

What did do but India hasn't that brought a billion people out of poverty?




Nagarajan Srinivas, No less proud or less patriotic than any other Indian ;)

The best and the most sustainable model of poverty alleviation is to enable the economy of the Nation grow as a whole. Basically this is what was able to do, and India is still trying to do.

So, I just briefly sum up the points as to why could achieve economic growth, which in turn reduced poverty:



1 under Deng opened her economy by 1978, while India opened hers only around 1991.This way had a head start of almost a decade and more over India.

2 India, as a de ocracy always have to take all her population along, by balancing and reconciling the demands and aspirations of all segments of people. Obviously India could not have pushed her policies or programs so rapidly or rut-sly like .

3. forced a Single Child policy on her people, which made families have only one child. This certainly helped poverty reduction, because with less children to feed,clothe or educate, all households will be left with more income and purchasing power, and get over poverty levels. But the flip side of this policy has already started showing. In India also birth rates have started declining and reaching acceptable/ideal replacements levels, and more importantly this has been achieved without any pushing or prodding from the Government.The advantages of this is already showing in the so called Demographic Dividend now enjoyed by India.

Coming to the second part of the query, just like individuals,countries also come with their own sets of pros and cons, and each country tries to embark on poverty alleviation programs best suited for their conditions. What works for one country need not work for other countries, and even for the same country, what worked at one point of time may not work always.

It is also very difficult to describe or define poverty. There are many yardsticks and bench marks to measure the poverty levels of any population.

Similarly, poverty need not mean only economic poverty, and there can be many others, like emotional poverty, intellectual poverty,cultural or moral poverty etc.








Jefferson Yin

I know my answer might offend many Indians but isn’t it a discussion?

So please calm down.And I would only talk about means.

In general,India should change itself in the following aspects.

1.Give up some out of date religions like Caste.Free the minds of the poor,let them think twice.

2.Change the educational situation.Invest more money in the primary education rather than colleges.Indian colleges are good enough for their national situation.

3.Treat female better.Female could produce the same wealth as male.

4.Develop the primary industry.

5.Change the strategies.Not always ask for the best goods and just buy buy buy.India should try their best to make their own market feed their own industry.A bad example is India’s military industry.










William Lee, Grew up in , have studied and worked in west

Like it or not, to help the poor, you can’t let the poor talk.

Look around, in any country under aut-rian system with more or less market economy, poverty was greatly and quickly reduced.

Reason? simple, to help the poor, you shouldn’t GIVE money to the poor, instead, you should use the money to create the jobs with which the poor can EARN a better lives.

Therefore, on surface, activists fight for the poor, but in reality, activists doom any hope for the people in poverty.






George Tait Edwards, Student of Asian Economic Miracles

Q: What did do but India hasn't that brought a billion people out of poverty?

1 Broad Answer: has investigated, understood and practised the historical school of MMT Shimomuran-Wernerian macroeconomics and that understanding and practise brought a billion people out of poverty.

2 Discussion: After the Nixon-inspired - diplomacy of the early 1970s, when the delegation was visiting Tokyo to sign the -Japanese rapprochement on 29 September 1972, that delegation were quite astonished by the extent of the commercial and industrial development of Japan and Tokyo.  was then largely a peasant economy, and the comparison of Tokyo airport, Japan’s roads, buildings, and obvious prosperity of the Japanese people in 1972 with that of the , made that delegation utterly surprised and perhaps very envious. If Japan could grow from war devastation to industrial prosperity in a few decades, why couldn’t ?




2.1 Response to the Japanese Economic Miracle The delegation then reported back home about what they had seen. From 1973, ’s  sent delegation after delegation of cadres, economists, and scholars into Tokyo to discover precisely how the Japanese had grown so rapidly. The visiting begged their Japanese hosts to share with them the “secrets” of high Japanese economic growth.

2.2 Access to Japanese Economic understanding The were very insistent, and eventually encountered the writings of “Japan’s most influential post-war economist” - the Asian Keynes, otherwise known as Dr Osamu Shimomura (1910–89). See the Development Bank of Japan biography of Dr O Shimomura at

2.3 See my letter to Narendra Modi (who is meant to be an economist) at

India Could Become The Next Economic Miracle Country

2.1 代表团随后回国报告了他们所看到的日本经济奇迹。从1973年开始,派出一个又一个由干部、经济学家和学者组成的代表团前往东京,希望准确地了解日本是如何快速发展的。来访的恳求他们的日本东道主分享一下日本经济高速增长的“秘密”。

2.2 对日本经济的理解。非常有毅力,坚持不懈,最终遇到了“战后日本最具影响力的经济学家”——亚洲凯恩斯,也被称为Osamu Shimomura博士(1910 - 1989)。参见日本开发银行关于下村博士的传记。



3 People who do not know how to accelerate economic development - and that’s all the neoclassical Western Consensus “economists” - in my opinion do not have the right to call themselves by that description. Knowing a lot about mathematical economic theories based on invalid assumptions does not equip anyone to give good economic advice to a country, as the Bank of England has remarked.

