

If India becomes a superpower like , will it be criticized by the West?




Praveen Singh, A proud Indian living outside but heart where it should be!

Being a Proud Indian and staying in Taiwan, which also do not like , I would still say, is not that bad as it is projected by the West.

I meet many westerners and people from mainland too and can tell you that Still most of the westerners look India down whereas still share some kind of “Asian” bond with Indians, thanks to the same close family structure , being ruled and used by others etc.

Though there are border issues and other problems which are much complex for me to comment, but I think Asia should stop fighting among each other, if done, Asia is the next power. West knows it and that’s the reason they keep playing with sometimes backing India, Pakistan, Since is threatening their super-power status, they are with India as they know India is capable of countering supremacy in the region.

In India we love food and many love our Indian curries, We love Jacky Chan and here most of youth knows about 3 Idiots.

is just superb in sports, technology , they have good IQ, Hope they just have a better relation with their neighbors and create harmony in Asia.

I would love to see India and ruling the world.

It is the rising of Asia! Jai Hind!









T.A. Aadithya, lives in Rome, Italy

India is already being criticized by the west, isn't it??! We have a sexual violence problem that is rampant, yes but so does other countries, especially the west. I'm not diverting the problem. But the west seems to focus on indias rape problems rather than at home!! Isn't that hypocrisy??! A rape is a global plague that is threatening humanity, so shouldn't the world unite to stop it or at least minimise it, but no the west plays spoilsport. You can find several articles by the BBC which highlights India's rape culture. Because of a hundred of deranged rapists, millions of Indian men are being stereotyped as rapists, oh and did I mention that all these men are potential law Abiding people who respect women and care for their empowerment, but no BBC brands hindu culture a “rape culture”. By the way , they have forgot that we have 1.3 billion people and counting and crimes do go up when it comes to a huge population which is much larger than Europe combined.

Our space program frequently launches record satellites and probes to moon and Mars, but the program is being questioned by the west. Why is India spending when millions of its people are poor. Well did they know that the government spends 50 times the space budget on these people. India's health care system by the way gets 15 times the space budgets amount every year. But no we are diverting our attention , we must solve poverty first and then spend on military and economy.

印度已经被西方批判了,不是吗?我们有猖獗的性暴力问题,是的,但其他国家也是如此,尤其是西方国家。我并不是转移话题。但是西方似乎更关注印度的强奸问题,而不是自己国内!那不虚伪吗? ? !强奸是威胁人类的全球性灾难,所以世界难道不应该联合起来阻止这种罪行,或者至少将其降至最低吗?你可以在英国广播公司(BBC)找到好多强调印度强奸文化的文章。因为一百个精神错乱的强奸犯,数以百万计的印度男人都被定型为强奸犯,哦,我有没有提到过,这些男人都是潜在的守法的人,他们尊重女性,关心她们的权利,但没用,BBC就是简单粗暴地将印度文化定义为“强奸文化”。顺便说一下,他们忘记了我们有13亿人口,我们庞大的人口比欧洲众国加起来还要多,所以犯罪人数也确实比他们多。


And it is not just India, unveiled a magnificent high-speed system between and Shanghai back in 2011. 's high speed system has reached 22000 KMS in length, their airports put the rest of the world to shame, they have the world's largest highway system, the longest tunnels and the longest viaducts in the world. And yet an underdeveloped village is shown in BBC which by the way seems quite decent with a village road connected to an 8 lane expressway. End of rant.

The above points are not to berate or criticize the west but to let them know that humanity is the same , irrespective of race or ethnicity. Every nation has problems, India is probably one of the flawed nations on earth. It's messy on one side, but it is downright beautiful. As chaotic as it is, it works, hundreds of minorities and thousands of divisions and sub ethiniticities and India has still managed to hold together, can any other country claim as much. We have problems , but the millions of Indians look forward to solve them,they are making records. Same with the . Stop criticising and let us prosper. All your criticisms is not going to stop the two nations for whether you like it or not, they are going to resume their places before the pre industrial times as the world's largest economies.



