How did Chinese civil engineers have enough time to design the Wuhan emergency hospital building, given that it was built & finished within 9 days? What kind of advanced technology did China use to build with such amazing speed?
Abhijeet Oundhakar, Near 20 yrs in Structural engineering, design of structures
Let’s focus only on the technical challenges. For the civil/ structural engineer, the challenge is to design a large structure within a day at the very maxmum. This has to start with a very simple architecture. A box with a very standard grid layout.
The architect and engineer have to sit together and make these decisions immediately. The plan has to move ahead minute by minute. Column grid size frozen on the basis of bed layout. OK. Move ahead. Floor-to-floor height has to accommodate AC ducting, electrical, plumbing, oxygen and NO gas pipes, etc. as well as structural depth. Make it conservative. Add 1 foot for luck, because there’s no time to make any changes if someone needs a bigger duct.
The structural design also has to be conservative. Floor load of 3 kPa? Take 5 kPa and go ahead, again because there’s no way anyone can change anything if you find that a heavy load has to come up on a floor that’s already being precast.
While the architectural/ structural design is going on, the electrical, HVAC, plumbing, firefighting and other services are also doing their design, again conservatively and as simply as possible.
Hence, the secret is conservatism, over-design and simplicity. An emergency project isn’t the place for you to demonstrate how light and economical your design can be, nor for the architect to show off his flights of aesthetic fancy.
John White, Expert in most trades and technologies, ex EMT (1949-present)
They appear to be more like barracks or warehouses, probably prefabbed. I suspect they have minimal medical amenities, more like a clinic, since the majority of people who catch the virus will recover with just simple supportive care. Patients with serious complications would be moved to hospitals if at all possible. Impressive work on a tight timeline but these aren’t really equivalent to a conventional hospital. I hope this turns around soon for the people of China.
Paul Denlinger, Have lived in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken)
- The government has eminent domain so it can build anywhere it wants.
- The Party, which is the government, can immediately mobilize anyone. No ifs, ands or buts because it is a national emergency.
- Modular design.
- Modular prefab units.
Martin Sebastian
It's no way they designed that from the scratch overnight. I believe the Chinese already have a generic blueprint after the SARS. They only make adjustments here and there to fit the landscape and needs.
The buildings maybe simple, but the system is not. It's complex system requires study and field test. What connected to what, what should be strategically place at where, etc to maxmize services and quarantine. Electrical installation, air circulation, water pipelines, sewer system and many others that would be easily overlooked.
Robert M. Gross, Retired (2013-present)
It’s not unimpressive, but it’s by no means advanced technology. I worked on a contract 20 years ago for a US company that built, among other things, modular hospitals and could do it it that short a time.
Original: How did Chinese civil engineers have enough time to design the Wuhan emergency hospital building, given that it was built finished within 9 days? What kind of advanced technology did China use to build with such amazing speed?
Gong Cheng, studied at University of Washington
Given the fact that our ancestors built the great wall and terracotta army over 2000 years ago, it should come as a surprise that we can do hospitals as well after 2000 years learning. In 2003, when SARS attacked China, they designed and built a hospital on demand called iao Tang Shan. This time, they basically reused the same blue print which saved tons of time.
Mateus Mahumane, former Retired Engineer (1975-1990)
The building modules were already there as part of preparedness for any type of disaster. They will dismantle and keep them away for the next disaster, be it earthquake, floods, cyclone, war, etc. It is very costly but very handy.
Robert Jensen, Mushroom at Behind Enemy Lines (2005-present)
They have done this before with other diseases. They have lots of manpower
Tony Tan, former Self Employed Trader
Design and calculation all done by AI.
Ray Comeau, Interest in geopolitics
We should clarify that your question is somewhat an apples to oranges comparison. However that said let’s do some rough comparison.
What did / how did China build in Wuhan.
- A facility to accommodate 1,000 beds in typical sized hospital rooms to be treated for serious lung infections (pneumonia) from an infectious virus.
- A facility that intended to be temporary but could be used for several years if required.
- A facility on an open space piece of land in a major city.
- Structural plans for this type of facility is relatively standardized.
- Thousands of workers and suppliers working in shifts worked 24 hours a day
- The contractor was a highly experienced local company in a country that specializes in building infrastructure.
- The budget was not in question, neither was profits part of the picture.
- This was a situation of a national emergency
What construction benefitted from.
- Structural plans that applies a cookie cutter pre-fabrication approach to installation for the majority of the construction.
- Construction of a temporary facility.