3.1 See one of the the most relevant of my hundreds of internet articles, the one mentioning the master economist Kenneth Kenkichi Kurihara

4 Over-arching Conclusion The indian administration does not understand high-growth Shimomuran-Wernerian macroeconomics, does!

That’s not only an Indian failure, but also a Western one!

Article updated Friday 27 March 2020


在我的数百篇网络文章中,有一篇提到了经济学大师栗原健一(Kenneth Kenkichi Kurihara)





Narendra Patel

There are already a lot of good points which have been made so I will just focus on one thing which I think is a major factor in this disparity and which has not been touched on by the other answers.

used its own language to develop. This meant that almost everyone in the country could be engaged in the process of development, regardless of their educational or socio-economic level in society.

In contrast, India continues to insist on mandating English, even where it is entirely unnecessary for communication among people who share a common mother tongue. Discriminatory hiring based on English locks out the masses of poorly educated and low-socio economic citizens in India from participating in economic development. This creates problems at so many levels. Companies are not able to fill vacancies with suitable candidates, which restricts their ability to grow. Those that are hired have lower productivity and standards because they are being forced to work in a language with which they are not entirely comfortable. Most importantly, it means that the vast majority of Indians are not able to better themselves, which means they are unable to remedy their their poverty and lack of education and continue to be a drain on the national economy.

If Indian society took a different attitude to language, these people could engage in economic activities which would enable them to lift themselves out of poverty by seeking and creating employment in the same way the people have done.








Sourav Soumyajit Mohanty

Following are some of my viewpoints that could explain the reasons, though not thoroughly,but understandably with a clear insight for sure.


1.Precisely speaking itself isn’t out of poverty fully as yet,rather they are relatively more developed than India is. As a matter of fact is moreover around 2.5–3 times larger than India(comparing the areas of both the nations) but the population is nearly the same. That makes India a weaker economy in terms of per capita economic projection which in turn affects its position in international standings. India is currently standing at 140th and 133rd position among all the nations in per capita nominal GDP and per capita Purchasing Power Parity respectively whereas its positions in overall nominal GDP and Purchasing Power Parity are a staggering 10th and a spellbinding 3rd respectively. has adopted a number of re-ess approaches to put a break on its increasing population that India most likely hasn’t. That gives them an added advantage of a relatively more uniformly distributed population which utilises both natural and artificial resources in a better manner.


2. had a head start of some 50 years in its pursuit of warfare technologies & participations and economic projections for it was one of the allies who won the WWII and subsequently managed to acquire a permanent seat in the UN that India is bereft of so far. That shows the very reason why could attract much more investors which resulted the economic progressions.

3. might have focused on the core sectors more. As far as Index of Industrial Reform is concerned,India has scored an adjustable 37.90 in “core sectors’ contribution towards economy”,which needs to be improved soon. Over these years managed to utilize its coals,petroleum products,electricity and associated products successfully.

4.Scams and corruption are major obstacles on our way to excellence and economic improvisations. That needs to be watched out for.

5.  Indian economy has always been more or less concentrated on mixed economy, green economy and welfare economy.




5. 近年来,印度经济一直专心搞混合经济、绿色经济和福利经济。

译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/49779.html 译者:Joyceliu


Pritesh Sadani, Learning From My Mistakes!

I can provide you two reasons for your question:-

  1. Both of them formulated good policies regarding poverty eradication, but India wasn't able to implement them. Where as was spot on in this matter.
  2. India Has not been able to control population, Where in case of their one child policy made quiet an impact.


  1. 他们制定了关于消除贫困的良好政策,但印度未能实施。在这件事上完全正确。
  2. 印度一直无法控制人口,而的独生子女政策发挥了重要作用


Kishore Kumar, Oberving the nation wearing different perspectives

Economy works in a funny way. If you wanna develop economy then you must develop the social structure. The major such development made by the is the Barefoot doctors.

These are not traditional doctors but instead are farmers who got training in basic medication, first aid, birth control etc. They donot go through rigorous training of traditional doctors but only basic. They are called barefoot doctors because they work on barefoot in farms. It may be hard to believe but they actually improved the healthcare of the people. These healthy people were inturn responsible for the economic development of the country when specialized economic zones were setup.





Sorav Wagadre, works at Infosys

I think the biggest thing which did was One-child policy. A country can not, just can not remove poverty if its population keep on increasing with horrible exponential rate. Its true that India is making progress, but all the progress is waste because there are more number of people to consume those resources. Unfortunately, neither our government nor education system neither society thinks about this.

India can never beat or for that matter any sensible country who keeps its population in check. There is no value of life in India. And Its very Sad to say but India’s future is dark.. Deep Dark



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