As Napolean Bonaparte rightfully said “ Let sleep, for if she wakes she will shake the world ”.

As Mark Twain said “ India is the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history,the grandmother of legend and the great grandmother of tradition ”.

Note to the OP : India and are not as westernised as South Korea , Far from it. Westernised seems far-fetched, Americanized or globalised is the right world I feel. A lot of things which both countries like Hollywood and food comes from America and rarely from European countries.

You call ambitious, is not ambitious . It is aggressive but not at all like Uncle Sam who is on a whole new different level. The are also betting on softpower like India by building infrastructure over Africa and Asia. We must also start doing the same. India's softpower by the way is felt in by ‘Dangal’ which is now among the top 20 films in , expect a lot of Bollywood releases there. And and India must start collaborating more. could help build India's part of planned high speed rail system for it has become a leader in that tech. In return it can allow India's IT giants to invest in .





 译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/49557.html 译者:Joyceliu


Shubham Basu, Co-Founder at Biziga

Unlikely that India will ever be able to get ahead of , it will always be miles behind. This is not because India doesn't have talent and resources, it has plenty.

Second, India will not be criticized as a growing power because the west is primarily Democratic. India is their big ally in the East and will be forever so.




Vinod Dawda, Lived in Africa, India and Europe. Fascinated by the history

Does it really matter if west or rest criticise us if we are doing well?

That is really an expected human nature be it at an individual level or national level.

Indians have to draw upon its vast diversity and rich heritage while making strides with dignity and firmess. This in itself will give it an enviable identity which many would try to disrupt or may be doing so at this moment as we head in that direction.

The results are not for us to worry about.






Raj Singh, works at Software and Applications

It will take 100 years or more for India to get developed. Millions live below poverty. Why do you care to become superpower? Why do you care for west? Live simple life and care about your friends and family.



Sourabh Kumar, Read a lot on international affairs.

No I don't think so, because India's recent engagements with west is commendable, the manner in which Modi govt improve its ties with US is historical. US support for India's membership in NSG bid is an example that west has developed it's interest in kee good relations with India.

Modi reached out to every possible country in Europe which seems positive. And rather expansionist policy, India shown to the world it's liberal Constitutional Democratic power in resolving disputed issues.




Vishnu Nair, Read, Collect, Write, Learn, Repeat. Doing it for 30 years

Not likely but still West will try to be in hands with India. This is because of multiple reasons.

World view India as a humble country

India never attacked any country during the last 5000 years.

If India rises as a superpower, the worst of its threat will be from and Pakistan. Even the influence in the Srilankan soil will also cause a concern for India.

US will keep India as the close ally for controlling South East Asia. It is highly unlikely that they will get disturbed by India’s growth.

From the European perspective, almost all countries have high regard of India even though most of them have supreme trade relations with . If not under trade pressures, none of them will act against India or .

Overall India will never be criticized by west if it becomes a superpower like . I do accept that is a superpower and the workhorse of the world. India will be more threatened by its neighbors and its internal problems. Indian leaders need to work extremely well to keep the internal issues under control and also to bring an economic equality.










MFD answer: I am a . From what I read, according to a scholar who studies and works in Europe (France), India would never be as successful as . That scholar wrote: he asked his French colleague why the West always criticize , but not India? The answer he got was: of course India is a de ocracy, so we go easy on it, but, India will never be successful; it will never post a threat to us, so we just don’t care. (“Don’t tell anybody I said that, or I will deny it”, the French added)

So, my assumption is: Yes, India would get criticized by the West if it could become a superpower as is. At present, Indians’ perceived success in its diplomacy is more an illusion than a reality. We still remember how much was a favorite of the West/US when USSR was still in power.



此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 如果印度成为中国那样的超级大国,会受到西方的批评吗
