译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:Let's Take You To Yinchuan
Mr. Huangkaisong has written to me from Yinchuan. He has sent to me a link from a Chinese site for the pictures of his beautiful place. He has also sent a link for an aerial video of Yinchuan. I was impressed by the video and I thought of exploring a little about Yinchuan to make a blog out of it for sharing my new gained knowledge with my fellow bloggers. He says that his city is among the top hundred cities of China.
With excerpts and help from Wikipedia:-
Yínchuān I’ve 'googled' and found out, is the capital of the Ningxa Hui Autonomous Region, It was the capital of former Western ia Empire of the Tanguts. It is a home to nearly two million people. The name of the city literally means "silver river"

The town has been in exstence since 1st Century BC. It was originally known as Fu and was in ian county. Its name was changed to Huaiyuan in the 6th century AD. After the fall of the Tang dynasty in 907, it was occupied by the Tangut i-ia dynasty and it remained the capital. After the destruction of the i-ia dynasty by the Mongols in 1227, it came under the rule of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty. Under the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911) dynasties, it was a prefecture of Ningxa. In 1928 the province of Ningxa was formed from part of Gansu and it became the capital city. In 1954, when Ningxa province was abolished, the city was put in Gansu province but with the establishment of the Ningxa Hui autonomous region in 1958, Yinchuan once again became the capital.

Yinchuan has always been the administrative and commercial centre. In the 1950s it had many commercial enterprises. There were some handicrafts units but no modern industry. The city has since then developed on all fronts. Extensive coal deposits discovered on the eastern bank of the Yellow River, near Shizuishan ( 100 Kms from here) have made Shizuishan a coal-mining centre.
However Yinchuan is still largely non-industrial. The immediate plains area, mainly irrigated by a system developed as long ago as the Han (206 BC–AD 220) and Tang (618–907) dynasties is very productive.

Yinchuan is the chief agricultural market and distribution centre for this area. It also deals in animal products from the herds tended by nomads in the surrounding grasslands.
It is a market for grain, rice and oil-extraction products. Wool mills thrive on the wool produced in the surrounding plains

Yinchuan is a centre for the Muslim (Hui) minority people, who constitute a third of the population. Yinchuan currently serves as a major trade route between Western cities such as Urumqi and the East.
It is sheltered from the deserts of Mongolia by the high ranges of the Helan Mountain to its west. The Yellow River runs through Yinchuan from southwest to northeast. Yinchuan has a desert climate.

The annual rainfall is less than 200mm. It is cold and windy but dry in winters. The spring is dust-laden and the summer, hot and somewhat humid.
The autumn lasts only for a short time. The average temperature between January and July varies between -8°C low to 24°C high, with the annual mean at 9.0 °C (48.2 °F).

The days are mostly sunny. There is said to be the probability of 63% sunshine during a month and there are 2,906 hours of bright sunshine annually. So for the tourists it can be an ideal destination but it is far deep in China.
I do not know about the travel restrictions for the foreigners for travelling deep in China but I look forward to seeing all the places where from I get warm invitations from the people who read my blogs.
The enthusiasm with which these people talk about their hometowns is overwhelming and it speaks volumes of their love for their country.

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