, how many fighter planes you can show off? The answer is no. The superpower status is accorded to states which have the largest footprint on other countries. This country figures in all the decisions taken by your country. In modern history there have been only a few countries which could be called superpower. UK, USA and USSR. doesn't feature on this list. Sure is first among the emerging power. It has a strong economy and a big military but it still doesn't have the footprint required to be a superpower. It is a regional hegemony and a wannabe superpower but not a superpower. Same is the case with India.



Anil Panchal,

Let's turn the table around as [Which is now struggling to maintain its status as a "Super Power", gained mainly through its "Power House" sector (Industrial production)]

India, on the other hand, isn't that miserable (even if the growth is likely to dip a bit in near-term) due to its diverse sources of income and not the sole concentration on Manufacturing.



Moreover, Indian work-force the backbone of India over may soon help the economy take over its dragon counterpart; however, we still lack some infrastructure development, which might take around a decade for Indians go ahead of .


Hence, terming India as a competitor is a RIGHT term but Its a STRONG competitor which will soon swipe the place with the world's second largest economy from 10th place where it is standing now



Anuj Narang, lives in India

And also, because has got the heart and brains to do something like this.



A first of its kind, Vertical Forest, with more than a 1000 trees which can give more than 60 kilograms of oxygen each day.


The thought is pure genius. A forest right in the middle of the city to control pollution. They could not find the space to build a normal forest. So they're building it vertically now.


Sheer brilliance by to fight pollution and Global warming. I hope we can learn something from this superpower


 译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/49550.html 译者:Joyceliu


Kishor Shah, Common Man

In absence of any philosophical standing it is difficult to accept that is a Super-power. USA was Super-Power for its philosophical alliance to Capitalism & Freedom

. Super power is formed with allies, broadly.

At the time has many friends but not the allies, as I see.




Rajendra Kumar, MBBS,MD Med, AIIMS,Delhi, IRS

in my view -. Since it got orders from US as outsourcing as cheap labor--its economy grew.


India is a de ocracy --it is going the steady way--soon shall overtake .Both have huge populations--so are taking advantage of the numbers.


However has been built on investment , infrastructure and manufacturing while India is yet getting awake.thats the sad part. In India those years have been lost to corruption in governance, politics.




Seriously?In one of the answers below you can see how Indians outperform in awards,IQ etc.Give opportunities to the deserved than reserved and avoid brain drain,let's see whether would even stand a chance



Mahesh Nagar, lives in Kota, Rajasthan, India

Reasons are given blow-

had double digit growth for 3 decades (1978 to 2008).

One child policy to slow down population growth.

Made in .







is not a superpower now.

India even is not a South Asia player. India has disputes in land or ideology or securities issues with all its neighbouring countries. 's radar is on U.S.

India's radar in on .




此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 为什么中国是超级大国,而印度只是竞争对手
