



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/a-peep-into-the-mind-of-a-chinese-boy-part-2.html





It is strange, Chinese and Indians have a big difference about the 1962 war, Chinese think Indians are too ambitious, the Indian invade China and occupy a large piece of Chinese territory. China had to fight back, Mao even willing to give some China territory to India, but after India get our territory, India put forward and ask for more requirements, and rejected China's negotiation request. The 1962 war is called War of self-defense. I do not know which side is right, but it is true that China and India have the opposite point of view...


Hello iyanyang,
The wars occur because of difference of opinions and I am sure the politicians keep the people in the dark. No country will accept it's fault in starting the war, so talking about whose fault it was will be akin to starting another fight :). All that I can say is that in history you cannot find any instances of aggression by India. Ever since our exstence we have been invaded and our territory has been snatched from us. Nehru was a diffident man and he was pushing his five point peace plan for peaceful exstence with the neighbours. India did not have any reason to start war with China when we didn't even have roads in the Himalayas and our soldiers were so ill equipped that they went to war wearing canvas shoes. If Nehru was perpetrating war, he would have at least equipped his army



Hahaha iyangyang- Fifty years after the war, we are getting to know the Chinese part of the story and that too because of free exchange of information through internet and because chance has made us friends :) So let's accept the things as they are. These border issues are really complicated. I don't know what was MacMohn's interest in drawing a line on the map and what were the basis of drawing such lines. The disputed terrain is just a mass of frozen rocks. I think at least such places in the world should be marked as free zones as they can be of interest only to the mountaineers and explorers :)

哈哈,战后50年,我们了解了中国方面的说法,这要归功于互联网上的自由交流,我们有幸成为了朋友 :) 过去的事情就让它过去吧。边界问题非常复杂。我不知道麦克马洪怎么会有兴趣在地图上划一条线,他划线的根据是什么。存争议的领土只是些荒凉地区,应该将其设为自由进入的地区,毕竟只有登山家和探险家才会对这些地方有兴趣 :)


nevneet JI:

when I see the word Shimla and 1962, I know you put your hand into a hornet nest. just wait and see what will happen.



Hello Ocean,
I had written a long reply to you but sadly I lost it before I could save it. I am enjoying the comments. After reading so many of those from my learned readers, I think I am not fit to reply to their comments. Their passionate replies give me a feel of how touchy the Chinese are about this war which I am sure most of the Indians don't even remember. I am sure if you put any questions to the Indian children on this war in their exam, they will fail. Before this I never heard the views of any Chinese on this war. War happen because of a sequence of events, belligerence and rather inability of the politicians to resolve the issue through a sensible dialogue and as a result so many precious lives are lost.



Panda Warrior

I studied 1962 war in sparetime since 2008.Both China and Iindia told its own stories.Having read and analysed many materials from various sources,I agree with chinese government much more on 1962 war,though I know that chinese government has a lower credibility in genernal.
It is naive to take it for granted that Indian government is more truthful on every subject.




Hello Panda Warrior- You seem to have read a lot on the war that happened more than fifty years ago. In general the credibility of any government is low because they only tell half truths i.e. they tell only that part of the story that suits their interests. No government in it's right mind will say anything inimical to it's interests. All that I would like to say is that it was stupid of both the neighbours to go in to a war which proved nothing, caused huge loss of lives on both sides. I hope now sanity prevails and we can work together for mutually benefiting projects.




Eventually people specially responsible citizens should see that war does not bring anything more than tears, destruction and hatred. People should let go of past and start a new life everyday. Thinking about past creates blockages.

So best is that we should appreciate and admire the sentiment of a 10 year old child for you sailor uncle which is nothing but honest admiration.



Thanks Ashu,
How could I miss to reply to such a sensible comment. I was wondering why the count of my comments is 'odd', It should be even if I had replied to all the comments, Now that mystery is solved :)

我怎么会忘记回复如此理智的留言。我还在纳闷呢,怎么我的评论数是“奇数”,如果我回复了所有评论,那么应该是偶数啊。这个谜团现在揭开了 :)



you have talked about very controversial topics in very
nice way and that has given a glimpse of the psyche of a Chinese boy.
enjoyed ...



Thanks Sampath Ji- There was no point of raking up old issues and I had to tell that child how I felt and all what I knew about the unfortunate war.


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