

 Why government thinks India has done better than other countries on Covid



NEW DELHI: India is doing far better than other countries on tackling Covid-19, government officials say citing data that shows the doubling rate of cases between 6000 and 12000 cases has slowed down to six days and both the infected rate and the death rate in India remains far less than compared globally.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi is said to have pointed out the same to his Cabinet colleagues at a meeting last evening and said that the lockdown so far had worked on the ground and a close vigil in the coming days could see India overcome the Covid crisis.


Sharing data that the government has analysed in comparison with foreign countries, officials said that India had tested more people when the figure of infected people reached 10,000 than the US or the UK at the same levels.


While India has tested about 2.17 lakh people when India hit 10,000 cases, the US and UK had only conducted 1.39 lakh and 1.13 lakh tests respectively. Italy conducted only 73000-odd tests when it hit the benchmark of 10,000 cases. Canada, however, did more tests at 10,000 infections level with 2.95 lakh tests.


Officials also said that while it took four days in India for cases to double from 750 to 1500 and again four days for cases to double from 1500 to 3000, it has taken six days for the number of cases to double from 6000 cases to 12000 cases. In comparison, in the US and Germany, it took two days for cases to double from 6000 to 12000 cases while it took three days in Italy and four days in the UK, France as well as Spain.


Also, India’s rate of infections so far is only nine per million while it stood at 267 per million worldwide and at 1946 in US, 3864 in Spain, 2732 in Italy, 2265 in France and 1451 in UK. Japan, which has performed well against COVID, reported 68 cases per million population, officials said as per the analysis by experts.


India’s death rate per million population also stands so far only at 0.3 while it is far higher worldwide at 17.3 while the figure stands at 86 in USA, 402 in Spain, 358 in Italy, 263 in France and 190 in the UK. Countries like Australia, Japan and South Korea have reported a low fatality rate of only 2, 1 and 4 respectively per million population.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/49756.html    译者:Jessica.Wu


Of course not to check



Jagdip Vaishnav

Because virus spread is limited, number of affected persons are not more in comparison to Population



Sanjeev Yadav

still we are in better position compare to the other country .




Lacking of infrastructure,limited resources and de ocratic nation with such a large population,India has done absolutely astonishing job, all the credit goes to government, first res ponders, medical fraternity, police and of course beloved Indian people by hel each other and having courage.




No wonder why a person like Modi is ruling India today.




One day the virus will vanish.. but the polarization & its hatred-fumes.. are more difficult to detox....?




Our huge population is a big issue. About one-third of people living here in jam-packed dense tiny cages - wherein testing is next to impossible despite high risks/vulnerability of such groups - already no. of cases in such pockets that have come to light.low compared to most advanced rich nations.. that has just delayed our virus charts.. not a time to be complacent - more testings



Jagdip Vaishnav

Number of affected persons are not significant in comparison to Population




If the low rate is on account of lockdown, we are afraid the lockdown cannot get lifted for months. If it is due to any other reason, including low level of testing, then it is fine.



Milind Sonawane

Immunity power in Indian people comparison to other countries is much more to fight corovirus, so the death proportion is less.



Mukesh Gupta

Pl discount the comments of any politician. We can never ever compare us with USA or Europe as corona is concerned. Our PM is nothing but a clown discount his speech. He is born in election mode. He has no idea of technicalities of testing etc.




Modi total incompetency is exposed in this crisis. His so called experience is limited to making speeches and putting a public display with no knowledge of any administrative tasks. He has put the livelihood of millions at risk by his mismanagement of this crisis. Perhaps next for the country, one should look at a better party to govern instead of trying to make one person.



Dominator Force

hahahaha. FEkuchand won't get lucky with COVID 19. India ranks poorly on testing and Anti Body rapid tests can give fake negative tests. The real tests are PCR tests that detect virus right into the blood stream. With 135 crore population just ovr 2 lakh tests are deplorable. Also, COVID 19 invaded India through Indians only who went on foreign shores unlike western nations which are infested with foreign tourist with lots of along with business visits. India should have done a lot better. Also, till the count of 9000 USA had 130 deaths compared to more than 200 deaths in India even when majority of India lives in villages with hardly any tourism out there..hahah.. MITRONNNNN..... ANDH BHAKTS r va...



Lps Kumar

It seems we are following the same path and with lockdown cases should have fallen by now drastically. What would happen once we remove lockdown. It's important lock down should be very strict. Though government is doing good, it's not enough. Same with people. It's not enough... We need to step up and improve as a single force.




Pankaj Singh

Compare Indian figure with Pakistan where medical facilities are poor, poor country no lockdown but have similar geography body and food are similar



Shivam Mittal

Govt is claiming to have conducted far more test than UK , USA when the patient count reached 10,000 but if we understand the actual scenario it is just that the patient count in U.K. , USA per test is more than India. You have clearly deviated from the fact that in India the number of test are far less than other countries.



Mohit Malhotra

Even if India test 1 lac people per day (which is next to impossible), it would take 37 years to test a population of 138 crore. Now do your maths.



Ramaswami Narayan

well if the nizamuddin assembling was not there things would have been far more better.



Raj Polapragada

unfortunately nothing to be proud of nor celebration. But definitely others have fared very bad. We certainly avoided disaster. It is a team work and automatically leader gets credit. who denies are jealous .



Ajay Luthra

God bless India...


外文: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/why-government-thinks-india-has-done-better-than-other-countries-on-covid/articleshow/75177814.cms

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