- No local government interference to slow down construction.
- Scale and resources - thousands on workers on site 24/7, no shortage of construction equipment, no budget issues, well organized management.
- 结构计划,采用饼干模型切割刀预制安装的方法。
- 建设临时设施。
- 没有地方政府的干预来拖慢建设进度。
- 规模和资源——数千名工人24/7在现场忙碌,施工设备应有尽有,没有预算问题,组织管理水平很高。
What are things that impact the speed of building a hospital in the UK, US, Canada etc.
- Multiple levels of government involved in every phase of plan, location, budget, construction quality, design, inspections, building code and regulations, landscape, environmental regulations, utilities, parking lot, road access, signage, etc.
- Most hospitals in the West need to be relatively earthquake proof multi-story buildings that can still function during natural disasters, while responding to needs of patients with any medical need.
- 各级政府插手每一阶段的规划、选址、预算、施工质量、设计、检查、建筑规范和法规、景观、环境法规、公用事业、停车场、道路通道、路标等。
- 西方的大多数医院需要相对抗震的多层建筑,在自然灾害中仍能正常运转,同时满足病人的任何医疗需求。
Fida Choudhury, lives in The United Kingdom
I have worked on infrastructure projects in UK and overseas as a civil engineer. Let me add my perspective.
To start with, this is not a fair comparison. China is building a hospital in an emergency situation and there is no comparable recent project in UK. So let’s see how things are normally built in these countries. Let’s take an example of airport projects. The average time of building a brand new airport in China - 4yr. This duration includes design, compulsory purchase of land, appointment of contractors, construction, testing of operational readiness. The average time in UK to submit a planning application for an expansion of an airport is also 4yr. It will typically take another 1 or 2 yr for the planning consent to be granted before design work, construction etc can start.
So the question is how China can build so quick? The difference is not down to technology. Finding technichal solutions to civil engineering problems are easy and there is not many variations in the way one can design and build a building - no matter where it is.
It takes longer in UK, beacuse of non-technical issues. As a civil engineer, I am all for tearing down old structure and buidlign shiny one fast. But if you ask me, I will prefer UK ways all the time. Why? Compared to authoratiarian countires, UK projects give more considerations to commercial need, environment, cultural heritage, public health, climate change, rule of law and above all concerns from local communities. More often that not, these considerations do not align and it takes longer to find a solution that has the least oevrall impact and we end up with a compromise project that does not please anyone.
Some readers may find the above statement hard to believe, so let me give few examples and let them decide.
I was working on a project to reduce flooding in a major city in middle east. Client split the city in several areas and insturcted my team to rank them in terms of cost / benefit, so that construction works can be prioritised. We submitetd a list that showed a densely populated area of the city which was developed in an unplanned way without a proper drainage would benefit the most form a new system. Client revised the list and asked us to priorities an unbuilt area with excellent ocean view as this location was earmarked for royal princes to build their palaces. Although the palaces might not be built in next 10yrs, they get priority over thousands of poor people. Obviously laying pipes in an open field is much quicker. Moreover value for tax payers’ money or environment impact on marine life was no consideration as long as royal family was concerned. Do you want this to happen in UK as the norm?
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
I was working on a bridge project in an asian country. The impact on peoples’ livelihood was secondary to the construction. Client wanted a road and bridge alignement that was the shoetest, least expensive and quicker to build. When the design team was trying to minimise impact on local people, client thought they were joking. They were struggling to understand why a light manufacturing industry where 100s of people work needed to be avoided at additional cost to the proejct. Or why tenants on lands affetced needed to be paid compensation or even notice (“We paid the landowners, didn’t we? It is their duty to alert the tenants” or “People who are squatting on government own land do not have rights”). They just wanted to turn up with bulldozers backed up by armed police and started tearing down peoples’ homes! In UK, it take years to contact all affected people, justify compulsory purchase of lands, give adequate notice and relcoate peoples’ homes and businesses. Do you want these safeguards to be removed?
Some might claim UK planning regulations are over the top and improtant infrastructure projects should get priority over NIMBY (Not in my backyard) mentality. Believe me, many stop saying that when they are directly impacted.
How many UK residents will accept Even fewer will aet 24/7 working without any limit on noise, vibration, dust or number of construction traffic on local roads. Moreover, many construction activities can only be undertaken to avoid bird nesting, wildlife breeding season. Working around these limitations add months or years to construction projects.
As a civil engineer, I get frustrated by these delays, but I would not want them removed. These restrictions are there to protect people, and environment .
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